• 20 JAN 16

    Reducing occupant exposure to EMFs in residential construction: Avoiding AC magnetic field EMFs – Free CE Webinar

    January 20 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST

    This webinar is the next in the 5 part series, ” Reducing occupant exposure to EMFs in residential construction” where each member of our panel of experts will present an entire hour on each specific type of EMF. Catch part 1 here as on-demand recording if you missed it.
    First to be discussed is AC magnetic fields. This is the type of EMF you think of when you hear the words, “electromagnetic field”. It has four common sources: separation of conductors carrying current loads, such as overhead power lines; unbalanced electric loads on adjacent hot and neutral conductors; current on grounding paths, including metal water pipes and TV cable sheathing; and point sources, such as transformers and motors.
    Yet, magnetic fields are only one component of a duality of fields present wherever electricity exists, the other being electric fields. Electric fields will be discussed in a separate webinar.

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    • 14 JAN 16

    NCRP Nixed Cell Phone Safety Advice Told CDC To Delete Cautionary Recommendation

    From Microwave News


    The National Council on Radiation Protection, an organization chartered by the U.S. Congress, pressured the Centers for Disease Control to remove any reference to “caution” in its fact sheet on the use of cell phones. The NCRP was disturbed by the interpretation that CDC was endorsing “precaution.”


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    • 13 JAN 16

    ‘Smart’ Meters Represent Industrial Profiteering and Government Sanctioned Surveillance, New Study Says

    From a new post on Smart Grid Awareness


    Posted on January 11, 2016 by SkyVision Solutions
    by K.T. Weaver, SkyVision Solutions

    Consumer Dataveillance by Smart MetersIn an article from December 31st, I wrote that ‘Smart’ Meters Generate a ‘Gold Mine of Data’ for Utilities and that they provide a ‘gateway’ to the home.

    To better understand the full nature of this “data gold mining” and the motives behind it, I will highlight portions of a newly published paper, “The Neoliberal Politics of ‘Smart’: Electricity Consumption, Household Monitoring, and the Enterprise Form.” The authors are from Portland State University.

    As we have previously observed, utility smart meters expose the consumer and society to tremendous threats and risks. To those who objectively study the issues, it is almost incomprehensible at to why our government officials continue to allow utility smart meter deployments. The latest paper, published this past November, offers additional insight for the underlying reasons of why smart meter deployments persist in spite of the dangers.

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    • 11 JAN 16

    EHS paper published in Reviews on Environmental Health

    David O. Carpenter
    Institute for Health and the Environment, University at Albany, 5 University Place, A217, Rensselaer, NY 12144, USA

    Microwave generating equipment first became common during World War 2 with the development of radar. Soviet bloc countries reported that individuals exposed to microwaves frequently developed headaches, fatigue, loss of appetite, sleepiness, difficulty in concentration, poor memory, emotional instability, and labile cardiovascular function, and established stringent exposure standards.
    There is increasing evidence that the “microwave syndrome” or “electro-hypersensitivity” (EHS) is a real disease that is caused by exposure to EMFs, especially those in the microwave range. The reported incidence of the syndrome is increasing along with increasing exposure to EMFs from electricity, WiFi, mobile phones and towers, smart meters and many other wireless devices.

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    • 17 DEC 15

    Finnish education professor’s warning: Wireless technology in schools may lead to a global epidemic of brain damages.

    From Agenta Jonsson who has been in contact with Finnish professor Rainer Nyberg. The following is a current update from a Jan 14, 2014 interview with Professor Rainer Nyberg

    Finnish education professor’s warning: Wireless technology in schools may lead to a global epidemic of brain damages.
    “We must protect children and youth more than we do today.”

    Yle Arenan. Yle Nyheter, Finland Jan. 24, 2014

    Translated by Agneta Jonsson
    Revised by Rainer Nyberg. Nov. 27, 2015

    Professor Rainer Nyberg changed his opinion of wireless technology in March 2013. At that time he had been lecturing in Finland and Sweden for many years and had written books about the uses and benefits of online learning. In this interview, for TV-Finland’s Channel, he explains how he found out about the health risks directly linked to wireless emissions from the technology he had assumed would only have positive effects.

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    • 13 DEC 15

    EMR Aware newsletter: Highly recommended!

    December – January 2015-16

    This free bimonthly newsletter is produced by EMR Aware, a group of concerned citizens based in Northern NSW Australia. It is intended to distribute, in the public interest, the latest information on the health, environmental and social impacts of electro-technologies. Since the primary objective is to encourage a fair and balanced discussion, emphasis here is placed upon aspects of the topics at hand that are not widely acknowledged by industry and their government regulators.

    As was the case with tobacco, asbestos and lead, education and consumer sentiment grounded in science is a key to overcoming the intransigence of commercial interests. Readers can assist by forwarding a link to this page to as many interested persons as possible. Be sure to check past editions of this newsletter for further relevant material.

    – See more at: http://www.emraware.com/newsletter_december_january_2015-16.html#sthash.9IrOUwpF.dpuf

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    • 12 DEC 15

    Toys could be used as spying devices, MPs told

    From Olle Johansson

    9 December 2015


    The security services could remotely take over children’s toys and use them to spy on suspects, MPs have been told.

    The draft Investigatory Powers Bill would place a legal duty on internet providers to assist in hacking devices.

    But it would not be restricted to phones and PCs, a tech industry chief told the Commons science and technology committee.

    Antony Walker, of techUK, said anything that connected to the internet could “in theory” be hacked into.

    In the future, this could include driverless cars or household appliances connected to the internet – the so-called Internet of Things – said Mr Walker.
    ‘Child’s bedroom’

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    • 30 NOV 15

    New Paper identifying disease biomarkers for EHS and MCS

    While the folks at the Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research (ACEBR) continue to firmly adhere to the viewpoint that EHS is just a nocebo effect and there is no evidence of any harm at exposure levels below the Standards, science moves on. Of note here is a paper published in Reviews on Environmental Health Volume 30, Issue 4 (Dec 2015):

    Reliable disease biomarkers characterizing and identifying electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity as two etiopathogenic aspects of a unique pathological disorder

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    • 25 NOV 15

    Appin Hall Children’s Foundation End-of-Year Newsletter 2015

    NOTE: This posting is a follow-up from my posting of August 26 2015

    From Ronnie Burns, founder of Appin Hall.


    In July this year, Appin Hall received notice regarding an application to Kentish Council that the NBNCo (+ Ericsson Australia) were proposing to erect a 60met high telecommunications facility within 20met of our northern neighbouring property. In response to this development application, we submitted a Letter of Objection to Kentish Council based on the fact that many of our clients (children suffering serious illness) are already compromised due to
    illness, treatment + chemotherapy.

    After months of begging the powers that be: Local Council, the Tasmanian Government and the then Communications Minister, Malcolm Turnbull (and others) the outcome was that no response was forthcoming…

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    • 25 NOV 15

    Dr. Devra Davis on the TODAY Nine Network TV program

    Well worth seeing is the TODAY TV program featuring Dr. Devra Davis on mobile phone and Wi-FI dangers (link below). Dr. Davis has been lecturing in Australia on this issue much to the chagrin of the folks at ACEBR who consistently take the line that its all just a nocebo effect and all we need to do is to stop worrying.


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    • 17 NOV 15

    Off Topic: Waleed Aly: Here’s What ISIL Want, And How We Stop Them

    Waleed Aly is a well known TV presenter as well as a leader in the Australian Muslim community. I highly recommend viewing his excellent analysis of the current ISIL madness.


    From Getup:

    In times like these, we inevitably hear from voices calling us to division, not unity. These voices call on us to close our minds and shut our hearts. But here’s Waleed Aly on why that’s exactly what ISIL wants – and why it’s our job not to let them:

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    • 14 NOV 15

    Baroness Susan Greenfield on IT’s impacts on children

    Although I had mentioned this in a blog last year, considering my recent blogs on Wi-Fi technology in schools, it is worthwhile to revisit Professor Susan Greenfield’s Youtube talk on how new digital technologies are rewiring the brain’s frontal cortex – the area of the brain responsible for cognitive analysis and abstract thought.

    Greenfield suggests that ‘mind change’, brought on by increasing internet use and the popularity of social media sites like Twitter and Facebook, will be the new climate change.

    The first part of her presentation deals with how the brain develops and the second part about children and overuse of IT and its impact of their ability to learn and also diminishing interpersonal skills. Points in the presentation include:

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    • 13 NOV 15

    The Hidden Agenda Behind 21st Century Learning

    From Psychology Today:

    The Hidden Agenda Behind 21st Century Learning
    Public-private partnership is strangling our education system.

    Victoria L. Dunckley M.D. Sep 30, 2015


    How has our public education system gotten so off track?

    High-stakes testing, obsessive data collection, and lofty promises of technology’s potential to “revolutionize” education are contributing to ever-increasing amounts of school-based screen-time. The invasion is occuring with complete disregard for what it taking away from in terms of basic developmental needs, as well as for screentime’s negative influence on nervous system health. Health and development risks aside, research suggests computer use in schools drags down test scores (link is external).

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    • 12 NOV 15

    Melbourne Lecture: The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation… Presented by Dr Devra Davis

    This lecture is proudly presented by the Melbourne School of Engineering, in partnership with the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, the Faculty of Science and the Melbourne Networked Society Institute, at the University of Melbourne.

    Dean’s Lecture Invitation

    The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation: what we know, what we need to find out, and what you can do now
    Presented by Dr Devra Davis

    Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, and Visiting Professor of Medicine at Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey

    Monday 30 November, 6:00-7.00pm
    (refreshments from 5:30pm)
    Carrillo Gantner Theatre, Basement
    761 Swanston Street, Parkville
    Register via link below

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    • 11 NOV 15

    New paper on children and mobile technology

    Exposure and Use of Mobile Media Devices by Young Children
    Hilda K. Kabali, MD, Matilde M. Irigoyen, MD, Rosemary Nunez-Davis, DO, MPH, Jennifer G. Budacki, DO, Sweta H. Mohanty, MD,Kristin P. Leister, MD, Robert L. Bonner, Jr, MD

    PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 6, December 2015

    abstract (conclusions)

    Young children in an urban, low-income, minority community had almost universal exposure to mobile devices, and most had their own device by age 4. The patterns of use suggest early adoption, frequent and independent use, and media multitasking. Studies are urgently needed to update recommendations for families and providers on the use of mobile media by young children.

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    • 09 NOV 15

    Are iPads in schools a waste of money? OECD report says yes

    From The Age, September 15, 2015:

    Timna Jacks, Education Reporter


    Investment in computers and iPads in schools does not improve numeracy and literacy skills, a new OECD report has warned.

    In fact, the report, just released by the organisation which is considered the definitive authority on global academic performance, found frequent use of computers in schools is often associated with lower results.

    Investment in computers and iPads in schools does not improve numeracy and literacy skills, a new OECD report has warned.

    In fact, the report, just released by the organisation which is considered the definitive authority on global academic performance, found frequent use of computers in schools is often associated with lower results.

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    • 09 NOV 15

    First look at NSW classrooms of the future: But who will consider what happened in Sweden?

    From the New South Wales Department of Education website:

    Friday 6 November 2015 – Excerpt

    Minister for Education Adrian Piccoli has unveiled some of the innovative technology and teaching practices being trialed for new and refurbished classrooms across NSW.

    Mr Piccoli visited the Department of Education’s Futures Learning Unit at Australian Technology Park to see students and teachers testing prototyped flexible learning spaces that will enable education to adapt to the digital age.

    “The way our children learn is evolving as times change and it’s exciting to see first-hand how the traditional classroom is being transformed into an interactive learning space,” Mr Piccoli said.
    Now for comparison, see this posting from 2014 by Olle Johansson:
    Is wireless technology in Swedish schools adversely affecting the kids?

    An English translation! – ”KI researcher: ‘Kick out politicians who give students hazardous e-readers with unproven educational value’”

    Thanks to the so-called PISA* (OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment) survey, in Sweden we now know: student scores in maths, reading comprehension and natural sciences are plummeting. The results are prompting rage in Swedish schools. Something is wrong.


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    • 05 NOV 15

    Parent’s success in stopping WiFI installation at Australian school

    The following was written by a mother who took action to inform her child’s school on EMR health issues specific to children. This action resulted in the school enacting an EMR precautionary policy.




    An Australian mum has been successful in preventing installation of WiFi at her child’s school and has worked with the school in drafting EMR precautionary measures by requesting compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and Article 9: Accessibility from the Conventions on the Rights of the Disabled to accommodate her child’s functional impairment.

    She stated “My child has a sensitivity to EMR, specifically WiFi and Bluetooth elicit symptoms.” The school environment was very good already, to change that by installing WiFi would exclude the child’s access to the school. The first step she took was to register a compliment/complaint/ feedback form on the Dept of Education’s website she said. “I requested help to find a WiFi- free high school and stated my child’s health complaints and symptoms. Rather than sending an email which could get “lost” in the system, I chose to use the education department’s processes for registering my complaint regarding accessibility to schools.” Around the same time, the child’s school initiated the WiFi installation discussion again. This quickly led to further conversations with the school and district education officers covering both accessibility issues……


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    • 04 NOV 15

    Goodbye to the “Smart Grid” and hello to the “Hello Grid”

    It had to come: The smart grid industry’s slick public relations campaign to make the smart grid (read: smart meters) more palatable to the uninformed public. To this end, their public relations spin merchants have come up with a brilliant new term for the smart grid. Now its called the “Hello Grid”. Perhaps we can even now call the troublesome smart meter the ‘hello meter’.

    My suggestion is to simply drop the “o”….. Read on.

    NOTE: If the link to this posting does not work please just go to my website www.emfacts.com to access the post.


    Hello Grid is an initiative to share with the community more about the way energy networks across Australia work, and of the exciting changes that are taking place in the system. This intricate system of transmission towers, substations, transformers, poles, wires and smart technology, along with all the people who maintain and manage the infrastructure provides an important service to the community – and is likely to be the vital gateway to a smart and clean energy future.


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    • 03 NOV 15

    Triggering Agents of Electromagnetic Sensitivity

    From Patricia Burke:

    Published on Mar 5, 2015
    Triggering Agents of Electromagnetic Sensitivity, a presentation and Q&A by Dr. William Rea, M.D.. Dr. Rea presented his compelling evidence and recommendations for a healthier world at Creating Safe Havens in a Toxic, Electromagnetic World, a conference hosted by the International Institute for Building-Biology & Ecology. http://building-biology.org
    46 minutes video

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