• 12 NOV 15

    Melbourne Lecture: The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation… Presented by Dr Devra Davis

    This lecture is proudly presented by the Melbourne School of Engineering, in partnership with the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, the Faculty of Science and the Melbourne Networked Society Institute, at the University of Melbourne.

    Dean’s Lecture Invitation

    The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation: what we know, what we need to find out, and what you can do now
    Presented by Dr Devra Davis

    Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, and Visiting Professor of Medicine at Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey

    Monday 30 November, 6:00-7.00pm
    (refreshments from 5:30pm)
    Carrillo Gantner Theatre, Basement
    761 Swanston Street, Parkville
    Register via link below

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    • 11 NOV 15

    New paper on children and mobile technology

    Exposure and Use of Mobile Media Devices by Young Children
    Hilda K. Kabali, MD, Matilde M. Irigoyen, MD, Rosemary Nunez-Davis, DO, MPH, Jennifer G. Budacki, DO, Sweta H. Mohanty, MD,Kristin P. Leister, MD, Robert L. Bonner, Jr, MD

    PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 6, December 2015

    abstract (conclusions)

    Young children in an urban, low-income, minority community had almost universal exposure to mobile devices, and most had their own device by age 4. The patterns of use suggest early adoption, frequent and independent use, and media multitasking. Studies are urgently needed to update recommendations for families and providers on the use of mobile media by young children.

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    • 20 AUG 15

    IEMFA notice: Ex-WHO General-Director: Wireless Technology Has Negative Health Effects.

    From the IEMFA, 20 August 2015:

    Ex-WHO General-Director and Ex-Prime Minister of Norway: Wireless Technology Has Negative Health Effects. There Is No Doubt.

    On Friday the 14th of August 2015, retired WHO General-Director and Prime Minister of Norway, Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, was interviewed by the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten*. One of the issues raised in the interview was her current thoughts on wireless radiation. Her statement was crystal clear.

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    • 13 JUN 15

    Melbourne doctor fears link between mobile phone use and brain cancer

    From Stop Smart Meters Australia:


    Melbourne doctor fears link between mobile phone use and brain cancer
    Posted on June 13, 2015 by Stop Smart Meters Australia

    A leading Melbourne doctor is blaming mobile phones for an escalation in brain cancer.

    Dr John Tickell has fought his own cancer battle and claims radiation is the link.

    He says it should be a wake up call for anyone who uses a mobile phone.

    Dr Tickell was a on a flight from Sydney to Melbourne when he suffered a seizure. A subsequent brain scan revealed five tumours; one was the size of a golf ball.

    “It’s maybe the scariest words you’ll ever hear, ‘you have brain cancer’,” Dr Tickell said.

    Now in remission, Dr Tickell believes radiation is a significant contributing factor to the increasing rate in brain tumours.


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    • 17 MAY 15

    City of Berkeley to require cellphone sellers to warn of possible radiation risks

    From Joel Modskowitz

    City of Berkeley to require cellphone sellers to warn of possible radiation risks

    Lawmakers vote to highlight the potential dangers of keeping devices close to the body as scientists raise raft of concerns, especially for children

    Anita Chabria, The Guardian, May 16, 2015
    Berkeley lawmakers voted this week to require cellphone retailers to provide customers with a notice on the potential health hazards of carrying their device too close to their bodies, making the progressive California city the first in the nation to have wireless warnings if the law is allowed to go into effect in July.

    “It’s an important right-to-know issue,” said Berkeley mayor Tom Bates, who voted in favor of the measure. “It’s really just a note of caution.”

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    • 12 MAY 15

    Scientists Appeal to U.N. to Protect Humans & Wildlife from EMF & Wireless Technology


    International Scientists Appeal to U.N. to Protect Humans and Wildlife from Electromagnetic Fields and Wireless Technology
    WHO’s conflicting stance on risk needs strengthening, says 190 scientists

    New York, NY, May 11, 2015 (Business Wire) — Today 190 scientists from 39 nations submitted an appeal to the United Nations, UN member states and the World Health Organization (WHO) requesting they adopt more protective exposure guidelines for electromagnetic fields (EMF) and wireless technology in the face of increasing evidence of risk. These exposures are a rapidly growing form of environmental pollution worldwide.

    The “International EMF Scientist Appeal” asks the Secretary General and UN affiliated bodies to encourage precautionary measures, to limit EMF exposures, and to educate the public about health risks, particularly to children and pregnant women.

    The Appeal highlights WHO’s conflicting positions about EMF risk. WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classified Radiofrequency radiation as a Group 2B “Possible Carcinogen” in 2011, and Extremely Low Frequency fields in 2001. Nonetheless, WHO continues to ignore its own agency’s recommendations and favors guidelines recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). These guidelines, developed by a self-selected group of industry insiders, have long been criticized as non-protective.

    The Appeal calls on the UN to strengthen its advisories on EMF risk for humans and to assess the potential impact on wildlife and other living organisms under the auspices of the UN Environmental Programme, in line with the science demonstrating risk, thereby resolving this inconsistency.

    Martin Blank, PhD, of Columbia University, says, “International exposure guidelines for electromagnetic fields must be strengthened to reflect the reality of their impact on our bodies, especially on our DNA. The time to deal with the harmful biological and health effects is long overdue. We must reduce exposure by establishing more protective guidelines.”

    Joel Moskowitz, PhD, of University of California, Berkeley, says, “ICNIRP guidelines set exposure standards for high-intensity, short-term, tissue-heating thresholds. These do not protect us from the low-intensity, chronic exposures common today. Scientists signing the Appeal request that the UN and member nations protect the global human population and wildlife from EMF exposures.”

    International EMF Scientist Appeal: EMFscientist.org

    Video Statement (3 min.) by Spokesperson Martin Blank, PhD: EMFscientist.org


    Elizabeth Kelley, MA, Director Joel Moskowitz, PhD
    EMFscientist.org School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley
    info@EMFscientist.org jmm@berkeley.edu

    Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director
    Center for Family and Community Health
    School of Public Health
    University of California, Berkeley

    Electromagnetic Radiation Safety

    Website: http://www.saferemr.com
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SaferEMR
    News Releases: http://pressroom.prlog.org/jmm716/
    Twitter: @berkeleyprc

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    • 06 MAY 15

    Carrie Bickmore on Brain Cancer: A must see

    Why is brain cancer research on causes underfunded in Australia?

    The other night on Australia’s TV Logie Awards the Gold Logie winner was Carrie Bickmore, a presenter on the TV news program The Project. For her speech she departed from the usual and instead, spoke about the incidence of brain cancer and said it was ludicrous that so little research was going into the disease.

    This is a must- see video!

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    • 21 MAR 15

    Precaution Nixed at the NY Times (Microwave News)

    From Louis Slesin, Editor, Microwave News:

    The New York Times went into damage control mode yesterday after Nick Bilton, a tech columnist and a rising star at the newspaper, suggested that precaution is the best approach to the use of cell phones and wearable electronics.
    No sooner had Bilton’s column hit print that Margaret Sullivan, the Times’ Public Editor, chastised him for his naive analysis. Sullivan targeted the lack of “sophisticated evaluation of serious research.”

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    • 07 MAR 15

    New paper: Tumor promotion by exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields below exposure limits for humans

    From Science Direct

    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications

    Available online 6 March 2015

    Researchers: Prof. Dr. Alexander Lerchla, Melanie Klosea, Karen Grotea,Adalbert F.X. Wilhelmb, Oliver Spathmannc, Thomas Fiedlerc, Joachim Streckertc, Volkert Hansenc, Markus Clemensc


    The vast majority of in vitro and in vivo studies did not find cancerogenic effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF), i.e. emitted by mobile phones and base stations. Previously published results from a pilot study with carcinogen-treated mice, however, suggested tumor-promoting effects of RF-EMF (Tillmann et al., 2010). We have performed a replication study using higher numbers of animals per group and including two additional exposure levels (0 (sham), 0.04, 0.4 and 2 W/kg SAR). We could confirm and extend the originally reported findings. Numbers of tumors of the lungs and livers in exposed animals were significantly higher than in sham-exposed controls. In addition, lymphomas were also found to be significantly elevated by exposure. A clear dose-response effect is absent. We hypothesize that these tumor-promoting effects may be caused by metabolic changes due to exposure. SNIP

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    • 13 FEB 15

    Recommended!: The GameChanger: revision of dosimetry by Schmid & Kuster (Dariusz Leszczynski

    From Dariusz Leszczynski:


    In the spring of 1999, while I was still working as an Assistant Professor at the Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts General Hospital, I took part in the planning meeting of the EU REFLEX Project. At that time I was virtually unknown in the area of cell phone radiation research and for the invitation to join REFLEX project I need to thank Bernard Veyret, whom I meet once, at the radiation meeting in Capri.

    Two persons, one present and one absent from the REFLEX meeting, impacted heavily on the direction of the research executed by my group at STUK.

    The present person was Mays Swicord of Motorola, who was invited by Franz Adlkofer, to be coordinator of the REFLEX project, to provide advice. It was Mays Swicord who got visibly agitated and outright dismissed my pilot results that I presented at this meeting. In his opinion it was wrong to use high SAR even if exposure system had water cooling to keep temperature of the endothelial cell culture at 37 + 0.2-0.3oC.

    The results that I presented showed dramatic changes in protein expression in human endothelial cell line EA.hy926 exposed at 10.0 SAR. Mays Swicord said, very authoritatively that what we did was wrong, even if the temperature was controlled.

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