• 20 AUG 15

    IEMFA notice: Ex-WHO General-Director: Wireless Technology Has Negative Health Effects.

    From the IEMFA, 20 August 2015:

    Ex-WHO General-Director and Ex-Prime Minister of Norway: Wireless Technology Has Negative Health Effects. There Is No Doubt.

    On Friday the 14th of August 2015, retired WHO General-Director and Prime Minister of Norway, Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, was interviewed by the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten*. One of the issues raised in the interview was her current thoughts on wireless radiation. Her statement was crystal clear.

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    • 04 AUG 15

    SCENIHR’s Procrustean Approach exposed!

    For some months the International EMF Alliance (IEMFA) has been examining the activities of the SCENIHR working group on Potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields. This supposedly expert group has given the all-clear to telecommunications technology. What stands out with SCENIHR’s risk assessment process is a striking lack of pluralism and transparency. The analysis by a number of IEMFA members has found that SCENIHR’d expert opinion is strongly biased towards corporate, military and economic interests with a strategic need for wireless techniques.- Or as I would put it, SCENIHR follows a classic Procrustean Approach.

    Following are links to IEMFA’s assessment of the SCENIHR spin.

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    • 28 JUL 15

    Hacking a “Smart” Cherokee Jeep

    Imagine a world of driverless smart cars, all connected wirelessly via a cloud GPS system or similar. Now imagine the challenge to hackers to take over the system and play a game of ‘Grand Theft Auto’ but using real cars and causing real havoc on the highways. Too farfetched? read on and see the video.

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    • 24 JUL 15

    Cindy Sage comments on last message re the “hive” and smart meters

    From Cindy Sage:

    These fools do not have a clue that as you ramp up the duty cycle (using more than the utility requires) the wireless RF exposure goes up dramatically. See SageReports.com/smart-meter-rf as proof that EVEN FCC standards, as grossly inadequate as they are, will be violated by smart meters in ‘the manner installed and operated’.

    That is precisely why we did the computer modeling on various duty cycles, from 1% in increments up to 100% duty cycle. Because ‘excess capacity’ is equivalent to money. Wireless capacity has a value. It will be sold, and exploited for commercial purposes by some truly uninformed group like HIVE that does not get the implications.

    We modeled a single meter and four meters in bank… and a collector meter and a collector meter plus multiple smart meters… and gave FCC OET 65 formula calculations at 60% and 100% reflection – as the FCC requires to show that for a nursery crib at 11″ thru a wall from these meters; and also at about 28″ from a kitchen counter (meters on outside walls at this distance) you very quickly see FCC VIOLATIONS of RF.

    We also compared the absolute RF power density levels in these scenarios to studies reporting health effects at lower-than-FCC safety standards. Of course, the effects are far worse considering the non-thermal RF effects.

    So, as these people at HIVE go merrily on their way, promoting this ‘new concept’, they would do well to get a basic education in safety standards and computer modeling.

    Cindy Sage, Sage Associates

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    • 23 JUL 15

    Hive: Planning To Turn The Hum Of Thousands Of Smart Meters Into A Supercomputer Platform

    From Forbes magazine online:

    By Peter Kelly-Detwiler


    I recently spoke with representatives at Hive Computing, Inc. – a fledgling start-up with a revolutionary idea that meshes smart meters and computing, and that may take the shared economy to a new level. Hive plans to connect smart meters and utilize their spare capacity to create a networked supercomputer that will be green and very inexpensive to operate. SNIP

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    • 09 JUL 15

    Did An Australian University Just Say Wi-Fi Can Give You And Your Kids Cancer?


    Despite the fact that both Australian nuclear advisory bodies and the World Health Organisation have downplayed the link between brain cancer and the radiation emitted by devices like Wi-Fi routers and mobile phones, Monash University yesterday issued a press release that might give parents second thoughts about having Wi-Fi and other wireless gadgets in the home. What gives?

    The press release, titled “Policies on children’s tech exposure confusing” details a study conducted by Monash University’s Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. The study looked at 34 different countries and the advice they all gave parents surrounding a child’s exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields, also known as RF-EMF.

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    • 29 JUN 15

    FCC: ‘Prime Example of Institutional Corruption’

    In a new publication just released from Harvard University, Norm Alster examines how the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is dominated by the industries it presumably regulates.

    “The FCC‘s network of corruption doesn‘t just shield industry from needed scrutiny and regulation on matters of public health and safety. Sometimes it just puts its hand directly into the public pocket and redistributes that cash to industry supplicants.”

    “The General Accounting Office (GAO) has issued several reports citing fraud, waste and mismanagement, along with inadequate FCC oversight of the subsidy program. Bribery, kickbacks and false documentation can perhaps be expected in a handout program mandated by Congress and only indirectly supervised by the FCC. But the scope of fraud has been impressive.”

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    • 26 JUN 15

    IARC Conflict of Interest Statement Updated

    From Louis Slesin, Microwave News:

    Lancet Oncology, the journal which published the official announcement of IARC’s decision to designate RF radiation as a possible human carcinogen, has issued a correction to the conflict of interest (COI) statement it had included for Niels Kuster, the Swiss researcher and entrepreneur based in Zurich. Kuster attended IARC’s evaluation of RF radiation in May 2011 as an “invited specialist.”

    While this correction adds some important details, no one should lose sight of the fact that IARC invited three representatives from industry to be observers at the meeting, while barring attendance of the press.

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    • 13 JUN 15

    Melbourne doctor fears link between mobile phone use and brain cancer

    From Stop Smart Meters Australia:


    Melbourne doctor fears link between mobile phone use and brain cancer
    Posted on June 13, 2015 by Stop Smart Meters Australia

    A leading Melbourne doctor is blaming mobile phones for an escalation in brain cancer.

    Dr John Tickell has fought his own cancer battle and claims radiation is the link.

    He says it should be a wake up call for anyone who uses a mobile phone.

    Dr Tickell was a on a flight from Sydney to Melbourne when he suffered a seizure. A subsequent brain scan revealed five tumours; one was the size of a golf ball.

    “It’s maybe the scariest words you’ll ever hear, ‘you have brain cancer’,” Dr Tickell said.

    Now in remission, Dr Tickell believes radiation is a significant contributing factor to the increasing rate in brain tumours.


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    • 08 JUN 15

    Swedish cancer researcher paid by the Swedish Cancer Society has for long time worked for industry to deny cancer risks

    From Lennart Hardell’s blog:


    In 2013 more than 61,000 new cancer cases were reported to the Swedish Cancer Register. This was all time high and may be compared with e.g. 1970 with 28,000 cases. The increase is remarkable even if age and population number is considered.

    The Swedish Cancer Society has for long time dominated as a sponsor of cancer research. Much has been achieved in microbiology and treatment. However, the Cancer Society has a less prominent history as to cancer prevention, especially regarding chemical risk factors such as pesticides, dioxins, and PCB.

    In contrast, in a recent article in NewsVoice we are told that a Swedish cancer researcher with large funds from the Cancer Society, and even a personal employment to diminish cancer risks, for long time has worked for industry to deny cancer risks.

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    • 26 MAY 15

    Here’s a smart doll from the Twilight Zone!

    Following on from the last posting on creepy Google wi-fi enabled toys see this Twilight Zone clip on “Talky Tina — Living Doll” from the Two Minute Twilight Zone Project — Season 5, Episode 6


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    • 26 MAY 15

    Wi-Fi-enabled Barbie dolls and Smart Teddies in the smart surveillance state

    From Richard Giles

    Google patents Creepy Internet ‘Toys’ that could Control your Home, Listen in on Conversations and Spy on Children
    * Toys containing microphones and cameras could record conversations
    * Would be able to control appliances like TVs, music systems and lights

    Buzz Lightyear and Woody may have been able to switch lights on and off and drive remote controlled cars, but toys of the future could take control of all sorts of household appliances and even spy on their owners too.

    Google has published a patent that suggests creepy-looking teddy bears and rabbits could one day keep a watchful eye on children and adults, eavesdropping on everything we say. The internet-connected devices would listen for instructions and interact with homeowners to switch lights on and off or turn on household appliances upon a simple vocal command, for example.

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    • 17 MAY 15

    City of Berkeley to require cellphone sellers to warn of possible radiation risks

    From Joel Modskowitz

    City of Berkeley to require cellphone sellers to warn of possible radiation risks

    Lawmakers vote to highlight the potential dangers of keeping devices close to the body as scientists raise raft of concerns, especially for children

    Anita Chabria, The Guardian, May 16, 2015
    Berkeley lawmakers voted this week to require cellphone retailers to provide customers with a notice on the potential health hazards of carrying their device too close to their bodies, making the progressive California city the first in the nation to have wireless warnings if the law is allowed to go into effect in July.

    “It’s an important right-to-know issue,” said Berkeley mayor Tom Bates, who voted in favor of the measure. “It’s really just a note of caution.”

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    • 12 MAY 15

    Scientists Appeal to U.N. to Protect Humans & Wildlife from EMF & Wireless Technology


    International Scientists Appeal to U.N. to Protect Humans and Wildlife from Electromagnetic Fields and Wireless Technology
    WHO’s conflicting stance on risk needs strengthening, says 190 scientists

    New York, NY, May 11, 2015 (Business Wire) — Today 190 scientists from 39 nations submitted an appeal to the United Nations, UN member states and the World Health Organization (WHO) requesting they adopt more protective exposure guidelines for electromagnetic fields (EMF) and wireless technology in the face of increasing evidence of risk. These exposures are a rapidly growing form of environmental pollution worldwide.

    The “International EMF Scientist Appeal” asks the Secretary General and UN affiliated bodies to encourage precautionary measures, to limit EMF exposures, and to educate the public about health risks, particularly to children and pregnant women.

    The Appeal highlights WHO’s conflicting positions about EMF risk. WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classified Radiofrequency radiation as a Group 2B “Possible Carcinogen” in 2011, and Extremely Low Frequency fields in 2001. Nonetheless, WHO continues to ignore its own agency’s recommendations and favors guidelines recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). These guidelines, developed by a self-selected group of industry insiders, have long been criticized as non-protective.

    The Appeal calls on the UN to strengthen its advisories on EMF risk for humans and to assess the potential impact on wildlife and other living organisms under the auspices of the UN Environmental Programme, in line with the science demonstrating risk, thereby resolving this inconsistency.

    Martin Blank, PhD, of Columbia University, says, “International exposure guidelines for electromagnetic fields must be strengthened to reflect the reality of their impact on our bodies, especially on our DNA. The time to deal with the harmful biological and health effects is long overdue. We must reduce exposure by establishing more protective guidelines.”

    Joel Moskowitz, PhD, of University of California, Berkeley, says, “ICNIRP guidelines set exposure standards for high-intensity, short-term, tissue-heating thresholds. These do not protect us from the low-intensity, chronic exposures common today. Scientists signing the Appeal request that the UN and member nations protect the global human population and wildlife from EMF exposures.”

    International EMF Scientist Appeal: EMFscientist.org

    Video Statement (3 min.) by Spokesperson Martin Blank, PhD: EMFscientist.org


    Elizabeth Kelley, MA, Director Joel Moskowitz, PhD
    EMFscientist.org School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley
    info@EMFscientist.org jmm@berkeley.edu

    Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director
    Center for Family and Community Health
    School of Public Health
    University of California, Berkeley

    Electromagnetic Radiation Safety

    Website: http://www.saferemr.com
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SaferEMR
    News Releases: http://pressroom.prlog.org/jmm716/
    Twitter: @berkeleyprc

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    • 08 MAY 15

    In Tasmania, smart meters are optional

    Well, its finally out, Tasmania’s Energy Strategy paper. Perhaps due to the number of submissions against the introduction of smart meters, in the final report on page 20, the Tasmanian government states the following:

    “The Government will not initiate a mandated roll-out of smart meters (such as occurred in Victoria). The government’s position is that any take up of smart meters must be consumer-led, where consumers may choose to have a smart meter in order to enable their preferred retail product.”

    Will this result in a flood of Victorians who have been adversely affected by smart meters moving to Tasmania. Time will tell.

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    • 08 MAY 15

    Press release from the Global Union Against Radiation Deployment from Space


    Sent in by Sarah Benson for distribution:

    Global Union Against Radiation Deployment from Space

    For Immediate Release

    Date: March 25, 2015
    Who: Global Union Against Radiation Deployment from Space (GUARDS)
    Contact: Ed Friedman, Maine USA, 207-666-3372 edfomb@comcast.net

    Planned Global WiFi from Space Will Destroy Ozone Layer,
    Worsen Climate Change, and Threaten Life on Earth

    Five companies are gearing up to provide high-speed global WiFi coverage from space within the next three to four years. This would be an ecological and public health nightmare, according to a recently-formed international coalition: the Global Union Against Radiation Deployment from Space (GUARDS).

    According to GUARDS, the extensive satellite networks required will endanger the ozone layer and significantly contribute to climate change. Rocket exhaust contains ozone-destroying chlorine, water vapor (a greenhouse gas), and aluminum oxide particles, which seed stratospheric clouds. Complete ozone destruction is observed in the exhaust plumes of rockets.

    The New York Times (May 14, 1991, p. 4) quoted Aleksandr Dunayev of the Russian Space Agency saying “About 300 launches of the space shuttle each year would be a catastrophe and the ozone layer would be completely destroyed.”


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    • 06 MAY 15

    Carrie Bickmore on Brain Cancer: A must see

    Why is brain cancer research on causes underfunded in Australia?

    The other night on Australia’s TV Logie Awards the Gold Logie winner was Carrie Bickmore, a presenter on the TV news program The Project. For her speech she departed from the usual and instead, spoke about the incidence of brain cancer and said it was ludicrous that so little research was going into the disease.

    This is a must- see video!

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    • 22 APR 15

    Recommended Australian website

    I just had a look at the redesigned EMR Aware website from Byron area, in New South Wales, Australia. An excellent resource for Australians concerned about the unintended consequences of wireless technologies.

    This website is published by EMR Aware, a not-for-profit community association based in Byron Shire on the Northcoast of NSW Australia. We offer technical support to residents and government agencies in our vicinity, and worldwide, regarding the health, social and environmental impacts of technologies that subject users to electromagnetic radiation (EMR).

    We are not anti-technology or anti-corporation. Our premise is simply this. In instances where products or services carry a documented risk consumers have a right to know the benefits vs. potential negative impacts. This enables both a change in habits, and motivation to demand safer products or legislation where appropriate.

    – See more at: http://www.emraware.com/

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    • 20 APR 15

    Does Christopher Portier have a massive conflict of interest when it comes to smart meters?

    If ever there is a need for a precautionary principle for RF technology it would have to be for the massive global roll-out for smart meter technology.

    In the last posting “Dr. Christopher Porter, Fmr. Director of the US CDC, calls for invoking the Precautionary Principle for RF-EMF” it seems that there might be a bit of spin in Porter’s support for a PC for wireless technology. It now appears that Porter’s call does not include health hazards from smart meter RF emissions because of his involvement in an astroturf organisation actively promoting the roll-out of smart meters.


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    • 19 APR 15

    Dr. Christopher Portier, Fmr. Director of the US CDC, calls for invoking the Precautionary Principle for RF-EMF

    From Dariusz Leszczynski’s blog:


    Recently, the draft program of the forthcoming BioEM2015 was published. One of the most important opinions, presented in the program, is that on the Precautionary Principle by Dr. Christopher Portier.

    I fully agree with Chris’ opinion as presented in abstract of his forthcoming talk [bold red text by DL]:


    The Precautionary Principle Should be Invoked for RF-EMF

    Christopher Portier; Research Consultant, Thun, Switzerland

    Biographical sketch

    Dr. Portier is an expert in the design, analysis, and interpretation of environmental health data and has contributed to the development of national and international risk assessment guidelines. He has directed or contributed significantly to numerous scientific reviews including those for dioxins, aflatoxins, electromagnetic fields, diesel particle emissions and climate change. Dr. Portier has served on US NAS committees, has served on USEPA’s Science Advisory Board and USEPA’s Science Advisory Panel, and numerous other scientific committees. He has received numerous awards including the Spiegelman Award from the APHA and the Outstanding Practitioner of the Year Award from the International Society for Risk Analysis. Until 2013, Dr. Portier was the Director of the US National Center for Environmental Health and the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Prior to CDC, Dr. Portier was the NIEHS Associate Director and Associate Director of the National Toxicology Program and has over 250 scientific publications.

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