• 29 OCT 06

    #577: BBC News: Heavy mobile use ‘damages sperm’

    The weblog version of this message is at: #577: BBC News: Heavy mobile use ‘damages sperm’ Heavy mobile use ‘damages sperm’ http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/6079782.stm Experts are calling for further research into the effect of mobiles on fertility Heavy use of mobile phones may damage men’s fertility, a study has suggested. Researchers found those men who used a

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    • 27 OCT 06

    #575: Radio interview on cell phone health issues

    The weblog version of this message is at: #575: Radio interview on cell phone health issues Notice from Libby Kelly: Blake Levitt, Martin Blank. Jerry Phillips and I did a radio interview with a Pacifica FM radio station out of Washington DC on Tuesday. Here is the online audio version. It is broken up as

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    • 24 SEP 06

    #557: UK Health warning on mobile use by 91% of preteens

    The weblog version of this message is at: #557: UK Health warning on mobile use by 91% of preteens The Evening Standard (London) September 19, 2006 Tuesday Health warning on mobile use by 91% of preteens BYLINE: MARK PRIGG PARENTS were warned today about the dangers of giving their children a mobile phone. As a

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    • 09 SEP 06

    #548: EC opens public consultation on the protection of minors using mobile phones

    The weblog version of this message is at: #548: EC opens public consultation on the protection of minors using mobile phones Message sent by the Research Radiation Trust (UK): The following information is from Dr Gerd Oberfeld is important, please participate. Brussels, 25 July 2006 Commission opens public consultation on the protection of minors using

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    • 03 JUL 06

    #509: Commentary on limitations of the Interphone study

    The weblog version of this message is at: #509: Commentary on limitations of the Interphone study From Lloyd Morgan: Commentary: Cellular Phones, Cordless Phones, and the Risks of Glioma and Meningioma (Interphone Study Group, Germany) Schüz et al., American Journal of Epidemiology Advance Access published January 27, 2006 This study, similar to all Interphone studies

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    • 29 JUN 06

    #502: Funding the Italian cell phone study

    The weblog version of this message is at: #500: Are cell phones addictive? From David Bücher [re: last message] Dear Don, “Perhaps someone should inquire as to who funded this study”¦”¦” Easily done, see http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/abstract/112660876/ABSTRACT The Acknowledgements section from the full text article: “The research was granted by Telecom Italia Mobile (project EC7305) and Associazione

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    • 28 JUN 06

    #501: The Spin Begins: Reporting the Italian cell phone study

    The weblog version of this message is at: http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/index.php?p=501 Iris Atzmon send this story on. Note where the Italian researchers apparently suggest cell phone use “could possibly help if you suffer from migraines or other neurological disorders”. Helpful news for people troubled by headaches after using the cell phone. Why such bizarre statements from researchers

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    • 28 JUN 06

    #500: Are cell phones addictive?

    The weblog version of this message is at: http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/index.php?p=500 Following is a message from Sarah Dacre in the UK commenting on the last message “Cell phone signals excite brain”: Hi Don, Just briefly, and as an ES UK based person attempting to get my life back together after being struck down last year with ME

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    • 27 JUN 06

    # 499: Cell phone signals excite brain

    The weblog version of this message is at: http ://www.emfacts.com/weblog/index.php?p=499 Following on from the last message (#498) about the research by Professor Con Stough, from the Brain Sciences Institute at Melbourne’s Swinburne University, below is the latest from Italy, also finding an effect on brain function from cell phone use. This time finding that microwaves

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    • 22 JUN 06

    #498: Mobiles: are they doing you harm?

    The weblog version of this message is at: http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/index.php?p=498 On tonight’s A Current Affair a very good story was aired about the recent Australian research by Professor Con Stough, from the Brain Sciences Institute at Melbourne’s Swinburne University. Hopefully a complete transcript will soon be available but a brief summary is on the ACA web

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    • 16 JUN 06

    #491: Consumer Groups Warn Public of Cell Phone Industry Tactics

    From Milt Bowling: UPDATE: Consumer Groups Warn Public of Cell Phone Industry Tactics; Aronstein Statement, AARP New York State Director 6/15/2006 4:28:00 PM To: State Desk Contact: David Irwin, 518-447-6723; Bill Ferris, 518-447-6712 NEW YORK, June 15 /U.S. Newswire/ — Following is a statement by Lois Aronstein, AARP New York state director: The cell phone

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    • 12 JUN 06

    Disney: Cashing in on getting kids connected

    Disney Phone Service Has Parents in Mind The New York Times By LAURA M. HOLSON Published: April 5, 2006 LOS ANGELES, April 4 “” With the help of the Walt Disney Company, parents can make sure it’s still a small world for their children, at least when it comes to their cellphone use. On Wednesday,

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    • 31 MAY 06

    NYC Mayor Bloomberg bans cell phones in schools

    From Sage Associates: Students, Parents Call For End To School Cell Phone Ban NY1 News May 30, 2006 Weather: Hazy & Humid, High 86 Top News “¢ NY1 Living May 08, 2006 The debate over whether cell phones should be banned from public schools is not over. Students, parents and school officials who are trying

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    • 27 MAY 06

    Radio interview with Milt Bowling FYI

    Here is the URL for a May 24th radio interview with Milt Bowling from the Clean Energy Foundation in Canada on the health impacts of EMR. It is well worth a listen! The url for the Clean Energy Foundation is: http ://www.cleanenergycanada.com>www.cleanenergycanada.com Don

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    • 17 MAY 06

    # 466: Santa Cruz preschool closes citing cell tower radiation

    http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/archive/2006/May/12/local/stories/01local.htm Santa Cruz preschool closes citing cell tower radiation By ROGER SIDEMAN SENTINEL STAFF WRITERSANTA CRUZ A new Westside elementary school is closing its doors following plans by First Congregational Church to install three cell-phone transmitters next door atop its 80-foot steeple. Una Familia, the private school at 900 High St. that serves 25 kindergarten

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    • 14 MAY 06

    Microwave News on RMIT

    From Microwave News: Dear Colleagues: A brain tumor cluster in Melbourne, Australia, is under investigation. Some are blaming mobile phone towers, while some are worried about exposures to other types of EMFs. Still others say it is all a sad coincidence. We have posted a short item on our Web site, http://www.microwavenews.com We encourage you

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    • 14 MAY 06

    Addition to last message

    An additional comment from Paul Doyon has been added to the last message. See: Important comments on the RMIT cell tower case Don

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    • 14 MAY 06

    Important comments on the RMIT cell tower case

    Following a message I sent out on the bioelectromagnetics list on the RMIT building controversy, several comments were posted that are quite relevant to the case and dispute the understanding that being directly underneath a cellphone antenna facility means the RF/MW levels are minimal. As one technician said to me just yesterday: “If you have

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    • 27 APR 06

    The Science of RFR Health Risks

    From Olle Johansson FYI: Yet another splendid interview by Layna Berman at “Your Own Health and Fitness”, KPFA FM, San Francisco Bay Area, is now on-line for one week: Tuesday, April 25th “The Science of RFR Health Risks — Olle Johansson, PhD, associate professor at the Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm,

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    • 26 APR 06

    ABC on Australian cell phone research: A case of sloppy journalism

    In reporting the latest on Australian cell phone research, journalist Alex Wilde from the ABC made an error in giving the impression that Professor Con Stough stated: Mobile phones were once thought to have a carcinogenic effect, but an international consensus found no support for this argument. I found it surprising that Professor Stough would

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