• 13 DEC 05

    EMF influences on depression

    Following is an article from irishhealth.com reported by Sylvie in France about an Austalian study! I have not heard about this study but here is what the Irish are saying about it. While we are on the topic, about a year ago I had the opportunity to ask Yuri Grigoriev, chairman of the Russian National

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    • 29 NOV 05

    Teddy bear mobile ‘puts 4-year-olds at risk from radiation’

    Teddy bear mobile ‘puts 4-year-olds at risk from radiation’ By Nic Fleming, Medical Correspondent (Filed: 29/11/2005) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/11/ 29/nfone29.xml&sSheet=/portal/2005/11/29/ixportal.html A teddy bear-shaped mobile phone aimed at children as young as four was launched yesterday. Article supplied by Sylvie The new Teddyfone “˜is a response to clear demand in the market”™ The manufacturers of the Teddyfone claimed

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    • 23 NOV 05

    Correction to Olle Johansson’s notice

    For some reason the link to the Canadian TV programs that Olle provided did not come out fully on my message. The full url is: v2/decouverte/niveau2_5587.shtml It’s the same site as given by Louis Slesin. Don

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    • 23 NOV 05

    Microwave News on Canadian TV programmes

    Dear Colleagues: Radio (TV) Canada’s news program “Decouverte” [Discovery] broadcast a two-part news show on EMFs last Sunday (Nov.20) evening. You can watch both shows on Radio Canada’s Web site: http://radio-canada.ca/actualite/v2/decouverte/niveau2_5587.shtml# The first part is on cell phones and kids and their risk of developing acoustic neuromas and brain tumors. Also cited is the University

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    • 22 NOV 05

    Russian precautionary actions and children’s use of cellphones

    It is interesting to compare the following message from Russia to the last one sent out on this list. The researchers at the Australian Centre for Radiofrequency Bioeffects Research (ACRBR) conducting that 3 year study on kids and cell phone use should be talking to these guys! In fact there should be some direct collaboration

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    • 22 NOV 05

    Three years to see if mobiles hurt kids

    In the USA last year, The EPA came under fire because of its proposed “Children”™s Environmental Exposure Research Study” (CHEERS) that proposed exposing children to household chemicals that are known to be toxic to see the health effects on the kids over a two year span. I believe that proposal was finally cancelled due to

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    • 21 NOV 05

    Canada Health Official Warns Consumers to Limit Cell Phone Use

    From mast-victims.org: Sounding Circle: Canada Health Official Warns Consumers to Limit Cell Phone Use http://soundingcircle.com/newslog2.php/__show_article/_a000195-000804.htm Canada Health Official Warns Consumers to Limit Cell Phone USe 0 comments 16 Jul 2005 @ 06:32, by Raymond Powers Canada Health Official Warns Consumers to “Limit Cell Phone Use” Especially by Children The Toronto Star July 12, 2005 Limit

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    • 03 NOV 05

    Cell phone class action cases to proceed

    From Milt Bowling: “The insurance industry is watching this closely.” Canadian underwriter.ca: Canada’s Insurance and Risk Magazine Wireless phone companies deal with radiation-related cases 10/31/2005 Five class-action lawsuits, originally introduced and dismissed in 2004, against wireless telephone companies over radiation emissions will be able to go forward, after the U.S. Supreme Court U.S. Supreme Court

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    • 02 NOV 05

    Cellphone manufacturers loose a High Court case

    From Agnes Ingvarsdottir: Ericsson and Nokia loose a High Court case in USA “” Class action ahead? The Mobile telephone manufactures did not succeed with their Stop-proposal at the American High Court. The Mobile phone manufacturers wanted to put a stop for consumers being able to take out court summons Against them related to health

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    • 31 OCT 05

    New Telco enters the market: Walt Disney!

    ALL I can say about this is, how low can these Bastards go? Don http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2095-1849029,00.html The Sunday Times – Business The Sunday Times October 30, 2005 Disney courts controversy with move into UK mobile market Paul Durman THE Walt Disney Company has started to recruit executives for the possible launch of a mobile-phone company next

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