• 24 MAY 08

    #891: BioInitiative’s Hardell Finds Evidence Linking Gliomas and Heavy Cell Phone Use

    From the EMR Policy Institute: News from Business Wire This news release was issued via BusinessWire.com. Go to www.BusinessWire.com for additional news – registration is free and quick! BioInitiative’s Hardell Finds Evidence Linking Gliomas and Heavy Cell Phone Use OREBRO, Sweden–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Dr. Lennart Hardell, MD, oncologist at the University Hospital, Orebro, Sweden, and an expert

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    • 20 MAY 08

    #890: Children’s cellphone exposure can exceed the SAR safety limits

    From Sylvie: Life Science Weekly 20 May 2008 Study findings from E. Conil et al broaden understanding of life sciences in children 2008 MAY 20 – (NewsRx.com) — Research findings, ‘Variability analysis of SAR from 20 MHz to 2.4 GHz for different adult and child models using finite-difference time-domain,’ are discussed in a new report.

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    • 19 MAY 08

    #889: More on cell phone use during pregnancy

    Comments from Cindy Sage: Mothers”™ cell phone use during pregnancy may cause behavioral problems in children. May 14, 2008 It would not be surprising that cell phone use by mothers-to-be can trigger inflammatory conditions leading to altered brain development in the fetus, which in turn might lead to behavioral disorders later in the child. The

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    • 19 MAY 08

    #888: Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregnant can seriously damage your baby

    From the May 18, 2008 Independent – a major newspaper in the UK. Read more context and comments from the researchers at: www.microwavenews.com http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-wellbeing/health-news/ warning-using-a-mobile-phone-while-pregnant-can-seriously-damage-your -baby-830352.html Independent.co.uk Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregnant can seriously damage your baby Study of 13,000 children exposes link between use of handsets and later behavioural problems By Geoffrey

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    • 16 MAY 08

    #886: Prenatal Exposure to Cell Phones

    From Microwave news: Dear Colleagues: It’s new and it’s provocative…. In fact, we have a hard time believing it. A U.S.-Danish team has just reported that a woman’s use of a cell phone during pregnancy can lead to behavioral changes in her children. Take a look at our latest post at: http://www.microwavenews.com Best, Louis Slesin

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    • 30 APR 08

    #881: RNCNIRP warning on children and mobile phone use

    Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection CHILDREN AND MOBILE PHONES: THE HEALTH OF THE FOLLOWING GENERATIONS IS IN DANGER Moscow, Russia 14 April 2008 For the first time in history, we face a situation when most children and teenagers in the world are continuously exposed to the potentially adverse influence of the electromagnetic fields

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    • 29 APR 08

    #880:Internet link for “Health Fears over Mobile Phones”

    The TodayTonight story, “Health Fears over Mobile Phones” is available for viewing on their web site under “Featured Videos” on the right hand side. Go to http://au.todaytonight.yahoo.com/home Don

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    • 29 APR 08

    #879: Microwave News on the Armstrong Admission

    From Microwave News: Dear Colleagues: Bruce Armstrong, the head Interphone researcher in Australia, believes that there may indeed be a brain tumor risk among those who have used a mobile phone for ten years or more. Take a look at our latest post at: http://www.microwavenews.com Best, Louis Slesin __________________________________________________________ Louis Slesin, PhD Editor, Microwave News

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    • 29 APR 08

    #878:Professor Bruce Armstrong admits to mobile phone hazards

    From Stewart Fist (with my comments): A high-rating Australian commercial network has tonight, run a segment of its major prime-time current affairs program which raises the question of mobile phone safety. The program is Today Tonight – shown at 7.30 pm on Channel 7 Monday 28 April 2008 The main interview was with Dr Bruce

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    • 24 APR 08

    #877: An Australian brain tumour story

    From Anonymous: Please read this powerful and gripping story of Enrico Grani, please feel free to post it on your websites or blogs, and please pass it along to your family and friends. The photos are on the attached documents! What’s More Important “” Your Cell Phone or Your Brain? Don’t Become Another Addicted Cell

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    • 20 APR 08

    #875: RNCNIRP warns on children and cell phones

    From Eileen O’Connor, Research Radiation Trust (UK): Handsets pose danger for children http://eng.cnews.ru/news/top/indexEn.shtml?2008/04/18/297775 April 18, 2008, Fri 6:20 PM Telecom Security Handsets pose danger for children and teen-agers, state experts of the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection having carried out experiments with animals of different age. The oncoming generation is recommended to reduce

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    • 11 APR 08

    #873: Message from Microwave News

    Dear Colleagues: We just posted a short comment on last week’s news suggesting that using a cell phone may be worse than smoking cigarettes. Take a look at: http://www.microwavenews.com Best, Louis __________________________________________________________ Louis Slesin, PhD Editor, Microwave News A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation Phone: +1 (212) 517-2800; Fax: +1 (212) 734-0316 E-mail: Internet: Mail: 155

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    • 28 MAR 08

    #872: Canberra Times: Mobiles may be a death sentence

    Canberra Times (Australia) http://canberra.yourguide.com.au/news/local/general/mobiles-may-be -death-sentence/1210628.html Thursday, 27 March 2008 Mobiles may be death sentence By Danielle Cronin Health Reporter Widespread, unchecked use of mobile telephones could potentially pose a greater threat to human health than asbestos or smoking, according to a Canberra neurosurgeon. Vini Khurana held a 14-month investigation into the link between heavy, long-term

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    • 09 MAR 08

    #868: Growing concern over safety of cellphones for children (France)

    From Sylvie in France: http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/03/07/business/mobile08.php Growing concern over safety of cellphones for children By Doreen Carvajal Published: March 7, 2008 PARIS: The MO1 beginner mobile phone is not as cuddly as a teddy bear, but manufacturers of the curvy, crimson and blue cellphone for 6-year-olds promise a similarly warm and fuzzy relationship. They boast about

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    • 01 MAR 08

    #866: Notice from EMR Australia

    The March issue of “EMR and Health” has now been published and is available from EMR Australia. This issue offers: * a concise summary of all the news, research and events relevant to EMR and health in the last three months; * findings of health problems near mobile phone base stations at one hundred thousandth

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    • 20 FEB 08

    #864:Recommended reading: Lloyd Morgan’s Cellphone Research Column

    The following is from Lloyd Morgan’s Cellphone Research Column on the Powerwatch site: http://www.powerwatch.org.uk/columns/morgan/index.asp. It is an excellent commentary on the current state of the science on the research, particularly the Interphone study. Selected exerpts from the site: My name is Lloyd Morgan. I am an electronic engineer by training, a Director of the Central

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    • 20 FEB 08

    #863:’Cancer link’ to heavy mobile use – BBC News

    From Martin Weatherall: BBC News website 18.02.2008 ‘Cancer link’ to heavy mobile use: Heavy mobile phone use may be linked to an increased risk of cancer of the salivary gland, a study suggests. Researchers looked at 500 Israelis who had developed the condition and compared their mobile phone usage with 1,300 healthy controls. Those who

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    • 20 FEB 08

    #862: More bad news for DECT phone users

    After cancer warnings on mobiles, could your home phone be putting your health in danger? By TESSA THOMAS – 18th February 2008 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/health/healthmain.html?in_ article_id=515970&in_page_id=1774 Like many of us, David Dean enjoyed the freedom a digital cordless phone gave him to walk about the house while on calls. Then the 44-year-old company director from Wimbledon started

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    • 16 FEB 08

    #861:Japanese Interphone Results & Finnish Cell Phone Experiment

    From Louis Slesin, Editor of Microwave News: Dear Colleagues: Last week, the Interphone results from Japan were published and the press welcomed them as a sign that cell phones are safe. Much of that may have been due to a press release from Cancer Research UK, a charitable organization. It stated that “Studies have shown

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    • 14 FEB 08

    #860: Comments on message #858:Lowered sperm quality:

    From Alfonso Balmori: Very probably, like you say, the bisphenol-A is acting in the deterioration of the quality of the sperm in human for several decades. However the more abrupt deterioration of the quality of the sperm has taken place in the last years: In Spain more than a third (36%) of the procedures of

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