• 16 OCT 18

    ‘Hyperalarming’ study shows massive insect loss

    From the Washington Post
    By Ben Guarino

    October 15 at 3:00 PM

    Insects around the world are in a crisis, according to a small but growing number of long-term studies showing dramatic declines in invertebrate populations. A new report suggests that the problem is more widespread than scientists realized. Huge numbers of bugs have been lost in a pristine national forest in Puerto Rico, the study found, and the forest’s insect-eating animals have gone missing, too.

    In 2014, an international team of biologists estimated that, in the past 35 years, the abundance of invertebrates such as beetles and bees had decreased by 45 percent. In places where long-term insect data are available, mainly in Europe, insect numbers are plummeting. A study last year showed a 76 percent decrease in flying insects in the past few decades in German nature preserves…SNIP

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    • 12 OCT 18

    US Scientist Criticizes ICNIRP’s Exposure Guideline Spin

    From the Environmental Health Trust:   US Scientist Criticizes ICNIRP”s Refusal to Reassess Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Guidelines after US National Toxicology Program Studies Show Clear Evidence of Cancer in Experimental Animals   US Scientist Criticizes ICNIRP”s Refusal To Reassess Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Guidelines After US National Toxicology Program Studies Show “Clear Evidence Of

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    • 08 OCT 18

    Get your anti 5G, etc. stickers here!

    I normally have a policy not to promote products (other than the excellent book, Corporate Ties that Bind) on my web site but the range of products aimed to increase public awareness of the downside of the wireless age, such as 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT) is a great idea in my opinion! AND they do not sell protective devices! 10% of sales through the link below will go to my nominated charity. In this case Stop Smart Meters Australia. Note that I make no money from this. Read on….

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    • 02 OCT 18

    EHT: What You Need To Know About 5G Wireless and “Small” Cells

    From the Environmental Health Trust
    20 Facts About 5G
    Nationwide, communities are being told by wireless companies that it is necessary to build “small cell” wireless facilities in neighborhoods on streetlight and utility poles in order to offer 5G, a new technology that will connect the Internet of Things (IoT). At the local, state, and federal level, new legislation and new zoning aim to streamline the installation of these 5G “small cell” antennas in public rights-of-way.

    1. 5G “small cell antennas are to be placed in neighborhoods everywhere.

    Street lights
    Utility poles
    Bus stops
    Sides of buildings

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    • 19 SEP 18

    Mobile tower warning ( A Currant Affair), 18 Sept, 2018

    From A Current Affair

    There used to be just one mobile tower in every suburb, now there could be one in every street.

    Local families are worried about the constant exposure to radiation.

    See the video story and statement from the Department of Communications and the Arts here…SNIP

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    • 18 SEP 18

    Implications for 5G: Property owner can be forced to cut trees if they interfere with Wi-Fi

    The New Zealand Herald

    18 Sep, 2018 12:20pm
    By: Chris Keall

    A property owner could be forced to trim their trees if they interfere with their neighbour’s wireless broadband, according to a High Court judgment – and a top lawyer says the decision could spark a flurry of legal action.

    An August hearing pitted Kaipara Flats land owners Ian and Karen Vickery against their neighbour Christine Thoroughgood….SNIP

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    • 18 SEP 18

    U.S. Conference Of Mayors: “We Will Sue FCC If They Eliminate Local Control Over 5G Deployments”

    From Take Back Your Power The harmful and Orwellian nature of 5G is inspiring a groundswell of people getting involved. Now, an alliance of more than 300 U.S. mayors has said it will sue the FCC if they continue with plans to forcibly deploy 5G upon cities who do not want it. -JDS Excerpt According

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    • 15 SEP 18

    Opinion: “Why Isn’t Our Government Protecting Us?” Environmental Health Trust Resources Alert On Health Risks of 5G Rollout

    August 25, 2018 | Theodora Scarato


    Is a “smart world” necessarily good for us?

    Connecting your smartphone to your TV, dishwasher, and even to your child’s Barbie doll, is now all the rage. Boosting wi-fi in places where it never used to exist — from appliances to toys — is being hailed as the new ideal. “5G” is the name of the new technology that will enable us to connect all of our ‘smart’ devices anytime and anyplace with super-fast speeds to “the internet of things.” Telecommunications companies are promising us that 5G and the new “digital ecosystem” will make our lives more convenient, safer and happier.

    However, this magical rollout is not without serious costs to our health. Telecommunications companies tell us that only way to create this 5G network is to install hundreds of thousands of new cellular antennas and cell towers nationwide — indeed, right in our own front yards….SNIP

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    • 14 SEP 18

    Comments on last message: California City blocks 5G deployments

    In the last message I was reporting the article from TechCrunch.com without a commentary from myself. The point was that a local government was opposing the rollout of 5G. The words in that article were not mine, a point missed by one of my subscribers who seemed to think all the statements in the article were from me, and that I “have not done my homework”. Read on…..

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    • 13 SEP 18

    California city blocks 5G deployments

    Bay Area California city blocks 5G deployments over cancer concerns

    The Bay Area may be the center of the global technology industry, but that hasn’t stopped one wealthy enclave from protecting itself from the future.

    The city council of Mill Valley, a small town located just a few miles north of San Francisco, voted unanimously late last week to effectively block deployments of small-cell 5G wireless towers in the city’s residential areas.

    Through an urgency ordinance, which allows the city council to immediately enact regulations that affect the health and safety of the community, the restrictions and prohibitions will be put into force immediately for all future applications to site 5G telecommunications equipment in the city. Applications for commercial districts are permitted under the passed ordinance….Read on….SNIP

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    • 13 SEP 18

    New paper: Critique of ICNIRP’s latest deception

    Critique of the ICNIRP Note of September 4, 2018 Regarding
    Recent Animal Carcinogenesis Studies
    Ronald L. Melnick PHD
    Senior Scientist (retired), National Toxicology Program, NIEHS, NIH
    September 12, 2018

    The International Commission of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP, 2018) recently
    issued a report (dated September 4, 2018) that contains numerous false and misleading
    statements, particularly those about the toxicology and carcinogenesis studies on cell phone
    radiofrequency radiation by the US National Toxicology Program (NTP). This flawed analysis by
    ICNIRP served as the basis for ICNIRP to support their conclusion that existing radiofrequency
    exposure guidelines do not need to be revised despite new evidence showing that exposure to
    cell phone radiofrequency radiation (RFR) causes cancers in experimental animals….SNIP

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    • 23 AUG 18

    Hobart’s smart city 5G strategy not so smart

    On 22 August the Hobart city council put on the second of three public forums explaining to the audience Hobart’s Smart City Strategy.

    To quote from their website:
    “The City of Hobart is currently developing its first Smart City Strategy. The strategy will provide a roadmap for how the City of Hobart uses technology and data to better service the community’s needs, improve liveability, manage resources, drive economic activity and foster innovation.”

    All very interesting but, for a public meeting claiming to inform the attendees what they “needed to know”, it was woefully inadequate in relation to so called risk factors and how the technology works, or doesn’t. Consider: SNIP……

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    • 20 AUG 18

    Martin Pall’s book on 5G is available online

    Chapter 7: The Great Risks of 5G: What We Know and What We Don’t Know ( See the book for references)

    We have already discussed two issues that are essential to understanding 5G. One is that pulsed EMFs are, in most cases, much more biologically active than are non-pulsed (often called continuous wave) EMFs. A second is that the EMFs act by putting forces on the voltage sensor of the VGCCs, opening these calcium channels and allowing excessive calcium ions to flow into the cell. The voltage sensor is extraordinarily sensitive to those electrical forces, such that the safety guidelines are allowing us to be exposed to EMFs that are something like 7.2 million times too high.

    The reason that the industry has decided to go to the extremely high frequencies of 5G is that with such extremely high frequencies, it is possible to carry much more information via much more pulsation than it is possible to carry with lower frequencies even in the microwave range. We can be assured, therefore, that 5G will involve vastly more pulsation than do EMFs that we are currently exposed to. It follows from that, that any biological safety test of 5G must use the very rapid pulsations including whatever very short term spikes may be present, that are to be present in genuine 5G. There is an additional process that is planned to be used in 5G: phased arrays (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phased_array). Here multiple antenna elements act together to produce highly pulsed fields which are designed for 5G, to produce increased penetration. 5G will entail particularly powerful pulsations to be used, which may, therefore, be particularly hazardous…SNIP

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    • 18 AUG 18

    Spin in the Antipodes: A history of industry involvement in telecommunications health research in Australia (Updated)

    I have asked Lennart Hardell and Martin Walker about Skyhorse Publishing holding copyright for my chapter in “Corporate Ties That Bind”. I am informed that I hold copyright for my chapter and I have added it to my website. It is available at https://www.emfacts.com/download/Chap_16_updated_to_Aug_2018.pdf

    Don Maisch

    Spin in the Antipodes: A history of industry involvement in telecommunications health research in Australia (Updated)


    An Examination of Corporate Manipulation and Vested Interest in Public Health

    Published 2017


    The potential for conflict of interest can exist whether or not an individual believes that the relationship affects his or her scientific judgment. Financial relationships (such as employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony) are the most easily identifiable conflicts of interest and the most likely to undermine the credibility of the journal, the authors, and of science itself ……….. The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, 2007

    As universities turn their scientific laboratories into commercial enterprise zones, and select facility to realize these goals, fewer opportunities will exist in academia for public-interest science – an inestimable loss to society…The roles of those who produce knowledge in academia and those stakeholders who have a financial interest in that knowledge should be kept separate and distinct” …………………Sheldon Krimsky, 2003. SNIP

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    • 17 AUG 18

    5G and Internet of Things: A Trojan horse (Paul Héroux)

    Published in The Green Gazette

    5G and Internet of Things: A Trojan horse
    By Paul Héroux, Ph.D.,Professor of Electromagnetic Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University
    March 27, 2018


    The wireless industry dreams of deploying its new 5G (fifth generation) infrastructure in your neighbourhood soon, as it has begun doing in California. Boxes the size of a PC could be placed every 150 meters or so on utility poles, sometimes with small-refrigerator-sized boxes on the ground. 5G technology uses pulsed, millimeter-sized microwaves that are easily blocked by obstacles such as leaves, hence the need to install millions of cell signal boosters near homes.

    The telecoms say this is the most efficient way to ease the digital congestion caused by audio-video streaming, whose global traffic, according to American giant Cisco, will be 11 times higher in 2018 than in 2014. Data would move through fibre optic cables, but rather than bringing these cables to your home, the last leg of the data’s journey would generally be wireless. As markets work, personal mobile phone subscriptions are more profitable than the higher speed fibre optic connections linked to desktops through your own router.

    The 5G network would also support the huge increase in wireless communications created by the Internet of Things (IoT). Since most people already own a cellphone, industry wants to expand its market by embedding a cellular microchip into most manufactured goods. Therefore, items purchased in the future would generate data to be collected by companies and, ultimately, by governments. 5G-IoT is promoted by the promise of “smart” cities, leading to a more comfortable, convenient, and efficient life. But besides a relentless expansion of sales, 5G-IoT will strengthen mobile phones as a platform for publicity and population control. Further, 5G-IoT deployment carries significant health risks…SNIP

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    • 12 AUG 18

    Elon Musk’s 5G from space project: His biggest folly yet?

    So, Elon Musk wants to launch into low-earth orbit some 4000 satellites so everyone globally can enjoy the benefits of 5G reception. Before this ever gets off the ground, however, Musk better come up with a way to clean up all the space junk he may well be creating and possibly triggering what is known as the Kessler Syndrome. Read on…

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    • 10 AUG 18

    Leszczynski: key-note lecture on ‘5G & health at the 2018 Korean EMF Workshop

    From Dariusz Leszczyski

    August 10, 2018

    At the invitation from Professor Nam Kim and Professor Jin-Kyu Byun, on 29th and 30th of August 2018, Dariusz Leszczynski will be speaking in Seoul, South Korea.

    On August 29th, a 3-hour seminar for the Korean EMF scientists to discuss the research gaps and research needs in the EMF and health.

    On August 30th, invited opening key-note lecture at the 22nd Workshop on the Bio-Effects and Environment of EMF. The title of the presentation: “Possible health effects associated with the deployment of the 5G“.

    The Workshop is hosted by the Ministry of Science and ICT and co-hosted by the Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science (KIEES) Technical Group on EMF and Biology.

    Slides of both presentations will be made available on BRHP right afterwards…..

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    • 09 AUG 18

    FCC prepares the way the nationwide coming roll out of 5G: Bans the right of local government and communities to call for moratoriums

    An industry telecommunications publication states that the nationwide roll-out of 5G antennas (macro and micro) in America will require about 5 times the number of antennas currently erected . Already communities are protesting over a massive increase in these towers. It is obvious that with such an increase in large and small cell antennas, community and local government calls for moratoriums will only increase. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), predictably running interference for the telco industry, has now banned moratoriums in relation to telecommunications equipment but local governments can appeal by October 2.

    From BBK Attorneys at Law:

    FCC Bans Moratoria on Communications Facilities Deployment….Read on…..

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    • 08 AUG 18

    AURORA’s got it all wrong: Smart Meters Radiation Exposure Up to 160 Times More Than Cell Phones (Hirsch)


    Recently in Tasmania, where consumers have the right to opt out of having a active smart meter installed on their home, an AURORA Energy spokesperson on the phone has been advising customers that there is no need to worry as the emissions from an active smart meter are the same one would get from a mobile phone or TV screen. As one concerned customer said in reply, “my electricity meter is close to my bedhead but I don’t sleep with a mobile phone or TV”.

    It is likely that the AURORA spokesperson was referring to the Tell Associates CCST report. The following from Daniel Hirsch exposes the report as another bit of industry bias, which power companies all too readily lap up as ‘media management’ in order to deceive and “comfort the community” – and dismiss all evidence to the contrary – in other words SPIN…. Read on….

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    • 06 AUG 18

    More on “A Class Action against 5G deployment in Australia”

    NOTE: Due to changes in Wordpress four previous messages, although appearing on the website, were not sent out to subscribers. The following is the latest one:

    In the previous message “A Class Action against 5G deployment in Australia” (July 30) by Dariusz Leszczynski, mention was made of the public meeting held on August 4 at Mullumbimby, Quensland where the issue of a possible class action was made by Barrister Ray Broomhall. The other speakers were Victor Leach from ORSAA and Dr. Russell Cooper, who has a special interest in electro hyper sensitivity (EHS).

    These presentations are now available online as follows…SNIP

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