• 26 SEP 08

    #956: Scientists warn US Congress of cancer risk for cell phone use

    From Mark and Joanne: http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=080926011656.0kfws57m&show_article=1 Sep 25 09:17 PM US/Eastern The potential link between mobile telephones and brain cancer could be similar to the link between lung cancer and smoking — something tobacco companies took 50 years to recognize, according to US scientists’ warning. Scientists are currently split on the level of danger the biological

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    • 25 SEP 08

    #955: NCI on Cell Phone Health Risks

    From Louis Slesin: Robert Hoover, the director of the Epidemiology and Biostatistics Program in NCI’s Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, will testify tomorrow before a House subcommittee chaired by Rep. Dennis Kucinich, the former Democratic Presidential candidate, on “Tumors and Cell Phone Use: What the Science Says.” Yesterday, the NCI Cancer Bulletin presented a

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    • 24 SEP 08

    #954: View the US Congressional Hearing on Cell Phone Health Effects

    From Janet Newton: To view the hearing live on-line click on the link below. At the time of the hearing – 11:00 AM Thursday Sept. 25, 2008 – the title of the hearing – Tumors and Cell Phones Use: What the Science Says – will be in blue, and clicking on it will take you

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    • 24 SEP 08

    #953: Cell Phones and Cancer, Congress Wants Answers

    From Cindy Sage: http://abcnews.go.com/print?id=5864197 David Carpenter, MD is co-editor of the BioInitiative Report, and recently presented an overview of BioInitiative findings at the Radiation Research Trust Conference, at the Royal Society of London. Other BI Working Group members who attended and presented papers include Lennart Hardell (Sweden), Michael Kundi (Austria) Henry Lai (USA), Olle Johansson

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    • 23 SEP 08

    #952: Dr. Devra Davis on U.S. Coast-To-Coast Radio-Thursday, Sept 25

    From Libby Kelly: Dear Colleagues, Dr. Devra Davis will be interviewed about cell phone risks by Linda Moulton Howe (via rerecorded taped interview) on Coast-To-Coast radio this Thursday, September 25, 2008. The entire show runs from 12:00 pm to 2:00 am (US-pacific coast time.) but I do not know exactly what time this interview will

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    • 22 SEP 08

    #951: Comments re. last message from Lloyd Morgan

    Dear Colleague, While terrifying, this news is not surprising. Even before cellphone induced tumors would have occurred, childhood brain tumors were the leading cause of cancer death in children. An on-going Israeli study of children whose scalp ring-worm was “cured” by ionizing radiation found a dramatic increase in brain tumors induced by the radiation “cure”.

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    • 21 SEP 08

    #950: Mobile phone use ‘raises children’s risk of brain cancer fivefold’

    From Eileen O’Connor: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/mobile-phone-use-raises-childrens- risk-of-brain-cancer-fivefold-937005.html Independent on Sunday Alarming new research from Sweden on the effects of radiation raises fears that today’s youngsters face an epidemic of the disease in later life By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor Sunday, 21 September 2008 The Swedish research was reported this month at the first international conference on mobile

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    • 19 SEP 08

    #949: The First Congressional Hearings on Cell Phones in 15 Years

    From Louis Slesin, Microwave News: Congressman Dennis Kucinich will hold a hearing on cell phones and health in Washington next Thursday, September 25th. Among the witnesses will be Dr. Ronald Herberman of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute and Dr. David Carpenter of the Institute for Health and Environment in Albany. Plus, for those waiting

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    • 19 SEP 08

    #948: European Parliament Recommends Stricter Safety Limits for Cell Phones

    From Cindy Sage: European Parliament Recommends Stricter Safety Limits for Cell Phones Sep 18, 2008 13:12 ET ALBANY, NY–(Marketwire – September 18, 2008) – University at Albany, Institute for Health and the Environment – The European Parliament has voted 522 to 16 to recommend tighter safety standards for cell phones. In light of the growing

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    • 16 SEP 08

    #945: Australian neurosurgeon on brain tumours and cellphones

    From Stewart Fist: Dr Charles Teo is a middle-aged Australian-Chinese brain-surgeon, who is said to be the best in the country. During an interview with Andrew Denton on ABC TV last night ( program called “Enough Rope” he had this to say about cellphones and brain tumours: ANDREW DENTON: You also have great skill and

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    • 10 SEP 08

    #943: September issue of “EMR and Health” now available

    From EMR Australia: Dear All EMR may be contributing to serious health problems, including cancer and diabetes, by impacting on the body’s energy metabolising processes. In the September issue of “EMR and Health” we look at new evidence for the link between EMR and diabetes and how EMR may be contributing to a global increase

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    • 08 SEP 08

    #941: “Children sacrificed for mobilhype (Sweden)”

    Translated from the original (in Swedish): http://www.aftonbladet.se/debatt/article3256107.ab 20 international cancerläkare signed in May an appeal to children under the age of 12 years to completely abstain from their mobile phone. Since then, India and the Israeli government and authorities in Toronto recommended restrictions on children’s use of a mobile phone. But the Swedish authorities and

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    • 03 SEP 08

    #940: Another Interphone Brain Tumor Study: More Questions

    From Microwave News: Teams from five of the 13 Interphone countries have published a new study of brain tumors among cell phone users. They say that they did not find any increased risks. Others are not so sure. Read our latest report at: http://www.microwavenews.com Best, Louis Slesin __________________________________________________________ Louis Slesin, PhD Editor, Microwave News A

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    • 01 SEP 08

    #939:Cell phone tower opposition in new Zealand

    http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominionpost/ Dominion Post 30 August 2008 TOWERS OF BABBLE OPPOSITION to cellphone towers is nothing new. The latest example is in the sleepy beach community of Titahi Bay, north of Wellington, which awoke in angry protest when Telecom tried to build a cellphone tower in Tireti Rd this month. Telecom-owned company Chorus sent letters to

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    • 20 AUG 08

    #935: More young people at risk of getting brain cancer

    From Martin Weatherall Health @ AsiaOne http://health.asiaone.com/print/Health/News/Story/A1Story20080819-83040.html More young people at risk of getting brain cancer The cells of younger people are more vulnerable to toxins – and it could be due to increased usage of handphones. -myp Tue, Aug 19, 2008 BY: CALVIN YANG OUT of 13 brain-cancer patients seen by Dr Keith Goh

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    • 15 AUG 08

    #931: Another neurosurgeon links mobile phone use with brain tumours

    From Sylvie: http://www.todayonline.com/articles/270759.asp This story was printed from TODAYonline Radiation: Just how bad is it for us?? Doctor links mobile phone use to malignant tumours here, but other experts disagree Thursday “¢ August 14, 2008 Tan Hui Leng huileng@mediacorp.com.sg WELL-KNOWN neurosurgeon Keith Goh has seen an increase in the number of cases of malignant brain

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    • 13 AUG 08

    #928: More on “cellphone games” article (Message # 926)

    From Magda Havas: Letter to the Editor: Re: Article by Melinda Wenner on Cellphone Games, The Walrus, September 2008 http://walrusmagazine.com/articles/2008.09-health-cellphone-brain-tumour-melinda-wenner/ Melinda Wenner wrote an accurate account of what is happening with research on cell phones. She identifies the key players and how industry interferes with and tries to discredit reputable scientists. Even a two-fold increase

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    • 12 AUG 08

    #926: Cellphone [industry]Games

    Excellent article by Melinda Wenner, frequent contributor to Scientific American on cell phones and brain tumors. Posted by Cindy Sage to cheemf@lists.healthandenvironment.org Cellphone Games http://walrusmagazine.com/articles/2008.09-health-cellphone-brain-tumour-melinda-wenner/1/ Does radio frequency radiation pose a cancer risk? Researchers in the largest study to date won”™t say by Melinda Wenner illustration by Errol F. Richardson Published in the September 2008

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    • 05 AUG 08

    #925: Cell phone cancer risk debated with Henry Lai

    From Iris Atzmon: Cell phone cancer risk debated http://omega.twoday.net/stories/5102317/ http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/373306_cellfonoma02.html Last updated August 1, 2008 Henry Lai, a UW professor of bioengineering, has been warning of the potential health risks of cellular phones since the 1990s. Cell phone cancer risk debated UW researcher sees vindication By TOM PAULSON P-I REPORTER More than a decade ago,

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    • 05 AUG 08

    #924: More on Canadian government links with the wireless industry

    From Martin Weatherall Hi All After reading the Toronto Star Article ( http://www.thestar.com/printArticle/471613 ) which showed links between the Canadian Government and the Canadian Wireless Industry, you may find this story very interesting. It is a CBC documentary story from the Marketplace TV programe, which aired about five years ago. You will notice that the

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