• 27 NOV 22

    ORSAA’s new publication is a comment on the ARPANSA 2021 paper

    Latest ORSAA paper: Comment on “5G mobile networks and health-a state-of-the-science review of the research into low-level RF fields above 6 GHz” by Karipidis et al.

    This paper is open access, so that you can download it from the link below….SNIP

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    • 25 JAN 21

    “Low dose” exposure to EMR may cause “severe health effects”…

    Research review by expert committee (BERENIS) convened by Swiss government concludes that exposure to a “low dose” of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields may cause “severe health effects” in the young and elderly and in people with immune deficiencies or diseases

    Meike Mevissen, David Schürmann: Is there evidence for oxidative stress caused by electromagnetic fields? A summary of relevant observations in experimental animal and cell experiments related to health effects in the last ten years. BERENIS – The Swiss expert group on electromagnetic fields and non-ionising radiation Newsletter – Special Issue January 2021…SNIP

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    • 24 NOV 20

    Public Shut Out of Global RF Health Briefing (Microwave News)

    Notice from Microwave News: Updates from NTP, Japan, Korea & WHOAn international briefing on RF health research, known as GLORE 2020, was held online, November 9-12, featuring updates on the second phase of the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) project and the Japanese-Korean partial repeat. The WHO presented a status report on ten ongoing systematic reviews of RF health effects. Government and industry representatives from Australia, Canada, France, Japan, Korea, New Zealand and the U.S. participated, as did an assortment of academics. The public and the press were not invited. Everything about GLORE 2020 is being kept secret. Microwave News has the story. We have the presentations of the NTP and WHO….SNIP

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    • 28 APR 20

    Victor Leach of ORSAA: Critical review of the FDA 2020 Report

    Excerpt from Victor Leach’s FDA analysis: Comment on the FDA 2020 Report‘ Review of Published Literature between 2008 and 2018 of Relevance to Radiofrequency Radiation and Cancer’ by Victor Leach ORSAA – Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association. The FDA is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the control and supervision of many consumer products, drugs, vaccines, medical devices, electromagnetic radiation etc. They have a responsibility to protect consumers from biotoxins, and hence this FDA review of wireless radiation.As outlined below I believe this report is inadequate and biased in favour of industry. The following revelations that emerged from my analysis of this report in detail will explain why I have come to this conclusion….SNIP

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    • 05 NOV 19

    Will WHO Kick Its ICNIRP Habit? (Microwave news)

    From Microwave News:Non-Thermal Effects Hang in the Balance: Repacholi’s Legacy of Industry Cronyism……After eight years of work, the World Health Organization (WHO) is reopening its review of the health effects of RF radiation for a summary report intended to serve as a benchmark for its more than 150 member countries. The move might suggest that the WHO EMF/RF program is poised to reassess its long-held policy of rejecting non-thermal effects, and to loosen its deep ties to ICNIRP, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation with its heat-only dogma.The reputation of both organizations has never recovered from the rampant industry cronyism of Mike Repacholi, who created them in the 1990s. A close look at the WHO radiation program and its approach to this new review show that not much has changed in Geneva. In other words: Don’t count ICNIRP out just yet….SNIP

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    • 13 SEP 18

    New paper: Critique of ICNIRP’s latest deception

    Critique of the ICNIRP Note of September 4, 2018 Regarding
    Recent Animal Carcinogenesis Studies
    Ronald L. Melnick PHD
    Senior Scientist (retired), National Toxicology Program, NIEHS, NIH
    September 12, 2018

    The International Commission of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP, 2018) recently
    issued a report (dated September 4, 2018) that contains numerous false and misleading
    statements, particularly those about the toxicology and carcinogenesis studies on cell phone
    radiofrequency radiation by the US National Toxicology Program (NTP). This flawed analysis by
    ICNIRP served as the basis for ICNIRP to support their conclusion that existing radiofrequency
    exposure guidelines do not need to be revised despite new evidence showing that exposure to
    cell phone radiofrequency radiation (RFR) causes cancers in experimental animals….SNIP

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    • 29 NOV 16

    Has the WHO EMF Project been hijacked by ICNIRP?

    From Lennart Hardell’s blog:

    Has the WHO EMF Project been hijacked by ICNIRP?

    Recently the following appeal has been posted at http://olgasheean.com/who-emf/ .
    Sign this VOTE of NO CONFIDENCE in WHO’s EMF Project ….SNIP

    [Commentary from Lennart Hardell and Michael Carlberg]

    IARC as part of WHO evaluated radiofrequency (RF) radiation in May 2011 and concluded it to be a possible human carcinogen, Group 2B. However, in a fact sheet issued by WHO in June 2011 shortly after the IARC decision it was stated that ‘To date, no adverse health effects have been established as being caused by mobile phone use’.

    WHO has still not acknowledged health risks form RF radiation: ‘No major public health risks have emerged from several decades of EMF research, but uncertainties remain’.

    WHO plans to publish in 2017 an Environmental Health Criteria Monograph on RF radiation. It has been open for comments and parts of our letter to WHO is shown below: SNIP

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    • 19 AUG 16

    Canadian Safety Code 6 inadequacies highlighted in new report


    Report of the Standing Committee on Health

    HESA 2015 Recommendations on Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation and the Health of Canadians
    On Tuesday June 9th, 2015 the Standing Committee on Health, whose mandate is to study and report on all matters relating to the mandate, management, and operation of Health Canada, unanimously adopted the final report into their study of Health Canada’s Safety Code 6. During three full days of hearings spread over two months, the ten MP member panel heard from both sides of the issue including leading scientists and doctors from around the world, Health Canada and the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association. (Full testimony and recaps can be found further down on this page)

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    • 03 JUN 16

    New paper: The WHO EMF Project: Legitimating the Imaginary of Global Harmonization of EMF Safety Standards

    NOTE: David Mercer, the author of this paper was my supervisor at Wollongong University for my thesis The Procrustean Approach.This is well worth a read!

    The WHO EMF Project: Legitimating the Imaginary of Global Harmonization of EMF Safety Standards
    Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 2 (2016), 88-105

    Abstract (excerpt)

    An important topic for studies of STS and globalization are the ways “global” institutions create
    and attempt to implement health guidelines and safety standards to address risks associated with
    new technologies. In the following discussion this topic is examined through a case study of the
    activities of the World Health Organization’s Electric and Magnetic Field Project (WHO EMF
    Project). EMF exposures are associated with telecommunications and electrical infrastructure,
    most notably high voltage power-lines, radio and cell towers and the use of mobile telephones.
    The controversy over setting international safety standards and health guidelines has simmered
    for a number of decades. The mainstream “regulatory science” position has been that it is
    unlikely EMF’s constitute a significant health risk and therefore minimal regulatory intervention
    or significant precautionary considerations are required. A small but persistent stream of
    scientific studies nevertheless have continued to raise significant health concerns and have led to
    calls for regulators to build stronger precautionary approaches into EMF standards and
    guidelines. SNIP

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    • 04 AUG 15

    SCENIHR’s Procrustean Approach exposed!

    For some months the International EMF Alliance (IEMFA) has been examining the activities of the SCENIHR working group on Potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields. This supposedly expert group has given the all-clear to telecommunications technology. What stands out with SCENIHR’s risk assessment process is a striking lack of pluralism and transparency. The analysis by a number of IEMFA members has found that SCENIHR’d expert opinion is strongly biased towards corporate, military and economic interests with a strategic need for wireless techniques.- Or as I would put it, SCENIHR follows a classic Procrustean Approach.

    Following are links to IEMFA’s assessment of the SCENIHR spin.

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