• 04 AUG 18

    FAKE NEWS: Firefighters did NOT Suffer Neurological Damage After Contact With 5G Cell Towers


    Firefighters in Sacramento, CA have reported neurological damage including memory problems and confusion after new generation 5G cell towers were installed outside their fire station.

    News of the adverse health effects suffered by the firefighters comes days after a major university study into 5G wireless technology declared the upcoming roll out of the wireless technology to be a “massive health experiment” that has not been properly tested by authorities.

    A recent CBS news story from Sacramento about the installation of 5G small cell towers references complaints reported by the San Francisco firefighters:

    Firefighters in San Francisco have reported memory problems and confusion after the 5G equipment was installed outside of fire stations. The firefighters claim the symptoms stopped when they relocated to stations without equipment nearby….SNIP

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    • 02 AUG 18

    Microwave News on the death of Joe Bowman

    From Microwave News:

    Hail and Farewell
    NIOSH’s Joe Bowman Dies at 73
    An Expert on Exposure Assessment, He Never Gave Up

    Members of the EMF/RF research community are not known as risk takers. Some have sold their souls, but most simply follow the prescribed dogma: Keep a low profile and eke out a grant or contract here and there.

    Joe Bowman, who died on July 14, was different. As one colleague told me on hearing the news last week, “Joe was honest and he had guts.” These are two qualities in very short supply in the world I cover. Importantly, Joe knew what he was doing. His expertise was exposure assessment, a critical part of epidemiology….SNIP

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    • 01 AUG 18

    If American cities do consider health with the 5G rollout, cell companies can sue them!

    by Julie Watts and Abigail Sterling, January 25, 2018


    OAKLAND (KPIX) – Is a cell tower going up in your neighborhood? If it’s not now, it may soon.

    Wireless carriers are installing millions of them across the country to enable the new, faster 5G cellphone technology. While many are looking forward to faster cell service, many are also asking: Are there legitimate health concerns?

    That question is keeping John Hiestand up at night. Outside his bedroom window he can see a new pole where Verizon will soon install a next-generation cell tower. “This would be a big tower generating lots of RF outside of our bedroom window 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for many years,” he said. It’s called a “small cell” or “distributed antenna system.” The industry says they’re safe. Many in Piedmont aren’t convinced – including the Hiestands. “Our daughter is a cancer survivor,” John Hiestand explained. Thirteen-year-old Sophia Hiestand has been one of many petitioning the city council to deny this cell tower. “I mostly talked about my cancer and how it affected me, even though you’re not supposed to talk about health issues, I still did,” Hiestand said.

    However, according to federal law the city simply can’t consider health concerns. It’s outlined in a small section of the Telecommunications Act, based on science from 1996, back when we were still talking on cellphones that looked like bricks. “I find it really unfair,” said Hiestand.

    If cities do consider health, cell companies can sue them…..SNIP

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    • 30 JUL 18

    A Class Action against 5G deployment in Australia

    In 80’s, when the 1G mobile technology was commercialized, things were easy for the telecom industry. Users of the expensive and cumbersome technology were few and, therefore, the number of those concerned with potential health effects was small. The knowledge about the biological and health effects of microwaves was available but not many were aware of it.

    Today, some 40 years later, when the 5G technology is going to be deployed on a massive scale, things are different. There is a huge number of the users of the already existing 3G and 4G technology and the applications of the 5G and IoT will make the numbers soar. Everyone, in order to function in the society will be forced to use 5G and IoT and whether willing or not will be exposed 24/7 to the radiation energy at close distances…. SNIP

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    • 30 JUL 18

    5G networks in Australia: How fast, when is it coming, and what are the possible health risks?

    From the NewDaily, Jul 27, 2018


    Australian telcos are gearing up for the imminent arrival of 5G, but experts are warning of possible health risks, calling for more research to be done before the network’s rollout.

    The high-speed mobile phone network could be operational in Australia from 2020, offering up to 50 times the bandwidth currently available on 4G networks, allowing users to download the equivalent of three television episodes in a second.

    In its final NBN report, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) calculated that 5G had a maximum speed of a whopping 10,000 megabits per second (Mbps) – about 300 times faster than the typical home connection.
    Calls for more research….SNIP

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    • 27 JUL 18

    The Internet of Me

    In Australia there is a controversy over the government’s plans to create an electronic health record, called My Health Record, for every Australian where their personal patient details will be stored on a national database that doctors around the country can see. The controversy is over who else might be also to gain access to this data.

    Now lets take that one step further to imagine a 5G enabled Internet of Me (IoM) world: A brave new world where your body data, your life signals, wellness and health are all captured by body worn wi-fi devices designed to capture and communicate this data to an all-seeing “cloud”- and this can even include health data on your pet Moggy as well!

    It would make sense in such a world that health providers would encourage their clients to wear these devices if they want affordable health insurance – or any at all. Consider the implications of the coming Internet of Me….

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    • 21 JUL 18

    Must see documentary: “Sugar Coated- How the Sugar Industry Managed to Dupe the World for Decades”

    While viewing this excellent documentary of how the sugar industry has spun the science to maintain their profits at the expense to public health, and how it mirrors the same tactics used by the tobacco industry, I am reminded of the PR tactics now used by the telecommunications industry to try and convince us that all is safe.

    Quoting in part from Dr. Christin Kearns now at the University of California as a Postdoctoral Scholar: …”the goal [of her research] is to be demonstrating the tactics used by the sugar industry and the tactics used by the tobacco industry”… “history is repeating itself absolutely unless we truly understand the industry practices the debate will continue to go on.” Recommended!

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    • 20 JUL 18

    Newsweek just published a major article on cell phone research

    Do Cellphones Cause Cancer? Government Study Reveals ‘Stunningly Important’ Findings
    By Ronnie Cohen On 7/19/18 at 6:30 AM

    Tiffany Frantz got her first cellphone when she was 16. She loved that flip phone. Every morning, on her way out the door, she’d slip it into the left cup of her bra. When she was 21, while watching television one night with her parents in their Lancaster, Pennsylvania, living room, she felt a lump the size of a pea in her left breast, just beneath her phone. Tests later showed four cancerous tumors. “How in the world did this happen?” her mother asked.

    Dr. John West believes he knows. In 2013, the Southern California breast cancer surgeon and five other doctors wrote in the journal Case Reports in Medicine about Frantz’s tumors and those of three other young women. Each of them regularly carried a cellphone in her bra. “I am absolutely convinced,” West tells Newsweek, “that there is a relationship between exposure to cellphones and breast cancer in young women who are frequent users.” … SNIP.

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    • 16 JUL 18

    5G Enlightenment in a brave new world

    As opposition to the roll out of 5G antennas increases in America, Philips and the American Tower Company have come up with an innovative way to hide the thousands of ugly 5G antennas planned to be rolled out across America and conveniently avoid community protests. Disguise them as heritage light poles! Nice that Philips and the American Tower Company can now offer enlightenment along with 5G….. Read on.

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    • 15 JUL 18

    The inconvenient truth about cancer and mobile phones

    The Guardian


    We dismiss claims about mobiles being bad for our health – but is that because studies showing a link to cancer have been cast into doubt by the industry?.
    Eleven independent scientists spent three days at Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, discussing the study, which was done by the National Toxicology Program of the US Department of Health and Human Services and ranks among the largest conducted of the health effects of mobile phone radiation. NTP scientists had exposed thousands of rats and mice (whose biological similarities to humans make them useful indicators of human health risks) to doses of radiation equivalent to an average mobile user’s lifetime exposure. The peer review scientists repeatedly upgraded the confidence levels the NTP’s scientists and staff had attached to the study, fuelling critics’ suspicions that the NTP’s leadership had tried to downplay the findings. Thus the peer review also found “some evidence” – one step below “clear evidence” – of cancer in the brain and adrenal glands.

    Not one major news organisation in the US or Europe reported this scientific news. But then, news coverage of mobile phone safety has long reflected the outlook of the wireless industry. For a quarter of a century now, the industry has been orchestrating a global PR campaign aimed at misleading not only journalists, but also consumers and policymakers about the actual science concerning mobile phone radiation. Indeed, big wireless has borrowed the very same strategy and tactics big tobacco and big oil pioneered to deceive the public about the risks of smoking and climate change, respectively. And like their tobacco and oil counterparts, wireless industry CEOs lied to the public even after their own scientists privately warned that their products could be dangerous, especially to children. SNIP…

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    • 12 JUL 18

    Tasmania’s new electricity smart metering roll-out: Why opting out may be your wisest, and healthiest choice

    On December 1, 2017, the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) final rule determination, titled: “Expanding competition in metering and related services” came into force in Tasmania, SA, NSW, the ACT and QLD. The rule states that this is a framework which is designed to, “promote innovation and lead to investment in advanced meters that deliver services valued by consumers at a price they are willing to pay. Improved access to the services enabled by advanced meters will provide consumers with opportunities to better understand and take control of their electricity consumption and the costs associated with their usage decisions,”

    This rule came about as a result of a request from the Council of Australian Governments’ (COAG) Energy Council that considered that the previous metering rule allowed and encouraged the continued installation of mechanical analogue meters, which they said had “only limited functionality”.

    What this means is that over the next few years we will see a gradual replacement of the existing analogue electricity meters with so called advanced meters (also called digital or smart meters). These meters have the capacity to collect energy use data and send that back to the provider by a wireless network without the need for a meter reader going from house to house to collect that data. As for the uptake of advanced meters (smart meters), TasNetworks has estimated that presently (2017-2019) only about 4% residential and 12% small business customers have a smart meter. By 2024-29, it is expected that this will increase to 31% residential and 59% small business customers. By 2029-34, it is expected that all energy customers will have a smart meter.”….. SNIP

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    • 09 JUL 18

    The Wifi Alliance, Coming Soon to Your Neighborhood: 5G Wireless

    From Global Research

    By Renee Parsons
    Global Research, July 06, 2018


    Just as any new technology claims to offer the most advanced development; that their definition of progress will cure society’s ills or make life easier by eliminating the drudgery of antiquated appliances, the Wifi Alliance was organized as a worldwide wireless network to connect ‘everyone and everything, everywhere” as it promised “improvements to nearly every aspect of daily life.”

    The Alliance, which makes no pretense of potential health or environmental concerns, further proclaimed (and they may be correct) that there are “more wifi devices than people on earth”. It is that inescapable exposure to ubiquitous wireless technologies wherein lies the problem. ..SNIP

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    • 04 JUL 18

    The Microwave Scream Inside Your Skull

    A decade old article from Wired that has relevance to those so-called ‘sonic attacks’ at the US embassies in Cuba and China. Well worth the trip down memory lane…

    July 6, 2008, Wired.


    The U.S. military bankrolled early development of a non-lethal microwave weapon that creates sound inside your head. The project is known as MEDUSA – a contrived acronym for Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio. And it should not be confused with the Long Range Acoustic Device and similar gadgets which simply project sound. This one uses the so-called “microwave auditory effect”: a beam of microwaves is turned into sound by the interaction with your head. Nobody else can hear it unless they are in the beam as well. The idea (dubbed “the telepathic ray gun”) was mentioned in a 1998 US Army study, which turned up in a recent Freedom of Information Act document dump. Five years later, the Navy decided to put some R&D dollars into the project. Now … Dr. Lev Sadovnik of the Sierra Nevada Corporation has provided more details. There are health risks, he notes. The biggest issue from the microwave weapon is … the risk of brain damage from the high-intensity shockwave created by the microwave pulse. A device that delivered a lethal shockwave inside the target’s skull might make an effective death ray. Dr. Sadovnik also makes the intriguing suggestion that … it might be used at low power to produce a whisper that was too quiet to perceive consciously but might be able to subconsciously influence someone. Sadovnik even suggests subliminal advertising, beaming information that is not consciously heard (a notion also spotted on the US Army’s voice-to-skull page). SNIP

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    • 02 JUL 18

    Remediation Tips From an EMF Expert (Alasdair Philips)

    From the Dr. Mercola site:

    Story at-a-glance

    One of the most pernicious toxins we are exposed to isn’t something you can taste, see, hear or feel; it’s invisible electromagnetic fields (EMF) from electrical wiring and wireless technologies such as your cellphone and Wi-Fi
    There are basically three types of EMF: radio frequencies, microwaves and electromagnetic (electric and magnetic) fields. Low frequency magnetic fields, in particular, affect biological systems, but all forms of EMFs appear to be harmful
    One mechanism of action involves intracellular calcium. EMFs activate voltage-gated calcium channels in the plasma membranes of your cells, which then open up, allowing a tremendous influx of calcium ions
    Cells also start to malfunction due to excessive charges, which alter cellular activity
    A number of remediation strategies are reviewed, from simply keeping your cellphone in airplane mode when not in use, to more expensive strategies such as installing shielded wiring when building a new home… SNIP

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    • 27 JUN 18

    Impact of EMF limits on 5G network roll-out

    ITU Workshop on 5G, EMF & Health Warsaw, December 5 2017

    Christer Törnevik, Senior Expert, EMF and Health Ericsson Research, Stockholm

    This presentation by a representative for Ericsson, Sweden is well worth to consider in detail.

    Especially the pictures at pages 8 and 9 are very illustrative of the distribution of radiofrequency radiation. Note these pictures are protected by Copyright.

    They show boundaries for compliance with radiofrequency EMF limits. That means that the implementation of 5G will be much more difficult in countries with lower guidelines than those provided by ICNIRP….This technology will increase the exposure to radiofrequency radiation in the environment and should be banned until proper evaluation of exposure and consequences for human health and environment is investigated, see www.5gappeal.eu.

    No doubt this presentation by Ericsson show that 5G will increase exposure, proper scientific evaluation has not been done and re-enforces the need for a moratorium as demanded in the 5G Appeal.

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    • 13 JUN 18

    Friend or Foe? The Ultimate Screen Time Guide For Kids

    Is your kid addicted to the screen, whether it’s the tablet, computer, or a gaming console? Are you wondering how much you should be limiting their time in front of electronics and if they’re getting anything out of it? If you’re wondering about it, you should pat yourself on the back. That means you’re a…SNIP

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    • 11 JUN 18

    The blog of Dariusz Leszczynski: Guest Blog from Steve Weller, Australia

    Below is the next in a series of Guest Blogs on BRHP. The opinions expressed in this Guest Blog are of Steve Weller himself. Publication of these opinions in BRHP does not imply that BRHP automatically agrees with or endorses these opinions. Publication of this, and other guest blogs, facilitates an open debate and free exchange of opinions on wireless technology and health. Guest Blog from Steve Weller

    My name is Steven Weller and I have a Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry and microbiology from Monash University. For the past 7 years I have been reviewing and categorizing more than 3000 scientific research papers on non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (EMR)/Electromagnetic frequencies (EMF). I am one of the founding members of the Oceania Radiofrequency Advisory Association (ORSAA) and also a public representative on the Electromagnetic Energy Reference Group (EMERG) committee established by the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA). ..SNIP

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    • 09 JUN 18

    More Americans flee US consulate in China as mysterious sonic sickness linked to Cuba illness spreads

    More US citizens have been evacuated from a US consulate in Guangzhou, China, after suffering what appears to be the same strange, sound-related illness that befell Cuba consulate workers in 2016, it emerged on Wednesday.

    Consulate worker Mark Lenzi and his wife heard strange noises over the course of several months before falling ill with what they described as neurological symptoms, The New York Times reported.

    On Wednesday night they were flown to the US with their children, including a three-year-old boy who was also affected.

    Speaking to The Washington Post that same day, Lenzi described the sound as being like “marbles bouncing and hitting a floor then rolling on an incline with a static sound”. They asked their neighbour if he was responsible, but he denied it. Months later, the couple began to develop excruciating headaches and suffer sleep deprivation – as did their son. Consulate doctors prescribed painkillers and sleeping tablets, they said.

    Then, last month, he found out that their neighbour had been evacuated from the consulate, having suffered similar symptoms. Those included “subtle and vague, but abnormal, sensations of sound and pressure”, the State Department said at the time.
    He was checked and diagnosed with a “mild traumatic brain injury”, the State Department said…SNIP

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    • 08 JUN 18

    With Bees Scarce, A Drone Pollinates A New York Apple Orchard

    From Futurism.com

    By Dan Robitzski, June 7, 2018

    Gather ‘round! Let me tell you the story of Droney Appleseed.

    You see, in the 21st century, bee populations were dying off because everyone was using too many toxic pesticides. Farmers were starting to notice that the fuzzy little workers were starting to vanish because their crops weren’t getting pollinated. Boy, was everyone in a real pickle then! Thankfully, Droney Appleseed came to the rescue, flying over the farmland and spraying pollen wherever it went.

    OK, so, we’re probably not ready to make children’s books about this stuff quite yet. But! An apple orchard was just pollinated by a drone for the first time. SNIP

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    • 06 JUN 18

    Will the coming Internet of Things prove to be a Hacker’s heaven? Consider….

    When Jamie Summitt woke up one Wednesday morning and saw the baby video monitor pointed right at her, she wasn’t worried.

    Yes, it had moved since the South Carolina stay-at-home mom fell asleep. But she assumed it was her husband, Kevin, checking in on her from work using the smartphone app that controls the camera.

    That night, as the family ate dinner and the baby slept, her smartphone alerted her that the camera was being moved again.

    “I looked over on my phone and saw that it was slowly panning over across the room to where our bed was and stopped,” Summitt tells NPR. It was pointing to the spot where she breastfed her son, Noah, several times a day. The camera paused on the empty bed, then moved back to the bassinet. SNIP…

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