• 14 JUN 16

    The WHO’s EHC for RF and the EC on endocrine-disrupting chemicals: will industry win the day?

    Dariusz Leszczynski reports in his blog Between a Rock and A Hard Place the current status of the WHO’s next Environmental Health Criteria (EHC) for telecommunications frequencies (RF/MW). This criteria, once written and ratified, will form the basis for RF/MW regulations for years to come – so for the Telco industry a lot is riding on the outcome. I recommend a read of Leszczynski’s WHO analysis then consider the scandal unfolding with the European Commissions criteria for identifying and regulating endocrine-disrupting chemicals – a huge concern for the chemical industry.

    Will industry influence rule the day for both?
    Read on….

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    • 11 JUN 16

    Anti-Choice Groups Use Smartphone Surveillance to Target ‘Abortion-Minded Women’ During Clinic Visits

    May 25, 2016, 6:52pm
    Sharona Coutts

    Women who have visited almost any abortion clinic in the United States have seen anti-choice protesters outside, wielding placards and chanting abuse. A Boston advertiser’s technology, when deployed by anti-choice groups, allows those groups to send propaganda directly to a woman’s phone while she is in a clinic waiting room.


    Last year, an enterprising advertising executive based in Boston, Massachusetts, had an idea: Instead of using his sophisticated mobile surveillance techniques to figure out which consumers might be interested in buying shoes, cars, or any of the other products typically advertised online, what if he used the same technology to figure out which women were potentially contemplating abortion, and send them ads on behalf of anti-choice organizations? SNIP Flynn’s targeting of women seeking abortion presents a serious threat to the privacy and safety of women exercising their right to choose, as well as to abortion providers and their staff, a Rewire investigation has found. But due to weak and patchwork laws governing privacy and data collection in the United States, the conduct appears to be perfectly legal. SNIP

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    • 09 JUN 16

    Technology is making us blind: The dangerous complacency of the iPhone era

    Following is an oldie (2014) but goodie from Salon.com which is quite relevant to recent postings on “A Brave New World”.


    The rise of smartphones and social media has ushered in a new age of techno-optimism. And that’s a big problem
    Charles Howarth
    Nov 30, 2014


    The technology pages of news media can make for scary reading these days. From new evidence of government surveillance to the personal data collection capabilities of new devices, to the latest leaks of personal information, we hear almost daily of new threats to personal privacy. It’s difficult to overstate the implications of this: The separation of the private and public that’s the cornerstone of liberal thought, not to mention the American Constitution, is being rapidly eroded, with potentially profound consequences for our freedom.

    As much as we may register a certain level of dismay at this, in practice, our reaction is often indifference. How many of us have taken to the streets in protest, started a petition, canvassed a politician, or even changed our relationship with our smartphone, tablet or smartwatch? The question is why are we so unconcerned?

    We could say that it’s simply a matter of habit, that we have become so used to using devices in such a way that we cannot imagine using them any differently. Or we could, for example, invoke a tragic fate in which we simply have no option but to accept the erosion of our privacy because of our powerlessness against corporations and governments.

    These are, however, retrospective justifications that miss the kernel of the truth. To reach this kernel, we have to excavate the substratum of culture to uncover the ideas that shape our relationship with technology. Only here can we see that the cause is a profound ideological shift in this relationship.
    READ ON….

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    • 06 JUN 16

    Elon Musk’s Brave New World: Become cyborgs or risk humans being turned into robots’ pets

    Elon Musk envisions a future “Brave New World” where, in order to keep up with advances in artificial intelligence (AI) technology, future humans (those who can afford it that is) will have to have a “neural lace”, embedded within their brains, becoming cyborgs, or super humans, in order to keep pace with the technology. An interesting concept worthy of the best of SiFi writers but consider that such technology would not come cheap. No coverage through medical insurance, ensuring that only the elites of the world will be able to afford having a neural lace implanted within their brains.

    Essentially what Musk is envisioning is an Olympian super race – part human/part AI, essentially populated by only those who can afford it – the 1 % of the world’s population who now owns half the world’s wealth. As for all those who cannot afford joining the lofty Olympians with all their neural lace emplants, what future for them? A high-tech serfdom perhaps?
    Read on…,

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    • 04 JUN 16

    The Pentagon’s Mad Scientists Are Working on Mind Control

    The Pentagon’s Mad Scientists Are Working on Mind Control
    Let’s go inside DARPA’s secretive world


    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has an incredible reputation for a group of super-scientists who create potentially world-ending weapons and technology.

    The Pentagon’s mad scientists helped create the Internet, GPS and stealth fighters. Now they’re working on self driving cars, artificial intelligence and brain-computer interfaces. If you’ve read about in a science-fiction novel, there’s a good chance DARPA it trying to do it.

    The powerful military organization operates behind a wall of secrecy and often the gulf between what it says it’s working on and what it’s actually working on is enormous. Today on War College, we sit down with author and journalist Annie Jacobsen to talk about her Pulitzer Prize-nominated book The Pentagon’s Brain.

    Jacobsen spent years researching DARPA, interviewing its scientists and digging through its histories. Not an easy task for an organization so intent on staying private. What she discovered is both exciting … and terrifying. SNIP

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    • 03 JUN 16

    New paper: The WHO EMF Project: Legitimating the Imaginary of Global Harmonization of EMF Safety Standards

    NOTE: David Mercer, the author of this paper was my supervisor at Wollongong University for my thesis The Procrustean Approach.This is well worth a read!

    The WHO EMF Project: Legitimating the Imaginary of Global Harmonization of EMF Safety Standards
    Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 2 (2016), 88-105

    Abstract (excerpt)

    An important topic for studies of STS and globalization are the ways “global” institutions create
    and attempt to implement health guidelines and safety standards to address risks associated with
    new technologies. In the following discussion this topic is examined through a case study of the
    activities of the World Health Organization’s Electric and Magnetic Field Project (WHO EMF
    Project). EMF exposures are associated with telecommunications and electrical infrastructure,
    most notably high voltage power-lines, radio and cell towers and the use of mobile telephones.
    The controversy over setting international safety standards and health guidelines has simmered
    for a number of decades. The mainstream “regulatory science” position has been that it is
    unlikely EMF’s constitute a significant health risk and therefore minimal regulatory intervention
    or significant precautionary considerations are required. A small but persistent stream of
    scientific studies nevertheless have continued to raise significant health concerns and have led to
    calls for regulators to build stronger precautionary approaches into EMF standards and
    guidelines. SNIP

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    • 02 JUN 16

    Microwave News: One Type of Brain Tumor IS Going Up, the Deadliest Kind


    Media on NTP Cancer Study: It’s Hype
    One Type of Brain Tumor IS Going Up, the Deadliest Kind

    Senior managers at the National Toxicology Program (NTP) released the preliminary results of their cell phone radiation study late last week. They were so concerned about the elevated rates of two types of cancer among exposed rats that they felt an immediate public alert was warranted. They considered it unwise to wait for the results to wend their way into a journal sometime next year. Not surprisingly, the NTP report generated worldwide media attention….The New York Times gave the NTP report zero credibility, arguing it can’t mean much because brain tumor rates are not going up. Actually, however, the deadliest and most virulent type of brain tumor, GBMs, is increasing. SNIP

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    • 01 JUN 16

    Telstra takes over Australia’s new National Cancer Screening Register (NCSR)

    In its 2004 Annual Report, Australia’s Telstra corporation stated, under the heading “Risk factors”, that “the establishment of a link between adverse health effects and electromagnetic energy (EME) could expose us to liability or negatively affect our operations”. This concern is understandable for Telstra – for if a clear trend emerges in cancer statistics that there may be a connection between telecommunications technology and cancer, such as brain cancers from mobile phone use, it would be bad news indeed for Telstra.

    Could this be a factor in Telstra going after control of Australia’s new National Cancer Screening Register, which the government has said “will ensure Australia remained a world-leader in cancer research, prevention and treatment”.

    Will we see the register later enlarged to include brain cancers as well? If this were to be the case then it is not inconceivable that ‘inconvenient’ cancer data could be easily and quietly ‘massaged’ or hidden for the benefit of Telstra’s corporate interests.

    Of course Telstra would never do such a thing would they? LOL!

    The other BIG question is why has the government selected Telstra over far more experienced organizations to take control over the NCSR?

    It will be interesting just who Telstra selects to run the NCSR….the usual suspects perhaps? READ ON.

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    • 01 JUN 16

    Advisors to the International EMF Scientist Appeal call for a precautionary approach in light of the NTP study

    Statement on the U.S. National Toxicology Program that reports cell phones cause cancer by the Advisors to the International EMF Scientist Appeal

    This $25 million study, executed by the U.S. government, provides support for what we are stating in the ‘International EMF Scientist Appeal’, that a precautionary approach should be exercised and lower electromagnetic field exposure guidelines should be set.

    Visit the home page of the International EMF Scientist Appeal here.

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    • 30 MAY 16

    Views on the NTP cell phone cancer study

    Understandably the recently released NTP study has generated many opinions (some expert and some far from it) on what the study means for mobile phone users. The official audio download from Friday’s teleconference is now available online and in addition the NTP now has a new webpage titled “Cell Phones”

    (the 74-page report of partial findings and the same audio are also linked at the bottom of it)

    Following are some of the articles on the study. Please take special note at the last entry below, from the Australian Science Media Centre’s (AusSMC) SIMEX blog posting which quotes Dr Rodney Croft’s expert analysis of the NTP study. Dr. Croft has this amazing gift of being able to take a complex issue, such as the NTP study and simply boil it down to a brief reassuring statement for the media to unquestionably digest and regurgitate in their news stories.

    Never mind the science such as the IARC classification of “mobile phone-like exposure” as a possible human carcinogen which is backed up by Professor Bruce Armstrong’s statement in the same SIMEX blog, immediately above Croft’s, that “This report supports the IARC monograph’s conclusion that RF is possibly carcinogenic to humans”. – Rodney simply and predictably avoids this and concludes that “the NTP report does not provide reason to move from the current scientific consensus that mobile phone-like exposure does not impact health.”

    Just who’s scientific consensus does he follow?

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    • 26 MAY 16

    Cell Phone Radiation Boosts Cancer Rates in Animals

    From Microwave News

    U.S. Government Expected To Advise Public of Tumor Risk
    The cell phone cancer controversy will never be the same again.

    The U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) is expected to issue a public announcement that cell phone radiation presents a cancer risk for humans. The move comes soon after its recently completed study showed statistically significant increases in cancer among rats that had been exposed to GSM or CDMA signals for two-years.

    Discussions are currently underway among federal agencies on how to inform the public about the new findings. NTP senior managers believe that these results should be released as soon as possible because just about everyone is exposed to wireless radiation all the time and therefore everyone is potentially at risk.
    To read our exclusive story, click here.

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    • 22 MAY 16

    Stop Untested Microwave Radiation of Children’s Brains and Eyes EHT Scientists Urge Google


    From the Environmental Health Trust


    Scientific imaging shows how children absorb radiation from Smartphones in Virtual reality cardboard positions.

    Environmental Health Trust (EHT) scientists are calling on Google to stop the spread into schools of wireless virtual reality system Global Expeditions Pioneer Program where middle-school children hold a cell phone encased in a cardboard box in front of their eyes to take virtual expeditions to Mars, the moon, and other special places.

    “Two-way microwave radiation transceivers, in the form of Smartphones, should not be used directly in front of children’s eyes and brains,” cautions University of Utah Distinguished Prof. Om Gandhi, who is one of the original developers of testing to evaluate wireless radiation from cellphones and is a Senior Advisor to EHT.

    Prof. Gandhi added, “We have never tested microwave radiating devices directly in front of the young developing eye. The absence of proof of harm at this point does not mean that we have evidence of safety.”

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    • 21 MAY 16

    Cindy Sage, the Bioinitiative reports co-editor on smart phone virtual shopping

    From Cindy Sage. A letter sent to the New York Times:

    Dear New York Times people,

    I have received your gift of a Google Cardboard viewer thanking me for being a loyal subscriber to the Times.

    What a hilarious debacle in the name of ‘gifting’ and thanking your customers. I read and respect the NY Times, but this is a real mistake in judgment.

    What you didn’t tell me is that this is a distinct health hazard to the very loyal subscribers like myself whom you are trying to thank with this gift. This would not be approvable under any Institutional Review Board as a scientific experiment on humans, without informed consent from them for exposing them to a classified Possible Human Carcinogen (WHO IARC Group 2B). No IRB would or could approve it.

    Putting a cell phone at your forehead is ridiculously risky. Where are the health warnings?

    Please see www.bioinitiative.org or any of the other 1000 or so scientific studies
    on the risks of cell phone radiation.

    Thanks but no thanks. Looking for the quick demise of this ill-conceived customer relations program.

    Cindy Sage, MA
    Sage Associates
    Co-Editor, BioInitiative Reports

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    • 20 MAY 16

    Ebay / Myer’s new virtual reality shopping store ignores possible eye damage to the user

    In a world’s first partnership between Ebay and Myer’s department store a virtual reality shopping mall now allows the user to access to thousands of items simply by downloading the eBay Virtual Reality Department Store app on their smart phone. What is also required is a foldout smart phone holder headset (called SHOPTICALS) for your phone which allows you to place the phone immediately in front of your eyes and start shopping.

    As clearly seen, this places the smart phone about 2 inches from the user’s eyes, which will be exposing the eyes to the phone’s light and microwave emissions when using the headset. This should be of concern to both Ebay and Myer, not only because it might harm their customers but also because of the existing evidence (below) that their technology poses a possible risk of eye damage to the user. If this turns out to be the case it exposes these corporations to a class-action litigation risk.

    It is a disgrace that so many of the myriad of new devices being marketed are developed and sold without the slightest consideration of possible long term harm other than thermal (see last message).

    Read on…..

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    • 19 MAY 16

    EMR Aware Newsletter now available online

    From the folks at the EMR Aware Newsletter


    May – June 2016

    This free occasional newsletter is published by EMR Aware, a group of concerned citizens based in Northern NSW Australia. It is intended to help provide up-to-date information on the health, environmental and social impacts of modern electro-technologies. This is done in the pubic interest to assist a fair and balanced discussion of the topics at hand. Particular attention is given to content that may not otherwise be made available or openly acknowledged by industry and their government regulators.

    We invite readers to consider the scientific evidence and trending opinion on this page and throughout prior editions of our newsletter. There seems little doubt a tobacco-style cover-up of the adverse effects of EMR is underway by those reliant upon its profitability or surveillance potential. You can help reddress this situation by forwarding the link to this web page to as many interested persons and organisations as possible. Anyone wishing to receive our newsletter regularly do so by sending an email with the word “subscribe”. Thank you for visiting.

    – See more at: http://www.emraware.com/newsletter_may_june_2016.html#sthash.PUlaFh1V.dpuf

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    • 17 MAY 16

    Will Massey University’s research on the potential health impacts of 5G devices be limited to thermal effects only?

    Note: It appears that the below research effort may be limited to investigating thermal effects only and not other effects below the existing RF thermal limits (ICNIRP, etc). It is concerning that lead investigator, Dr Hasan from the School of Engineering and Advanced Technology at Massey mentions that 5G technology may bring us dangerously close to exceeding the pre-defined (thermal effects only)limits and so the study findings will be compared against the existing thresholds that have been set aside by a number of regulatory bodies. In other words, if their measurements of these devices conform to ICNIRP thermal limits all is well.

    If this be the case this whole blinkered research effort will fail to give any answers to the question of possible biological hazards of 5G technology other than an assurance that at lease the devices will not cook you……

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    • 14 MAY 16

    Joel Moskowitz comments in Medscape on Simon Chapman’s study.

    Joel’s comments: This study seems designed to serve as propaganda for the public debate about whether cell phone radiation is a cancer risk factor. The study’s lead author, Simon Chapman, published an opinion piece online (see below) in which he accused Devra Davis of being an “alarmist” for her position in this debate.

    Yesterday, Medscape, a website that “offers specialists, primary care physicians, and other health professionals the Web’s most robust and integrated medical information and educational tools,” published a story about the study. The article cited Simon Chapman and John Boice, Jr. who supported the study’s conclusions, and Lennart Hardell who raised concerns. Since I have concerns about the study and do not believe the Medscape article was balanced, I sent Medscape my comments. See the Medscape article which appears below along with my comments in red. SNIP

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    • 11 MAY 16

    ICNIRP’s meeting at Capetown, South Africa


    Press release issued by the Electromagnetic Radiation Research Foundation of South Africa.
    As the world’s radiation protection agency meets in Cape Town, scientists call for the retraction of a study from a top industry researcher claiming that children are not at higher risk from mobile phones

    May 9, 2016

    The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) is a self-appointed body that sets the safety guidelines used by the World Health Organisation to cover all radiation from electrical and electronic apparatus, including power lines, smartphones, wifi, and telecoms masts.

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    • 10 MAY 16

    Dariusz Leszczynski on Simon Chapman’s mobile phone ‘all-clear study.


    From Dariusz Leszczynski’s blog Between A Rock and A Hard Place.

    May 10, 2016

    Professor Simon Chapman responds…
    Posted on May 10, 2016

    Recent epidemiological study from Australia, on cell phones and brain cancer, made headline news: Chapman S, Azizi L, Luo Q, Sitas F. Has the incidence of brain cancer risen in Australia since the introduction of mobile phones 29 years ago? Cancer Epidemiology, 2016 May 4.

    Reason for this global interest is simple, the authors claim to have proven that cell phones do not cause brain cancer and the issue should be put to rest. The study analyzed the 29 year history of cell phone use in Australia and compared it with the numbers of brain cancer reported to cancer registry.

    However, I think the authors greatly overstated significance of their results leading to misinformation of the readers and the general public at large. SNIP

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    • 08 MAY 16

    Commentaries: Prof Simon Chapman finds no link between mobile phone use and brain cancer. Good epidemiology or spin?

    This post is about Simon Chapman’s recent epidemiological study which did not find any link between mobile phone use and the incidence of brain cancer. Also are comments on this study by Lloyd Morgan and Katherine Smith.

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