• 29 DEC 17

    The FCC Has Approved a World-First Wireless Charger

    It had to come, a truly wireless device charger which uses a RF transmitting router with sufficient strength to remotely charge your devices with none of those old fashion annoying wires. See the video with the hefty looking router and consider some obvious questions about this device. Just what frequency and power level is it emitting? In close proximity will it be approaching the FCC limits? Will purchasers just leave it conveniently “on” in the home or workplace resulting in a significant increase in overall exposures?

    A Brave New World…

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    • 23 DEC 17

    A Non-Neutral Internet Spreads Misinformation

    On December 14, 2017 the Federal Communications Commission voted to repeal “net neutrality” – the Obama-era regulations that prevented internet service providers (ISPs) from prioritizing certain websites, blocking content, and charging for different download speeds. The internet will no longer be classified as a public utility, so it can’t be regulated by the government. Providers like AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast will not only be able to create fast lanes and slow lanes on the internet, but also decide which websites travel in which lanes – and even block certain websites from consumers on the internet, Heather Ross, an assistant professor at Arizona State University’s School for the Future of Innovation and Society, told Futurism. SNIP

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    • 21 DEC 17

    Ultra-fast 5G wireless service declared national security priority by White House

    From Techcrunch.com

    Now that net neutrality appears to be dead in the US, and that Trump has declared 5G as a national security priority watch for web sites that examine the health dangers of 5G being blocked from access because they are considered a threat to America’s national security. Watch for similar with websites against fracking.

    Call me paranoid perhaps but when you take a look at where America is heading with the Trump Republican party consider the possibility…



    From Techcrunch.com


    Who would have thought that the president who writes in 140-character missives would suddenly be interested in 70 Gbps wireless internet access?

    The White House released its congressionally-mandated National Security Strategy report (warning: PDF) yesterday. Tucked away in a section on improving America’s infrastructure was this action item: “We will improve America’s digital infrastructure by deploying a secure 5G Internet capability nationwide.” Other than natural gas, 5G wireless service was the only area of technology to get a specific calling out for infrastructure.

    5G wireless isn’t a specific technology per se, but rather a set of standards and technologies that interoperate in the millimeter wave spectrum to meet the needs of users today. That includes better performance around latency and bandwidth, as well as support for low-power, many-device contexts due to the rise of Internet of Things. SNIP

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    • 19 DEC 17

    Australia and New Zealand to be test sites for GM insect trials courtesy of DARPA (re-posted)

    In order to make sense of the title of this posting read down to where it is stated where the proposed test sits for this GM technology will be. No sites in the US obviously. After all, if there are any unexpected consequences of releasing GM altered insects in the environment better do it well away from America – and there’s lots of water between America and the Antipodes. But don’t worry, they are also preparing a PR package aimed to “create government and community acceptance”. The main funder of gene drive technology is the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). With virtually unlimited funding imagine what the folks at DARPA can come up with. For the betterment of humanity, as Bill Gates would like us to believe, or for America’s military/corporate complex with global dominance as the real goal?

    Perhaps this will not be such an easy sell in Australia because virtually all Australians know of the ongoing tragedy of the introduction of cane toads, introduced to Australia from Hawaii in 1935 by the Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations as an amazing new technique to control the native grey-backed cane beetle. It didn’t work and now the toad is slowly invading much of Northern Australia with great destruction of native species.

    The coming gene drive PR spin by “Emerging Ag” will claim benefits such as controlling mosquito diseases but other not mentioned “benefits” will be to try to develop a Monsanto pesticide resistant bee which will be used to pollinate crops sprayed with the chemicals without dying. After the GM bee has done its job, it’s programmed “termator gene’ will ensure all the GM bees die without leaving offspring, so each year farmers have to purchase a new batch of GM bees if they want to have pollinating dependent crop. Such a development would go a long way to assure global US military and corporate dominance over the world’s food resources.

    The logic being why remove a profitable chemical which happens to be killing bees and other pollinating insects when you can change nature itself, at huge profit but with an unknown long-term cost to humanity

    Read on…


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    • 19 DEC 17

    ICNIRP ‘Jumps the Gun’: The Early Christmas Gift for Telecoms

    Published on the blog of Daruisz Leszczynski

    December 18, 2017


    On Dec. 7th, 2017, International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), has published a ‘Note on the Revision of the High-Frequency Portion of the ICNIRP 1998 EMF Guidelines’.

    Revision of the guidelines has been long awaited because the current guidelines are very old. As stated in ICNIRP’s note:

    “…current guidelines for the high-frequency (100 kHz – 300 GHz) portion of the electromagnetic spectrum were published in 1998. Given the large body of relevant research that has been generated since those 1998 guidelines, ICNIRP is now revising the guidelines to incorporate this literature…”

    The ICNIRP’s Note ends with information that the draft of the revised guidelines will be open for public consultation because ICNIRP is keen to obtain feedback:


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    • 19 DEC 17

    Magnetic Fields and Miscarriages: The Evidence Grows At Least 7 Studies Now Show an Association

    From Microwave News:


    Magnetic fields at levels commonly found in homes, offices and the urban environment have once again been found to increase the risk of pregnancy loss. The latest study –from Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, CA– shows that power-frequency fields can triple the risk of miscarriages.

    “This study provides fresh evidence, directly from a human population, that magnetic field exposure in daily life could have adverse health impacts,” De-Kun Li, the lead author of the Kaiser study, told Microwave News. These findings “should bring attention to this potentially important environmental hazard to pregnant women,” Li urges.


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    • 15 DEC 17

    Pulsed microwaves drive wildlife from NSW World Heritage Park

    Pulsed microwaves drive wildlife from NSW World Heritage Park
    Posted on December 14, 2017 by Stop Smart Meters Australia

    A meticulous report prepared by Australian botanist Mark Broomhall to UNESCO documents the exodus of species from the Mount Nardi area of the Nightcap National Park World Heritage Site.

    Species disappearance over a 15-year period (2000-2015) corresponds with an increasing amount of electromagnetic radiation from the Mount Nardi telecommunications tower complex.

    The addition of a further 150 pay television channels and enhanced 3G technology to the tower in 2009 resulted in the exodus of 27 bird species from Mount Nardi while simultaneously, insect volumes and species variety dropped dramatically. The construction of a new tower in late 2012 and early 2013, which deployed 4G technology, caused the rapid exodus of a further 49 bird species. SNIP

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    • 15 DEC 17

    FCC repeals net neutrality rules, allowing Internet providers to speed up, slow down or block service for apps and websites

    From the Washington Post

    By Brian Fung, December 14, 2017


    Federal regulators voted Thursday to allow Internet providers to speed up service for websites they favor – and block or slow down others – in a decision repealing landmark, Obama-era regulations overseeing broadband companies such as AT&T and Verizon.

    The move by the Federal Communications Commission to deregulate the telecom and cable industries was a prominent example of the policy shifts taking place in Washington under President Trump and a major setback for consumer groups, tech companies and Democrats who had lobbied heavily against the decision.

    The 3-2 vote, which was along party lines, enabled the FCC’s Republican chairman, Ajit Pai, to follow through on his promise to repeal the government’s 2015 net neutrality rules, which required Internet providers to treat all websites, large and small, equally. The agency also rejected some of its own authority over the broadband industry in a bid to stymie future FCC officials who might seek to reverse the Republican-led ruling. SNIP

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    • 06 DEC 17

    Pilot Study Shows Dramatic Difference In Brain Activity With EHS (Electrohypersensitive) Cases As Compared To Controls (Non EHS).

    LOS ANGELES, Dec. 5, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — The Peoples Initiative Foundation has announced the conclusion of a pilot study they organized, headed up by Dr. Gunnar Heuser, showing EHS on an fMRI. This study was originally published by Degruyter in July of 2017, but was absent pictures of the controls. The company waited until the pictures were placed in the study to issue this press release, as the visual difference between the cases and controls is quite dramatic.

    Below are 2 sample pictures from the study. The large white area on the left side of the left picture shows hyperconnectivity in the brain of a case (EHS person). The same small white area in the picture to the right shows normal brain activity in a control (non EHS person). SNIP

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    • 02 DEC 17

    Scientists Find That Smartphone Addiction Alters Your Brain Chemistry

    Posted on Futurism


    Scientists Find That Smartphone Addiction Alters Your Brain Chemistry

    Many of us find it difficult to go even a few hours without looking at our smartphone or accessing the internet. Now, a new study has found that addiction to these technologies might cause a chemical imbalance in the brain.

    Life Out of Balance: Smartphones et al.

    A study presented at the 2017 meeting of the Radiological Society of North America has found that young people who are addicted to smartphone usage display an imbalance in their brain chemistry.

    A group of researchers from Seoul’s Korea University carried out the study, which was led by neuroradiology professor Hyung Suk Seo. They used magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to investigate the chemical composition of teenagers who had been diagnosed as having an addition to their smartphones or the internet.

    Nineteen youths – nine male and ten female with a mean age of fifteen and a half – were compared with healthy control subjects of the same gender. Twelve of the group received cognitive behavioral therapy, based on a similar program designed to help people addicted to video games. SNIP

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    • 02 DEC 17

    ICNIRP’s Feychting Claims Pathology Bias Ruined NTP Cancer Study

    From Louis Slesin, Microwave News:

    The Anatomy of a Rumor
    Feychting Claims Pathology Bias Ruined NTP Cancer Study

    Excerpt from Louis

    A few days ago, I received an urgent warning from a longtime contact in Sweden. An industry associate had told him that the U.S. National Toxicology Program’s study of cell phone cancer risks was screwed up and essentially “useless.”

    I was tempted to disregard it as nothing more than a corporate delusion. But the original source was said to be Maria Feychting, a professor at the Karolinska Institute and the vice chair of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). She had cast doubt on the landmark $25 million NTP RF-animal study in a talk presented at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences –the institute that awards the Nobel prizes in physics and chemistry every year.

    I decided I had to check out the rumor.

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    • 30 NOV 17

    How evil is tech?


    Not long ago, tech was the coolest industry. Everybody wanted to work at Google, Facebook and Apple. But over the past year the mood has shifted.

    Some now believe tech is like the tobacco industry — corporations that make billions of dollars peddling a destructive addiction. Some believe it is like American gridiron – something millions of people love, but which everybody knows leaves a trail of human wreckage in its wake.

    Surely the people in tech — who generally want to make the world a better place — don’t want to go down this road. It will be interesting to see if they can take the actions necessary to prevent their companies from becoming social pariahs…SNIP…The second critique of the tech industry is that it is causing this addiction on purpose, to make money. Tech companies understand what causes dopamine surges in the brain and they lace their products with “hijacking techniques” that lure us in and create “compulsion loops.” SNIP…

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    • 23 NOV 17

    BioInitiative Report: Medical concerns intensify over deadly brain tumors from cell phone use

    Posted at www.bioinitiative.org

    BioInitiative Report: Medical concerns intensify over deadly brain tumors from cell phone use / Orebro University Hospital, Orebro, Sweden/November 17, 2017

    A new update from the the BioInitiative Working Group 2017 shows the evidence has strengthened for brain cancers related to wireless phone use. The Group has released an update analyzing scientific results of case-control studies published between 2010 and 2017 on cancers of the brain.

    ….read more

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    • 08 NOV 17

    EHS [provocation] research is scientifically worthless for two reasons…

    Dariusz Leszczynski has written an interesting article on his blog which examines the limitations of EHS provocation studies and it is well worth a read. Follow the money to see where the push for the nocebo effect as the sole cause for EHS is coming from. Perhaps understandable if you consider the trillions of dollars at stake if a replicable biological link was ever established between EHS and telecommunications technologies. In the Australian context, Telstra and the folks at ACEBR know this risk all too well… A Pandora’s Box that must be kept tightly closed at all cost.


    On October 14th, 2017, Finnish newspaper ‘Helsingin sanomat’, in its science pages, has published a story on the electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), with a lengthy title: “Nocebo effect explains why some people get symptoms from electromagnetic fields or wind power: in experimenting, mere worry of side effects, caused the volunteers to get symptoms” …In short, the article in the ‘Helsingin sanomat’ made readers to understand that EHS is just a “delusion”…Snip

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    • 08 NOV 17

    The Sad State of Affairs with EHS Research in Australia

    On June 23, 2017 a public meeting was held at the Wamuran sports complex hall in Queensland as a result of community concerns over possible health impacts of a proposed NBN transmission tower to be built in the area. Approximately 45 local residents were present. Speaking in favour of the tower were about 7 representatives from NBN, Ericsson and Aurecon.

    Speaking on the possible health issues was Dr. Vitas Anderson, Honorary Principal Fellow with the University of Wollongong and an associate investigator at the Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research (ACEBR). Anderson is also an investigator in ACEBR’s current provocation study (1). At the meeting Dr. Anderson essentially gave the apparent scientific viewpoint of ACEBR over the controversial condition of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) alleged to be a result of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) from radiofrequency/ microwave emissions as well as power frequency fields.

    According to interviews with a number of people who attended the meeting Dr. Anderson told the audience that his research, which he has been doing for more than 20 years, showed that there was no disease or condition known as EHS but that any ill-effects were the results of the Nocebo effect. He went on to explain that many people he examined/tested genuinely believed they were EHS sensitive but they were not…. SNIP

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    • 03 NOV 17


    (From Ronald N. Kostoff, Ph.D. on November 1, 2017)

    Dear Montgomery County Council Members,

    I have been informed that Montgomery County is considering approval of the installation of small cell towers throughout the County, including up and down residential streets, starting with Potomac, MD and Germantown, MD. I would like to offer my perspective on this proposal.

    Over the past decade, I have been performing studies on causes and treatments of chronic diseases. Much of the focus has emphasized identifying the causes of these diseases, and their specific impacts. The most comprehensive of the studies was a book titled Pervasive Causes of Disease,


    and identified ~800 contributing factors that impacted more than a threshold number of the ~4000 diseases examined.

    One of the specific factors I have been examining in detail is non-ionizing radiation. Earlier this year, I published an invited book chapter on the health impacts of non-ionizing radiation combined with other stimuli, both toxic and non-toxic. SNIP

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    • 02 NOV 17

    The Importance of Avoiding Nighttime EMF

    Excerpts from the Dr. Mercola website. Even though this is primarily about powerfrequency magnetic fields, sleep disruption is also now being widely reported by people who have had an active RF transmitting smart meter placed in close proximity to their bedroom. To date, absolutely no research has been done of sleep disruption and smart meter RF exposure. It is a disgrace that In Australia the research $$$$ focus of ACEBR and recommended by ARPANSA is trying to show that EHS is just a nocebo effect unrelated to exposure.

    “Another factor that can have a significant impact on your sleep quality and health is EMF exposure. This is true regardless of the time of your exposure, but it’s particularly problematic at night. There’s evidence showing EMF exposure reduces melatonin production,17 making it really important to eliminate EMFs in your bedroom. One of the easiest ways to do this is to pull the circuit breaker to your bedroom before going to bed.”

    Also see: Desynchronization of Body Clocks Is an Underlying Factor of Chronic Disease…. SNIP

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    • 18 OCT 17

    Huge Amounts of Radiation Won’t Harm You, Pruitt’s EPA Claims

    Scott Pruitt, chief of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), isn’t just going about destroying environmental safeguards; he has now issued a “guideline” document that states that excessive exposure to radiation is safe for human life. That means he’s not only allowing more pollution that can contribute to ill health and degradation of the environment, but he is also putting us at risk when it comes to radiation. According to Bloomberg,

    In the event of a dirty bomb or a nuclear meltdown, emergency responders can safely tolerate radiation levels equivalent to thousands of chest X-rays, the Environmental Protection Agency said in new guidelines that ease off on established safety levels…. SNIP

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    • 17 OCT 17

    California: Gov. Jerry Brown vetoes bill easing permits on cell phone towers (5G)

    NOTE: While in California where wise heads prevail, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) plans to fast track 5G in the 26GHz frequency range for a nationwide rollout of 5G antennas.


    From The Mercury News ( California), By Tracy Seipel, October 16, 2017

    California: Gov. Jerry Brown vetoes bill easing permits on cell phone towers

    Gov. Jerry Brown late Sunday vetoed a bill backed by the cell phone industry that would have made it easier to install microwave radiation antennas.

    Senate Bill 649, authored by Sen. Ben Hueso, D-San Diego and co-authored by Assemblyman Bill Quirk, D-Hayward, proposed to scale back the permitting process for antennas and other equipment in an effort to meet demand for wireless services.

    In a signing statement, Brown wrote that while he saw the value in “extending this ​innovative technology rapidly and efficiently,” the bill took too much control away from cities and counties.

    The bill was primarily supported by the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association, the main trade group for the U.S. wireless telecommunications industry. The group said SB 649 would help boost the economy.

    Yet the bill had alarmed many local government officials around the state. They worried if SB 649 became law, it would cap how much they could charge phone companies for leases to $250 a year. Others raised concerns about the risk to public health from cell towers.

    Grass-roots activists and scientists said that if SB 649 became law, a projected 50,000 new cellular antennas would be installed on public buildings and utility poles in California neighborhoods, creating a risk to public health because of the dangers of radiation and electromagnetic frequencies emitted by cell towers.


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    • 05 OCT 17

    New paper: RF exposure as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease

    With our ever increasing exposure to RF from new technology the authors of this paper raise a vital question. Is RF exposure an environmental risk factor for cardiovascular disease? Hopefully this paper will encourage research on the possibility – as we rush down the road to 5G and the Internet of Things with health considerations based solely on thermal effects.

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