• 01 DEC 14

    Dariusz Leszczynski: presentations in Australia in November 2014

    From Dariusz Leszczynski:

    During my November 2014 visit to Australia I presented four lectures at various universities and two lectures in other locations:

    Nov. 10, 2014, 17:00 – 19:00, Castle Hill High School, Sydney, NSW
    Nov. 12, 2014, 12:30 – 14:00, Wollongong University, Wollongong, NSW
    Nov. 17, 2014, 15:00 – 16:00, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC
    Nov. 17, 2014, 19:00 – 20:30, Sandringham Hotel, Sandringham, VIC
    Nov. 18, 2014, 11:00 – 12:00, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, VIC
    Nov 21, 2014 (Friday), 12:00 – 13:00, New South Wales University, Sydney, NSW
    Lecture planned for Nov. 20, 2014, 13:00 – 14:00, Queensland University, Brisbane, did not take place due to the unexpected logistical problem

    There were some differences in content between the lectures. However, the general theme and conclusions were the same. Summary slides pertinent to all presentations can be viewed here: https://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/2014/11/30/dariusz-leszczynski-presentations-in-australia-in-november-2014/

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    • 26 NOV 14

    Presentations now online from the ICNIRP/ARPANSA/ACEBR Workshop (But where’s Croft’s?)

    Forwarded on by Mary Redmayne who attended the Wollongong meeting:

    Please find below the links to the pdf files of the presentations held at the ICNIRP/ARPANSA/ACEBR Workshop on RF Health Effects and Standards, Wollongong, Australia, 11 November 2014.

    Thank you again for your participation and contribution,

    Kind regards,
    Workshop Secretariat


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    • 24 NOV 14

    Andrew Marino philosophizes on “EMF Experts”

    Quoting from the website of Andrew Marino:

    EMF experts sound erudite, but when they make mistakes they do so in characteristic ways, so they always betray themselves. The environmental science of EMFs consists of both knowledge and justice, so each element should be reflected in the character of anyone who is truly an expert. We can classify the different kinds of mistaken experts based on what they lack.

    There are industry experts who make their living by providing negative judgments, irrespective of what environmental science requires. These experts love money, which they seek above everything else. They see themselves as completely free to say anything in pursuit of money and prestige. Their minds are formless in the sense that they have no idea what truth is.

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    • 24 NOV 14

    Magnetic fields and other issues regarding hybrid and electric cars

    From Alasdair Philips


    In response to a question posed to him on the effectiveness of shielding against EMF levels inside hybrid cars

    Nothing really screens ELF magnetic fields in practice. Most materials are for RF fields only and screen the electric component that therefore stops the radiated wave. This is not the case for ELF and VLF fields. (c. 3 Hz to 300 kHz). You need to enclose either the source or yourself in a “mostly sealed” high permeability metal box (e.g. like mu-metal). That shorts out the magnetic flux so it can’t really escape. Published EMF adverse-health-effects science is strongest for ELF fields.

    You need to be very wary of trying to measure EMFs in hybrid vehicles with a simple Gauss meter. There are enormous DC switching changes that can create large impulse magnetic fields that many meters will ignore and are likely to have biological consequences. They also usually have high-speed switching power trains for motor speed control that create magnetic fields in the range 2 kHz – 200 kHz that again almost no common magnetic field meters will measure. You need a VLF meter for those. Gigahertz Solutions manufacture some good ones. Many cars (including hybrids) still use the chassis as the negative connection with a single large cable through the cabin for the positive. So you are effectively sitting inside a co-axial cable.

    Unless you have to drive a lot in cities and need to meet strict new emission restrictions, I would be wary of choosing a hybrid.

    People should also look at the battery warranty in close detail. (more)

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    • 22 NOV 14

    Viewpoints on the question: Are Microwaves from Mobiles and WiFi Harming Our Children?

    From Sue McCully:

    Four UK experts on EMF/EMR and heath effects in humans, including 2 medical doctors, answered the question: Are Microwaves from Mobiles and WiFi Harming Our Children?

    Location and date: Great Hadham Country Club 1st October 2014

    Each presentation is approximately 30 minutes long i.e. elegantly condensed and focused bites of vital information that we all need to learn about before it really is too late.

    1) Wireless Technology Radiation – Alisdair Philips

    2) Electro Hyper Sensitivity – Dr Elizabeth Evans

    3) EM Radiation and Health for Children – Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe

    4) Common Myths About Wireless Radiation Safety Exposed – Mike Mitcham

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    • 21 NOV 14

    Expect the usual procrustean approach with the WHO’s forthcoming RF Environmental Health Criteria (EHC) for electrosensitivity


    In one of Dariusz Leszczynski’s latest blog postings (below) on the Wollongong ACEBR/ICNIRP/WHO meeting he identifies the group of ‘scientists’ who wrote the draft of the WHO’s EHC for telecommunications RF exposures. The EHC is an important document for the telecommunications and related industries as it will be used to under-right the safety of their technology for years to come. Very handy for the coming Internet of Things (IoT), a $19 trillion market which will massively increase human exposure to RF. What is coming from the EHC was seen in Rodney Croft’s presentation at Wollongong where he states the draft WHO EHC found “No evidence of health effects”. Croft even claimed, without irony, that the IARC RF review “found to evidence of health effects” even though it classified RF as “possibly cancinogenic”. What will the EHC say about electrosensitivity? Considering that one of the supposed experts helping to draft sections of the EHC is James Rubin, EHC will be downgraded to simply a psychosomatic condition unrelated to exposure. Andrew Marino’s evaluation of Rubin’s science is illustrative here, to quote:


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    • 18 NOV 14

    G20 and CEET on the energy efficiency problem for the Internet of Things

    Just published by the G20 is the report, G20 ENERGY EFFICIENCY ACTION PLAN VOLUNTARY COLLABORATION ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY, 16 NOVEMBER 2014. Of note in the report is the section titled Networked devices. It mentions here that the huge amount of power required, even when networked devices are not in use but in standby mode, is an emerging challenge considering the estimated 50 billion devices to be connected by the Internet of Things (IoT) (Excerpt below)

    Note that the report is only about energy usage when all these devices are on standby. What about when they are in use? Interesting to ponder what would be the overall energy drain from a planned global IoT?

    Relevant reading here is an earlier report titled: The Power of Wireless Cloud, from The Centre for Energy-Efficient Telecommunications (CEET). Note that CEET is not some Green group but a partnership between Alcatel-Lucent, Bell Labs and University of Melbourne. Following the G20 extract are selected extracts from the CEET report.

    This all suggests that coming IoT is actually an energy monster that can only add to the problem of global warming. Not very Green but more of an ecological time bomb, to say the least….

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    • 18 NOV 14

    More on ICNIRP & Science and Wireless conference summaries

    Stop Smart Meters Australia’s vice president, Steven Weller, attended the recent International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and Science and Wireless conferences in Wollongong as SSMA’s representative. He has provided a summary of discussions at these two workshops. It includes some of Steve’s own research and personal opinions. SNIP

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    • 17 NOV 14

    A must read posting from Dariusz Leszczynski on the recent, ICNIRP, ACEBR and ARPANSA all too obvious spin at Wollongong

    But first my comments: On October 8th I mentioned a forthcoming “Networking Evening/Public Forum” to be introduced by Rodney Croft, as head the Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research (ACEBR) and the Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute (ihmri)

    I said in that blog, among other things, that the speakers are all well known proven stalwarts of ICNIRP orthodoxy: Rodney Croft, Eric van Rongen, Michael Repacholi and Emilie Deventer. All who have built their reputations steadfastly defending ICNIRP’s viewpoint. That is; the only ‘proven’ effects of RF exposure are thermal and anything else must be psychosomatic.

    Was I being unfair and premature in my estimation?

    Well, read on for Dariusz Leszczynski’s evaluation of the proceedings. Also see the nice picture of Rodney Croft presenting his slide denying everything, as usual……..


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    • 15 NOV 14

    The Creepy New Wave of the Internet

    The below article raised the question, are we entering A utopian world or something else? Whatever the case we are fast entering a world of corporate social engineering on a global scale where the only concern is how to best maximize Profits. Welcome to the Matrix…..

    Highly recommended reading this one!


    From the New York Review of Books:

    By Sue Halpern November 20, 2014

    Selected excerpts

    Welcome to the beginning of what is being touted as the Internet’s next wave by technologists, investment bankers, research organizations, and the companies that stand to rake in some of an estimated $14.4 trillion by 2022–what they call the Internet of Things (IoT). Cisco Systems, which is one of those companies, and whose CEO came up with that multitrillion-dollar figure, takes it a step further and calls this wave “the Internet of Everything,” which is both aspirational and telling. The writer and social thinker Jeremy Rifkin, whose consulting firm is working with businesses and governments to hurry this new wave along, describes it like this:

    The Internet of Things will connect every thing with everyone in an integrated global network. People, machines, natural resources, production lines, logistics networks, consumption habits, recycling flows, and virtually every other aspect of economic and social life will be linked via sensors and software to the IoT platform, continually feeding Big Data to every node–businesses, homes, vehicles–moment to moment, in real time. Big Data, in turn, will be processed with advanced analytics, transformed into predictive algorithms, and programmed into automated systems to improve thermodynamic efficiencies, dramatically increase productivity, and reduce the marginal cost of producing and delivering a full range of goods and services to near zero across the entire economy.


    For years, a cohort of technologists, most notably Ray Kurzweil, the writer, inventor, and director of engineering at Google, have been predicting the day when computer intelligence surpasses human intelligence and merges with it in what they call the Singularity. We are not there yet, but a kind of singularity is already upon us as we swallow pills embedded with microscopic computer chips, activated by stomach acids, that will be able to report compliance with our doctor’s orders (or not) directly to our electronic medical records. Then there is the singularity that occurs when we outfit our bodies with “wearable technology” that sends data about our physical activity, heart rate, respiration, and sleep patterns to a database in the cloud as well as to our mobile phones and computers (and to Facebook and our insurance company and our employer).


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    • 14 NOV 14

    Use Of Cellphones Linked With Brain Cancer In Massive Study

    (Ever wonder why Lennart Hardell is never invited to be a member of ICNIRP or give a presentation at one of their seminars?)

    The Huffington Post Canada | By Rebecca Zamon

    Posted: 11/12/2014 4:05 pm EST


    A new study out of Sweden indicates that talking on cellphones and even cordless phones can be related to a certain form of brain cancer. The study, published in the journal Pathophysiology in October, analyzed the results of 1,498 cases of people with malignant brain tumours and 3,530 controls to determine whether phone use had any effect on their cancer. In their findings, it appeared that the longer a person used a cell or cordless phone, the more likely they were to get become gliomas, a type of tumour found in the brain or spinal cord that is malignant in 80 per cent of cases, according to WebMD. “The risk is three times higher after 25 years of use. We can see this clearly,” the study’s lead researcher, Dr. Lennart Hardell, told Reuters.


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    • 14 NOV 14

    Japan’s smartphone ‘zombies’ wreak havoc on the streets


    Tokyo (AFP) – When the lights change at the Shibuya crossing in Japan’s capital, one of the world’s busiest pedestrian thoroughfares, hundreds of people with their eyes glued to smartphones pick their way over the road. Despite being engrossed in the latest instalment of Candy Crush or busy chatting with their friends on messaging app Line, most manage to weave around cyclists, skateboarders and fellow Tokyoites.But the growing ranks of these cellphone addicts are turning cities like Tokyo, London, New York and Hong Kong into increasingly hazardous hotspots, where zombified shoppers appear to be part of vast games of human pinbal

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    • 10 NOV 14

    Net Neutrality: Can You Hear Us Now?


    FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is refusing to participate in any public hearings on net neutrality. On a recent Monday night in Brooklyn, five empty chairs stood on stage – one for each member of the Federal Communications Commission. A crowd had amassed in the room for a public hearing to send this message to the agency: Don’t hurt the open Internet. But the commissioners’ absence sent a stronger message: We’re not listening.

    The FCC – the agency charged with regulating telecommunications – is expected to vote by the end of the year on Chairman Tom Wheeler’s plan to let Internet service providers (ISPs) offer “fast lanes” to companies that can afford to pay for speedier access…. In fact, the FCC has gone out of its way to avoid attending public gatherings like the one in Brooklyn. It’s been more than five years since all five FCC commissioners left Washington together to participate in a public hearing where anyone could testify.These kinds of public hearings used to be commonplace for the agency, regardless of which political party was in control of Washington. But Wheeler’s FCC is different. Instead of appearing at events with open microphones, Wheeler – a former lobbyist for the cable and wireless industries – has opted to attend industry trade shows. In fact, all five commissioners consistently attend the annual conventions of the cable, wireless, broadcasting, and electronics industries. Yet somehow they just can’t find the time to meet with the public.

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    • 09 NOV 14

    The digital chatter of smart meters could soon replace human communications on the GSM mobile phone network

    From the the physics arXiv blog


    How Intelligent Machines Could Take Over the GSM Network
    Posted: 07 Nov 2014 07:08 AM PST
    The digital chatter of smart meters could soon replace human communications on the GSM mobile phone network, say network engineers.

    Back in 1991, the then Finnish prime minister, Harri Holkeri, made a phone call that would go down in history, at least as far as trivia fans are concerned. This was the first call made using the GSM phone protocol that has since gone on to dominate mobile telecommunication networks around the world. In 2008, more than three billion people were connected to this network.

    GSM is a so-called second generation technology and since then, it has been superseded by 3G and 4G networks. Now telecommunications policymakers around the world are considering switching off the GSM network and finding other uses for the radio frequencies allocated to it. The Chinese city of Macau is set to be the first, having planned to phase out its GSM networks from June next year. That may be a shortsighted decision. Today, German Corrales Madueňo and a few pals at Aalborg University in Denmark, say that the GSM system should become a dedicated network for intelligent machines to communicate with each other. They have calculated the capacity of such a network and how it could become the communications backbone of a new generation of smart meters.

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    • 09 NOV 14

    Anazon’s new idiot box, The Echo. A new smart surveillance device the NSA will love.

    This is the latest in intrusive gadgets. Among other things it it records everything within the reach of its integrated microphones and then uploads everything into the “cloud” as it learns about you and your family. Warning: With this device don’t discuss anything near it that you don’t want to share with whomever hacks into the cloud.


    And for an alternative youtube version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GijLoiVkmYI

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    • 07 NOV 14

    Leszczynski lecturing in Australia: Program of the November 2014 visit

    From Dariusz Leszczynski

    During my forthcoming November 2014 visit to Australia I will have 4 lectures at various universities and two in other locations (see listing below). All of the lectures are freely available for general public. There might be some differences in content between the lectures. I will also participate, as listener, in two events at the Wollongong University, co-organized by ICNIRP, ACEBR and ARPANSA.

    The general theme of my lectures will be as follows:

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    • 06 NOV 14

    Baroness Susan Greenfield on IT’s impacts on children

    Notice from Chandra Easton

    This coming Monday, 10 November (in Australia) on the ABC Q&A program, presenter Tony Jones hosts a number of panelists. One in particular is internationally known neuroscientist, writer and broadcaster, Baroness Susan Greenfield.

    For a foretaste of what might be discussed on the Q&A program see one of her earlier talks here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri4_CW9P41s&feature=youtu.be&t=10m6s&noredirect=1

    The first part of her presentation deals with how the brain develops and the second part about children and overuse of IT and its impact of their ability to learn and also diminishing interpersonal skills. Points in the presentation include:


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    • 03 NOV 14

    “Green Electricity or Green Money? Why some environmental groups hamper clean energy (and support the smart grid)

    The National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy has published a new paper, “Green Electricity or Green Money? Why some environmental groups hamper clean energy”, by Timothy Schoechle, PhD. It highlights conflicts of interest and mistaken positions on energy policy at certain large environmental organizations. Please share widely and help us shine a light on this important issue impeding transformation to a clean energy economy…..This article examines two of the three largest environmental organizations, the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and offers specific cases where they appear to have lost their way and are failing us when we need them most. These cases show the pitfalls of the compromises and accommodations that many environmentalists have made in order to raise money and support their organizational growth as well as their political and other goals. They also show that true leadership and change can only spring from the people and not from governments and entrenched institutions…..The case below of the EDF looks at its vigorous advocacy of “smart meters”, devices that have been shown to have dubious energy merits and serious environmental, privacy, and public policy drawbacks. The promotion of smart meters has diverted massive financial resources in directions tangential to the goals of a truly intelligent electricity grid and integration of community-based clean energy, and has fed public cynicism about the “smart grid”–the last thing one would expect a leading environmental organization to do. The case also looks at EDF’s role in fostering the deceptive siren call of the supposedly “green” energy investment mirage by venture capitalists, financiers, and government.

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    • 02 NOV 14

    Seminar – Cell Phone Radiation, Health Hazard and Precaution – Professor Dariusz Leszczynski, Monash University, Nov 17

    From http://monash.edu/news/events/show/sphpm-seminar-cell-phone-radiation-health-hazard-and-precaut#.VFOItfWJ6qA.facebook


    Professor Leszczynski is an internationally recognized expert in biological and health effects of radiation emitted by the wireless communication devices. Among others, in 2009 he testified in the US Senate hearing on cell phones and health, and in 2011 he was one of the 30 experts, invited by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, which classified cell phone radiation as a possibly carcinogenic to humans.

    We, the cell phone users, are seriously misled when buying a cell phone. We assume that this radiation-emitting product has been tested for human health safety before it was put on the market. We assume that cell phones are safe to use. However, this might be a wrong assumption.

    In three separate epidemiological case-control studies, adult participants used regular, off-the-shelf, cell phones. These cell phones were built to fulfil ICNIRP safety standards. However, avid use of such “safe” phones, for a period of over 10 years, led to an increased risk of developing brain cancer.

    This means that the current safety standards do not protect sufficiently users of cell phones. This situation of scientific uncertainty calls for an action – implementation of the Precautionary Principle.

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    • 30 OCT 14

    “Microwaves, Science and Lies” Documentary Reveals a Product Defense Strategy

    From SkyVision Solutions, Posted on August 30, 2014


    For the past ten years worldwide, questioning on the safety of mobile phone antennas has been increasing. Numerous scientific studies have revealed the adverse effects of electro- magnetic waves on health. Yet, most health agencies, industry representatives, and a portion the scientific community claim that current health standards adequately protect the public.

    Earlier this year journalist Nancy Meritens and film director Jean Hèches completed their documentary Ondes, Science et Manigances [or Microwaves, Science and Lies], that demonstrates how the telecommunications industry creates doubt about harmful radiofrequency waves through the manipulation of science. Through interviews with several whistleblowers, including citizens, journalists, and scientists, this film reveals how, like the tobacco industry, the lobby of the mobile phone industry has built a strategy of “product defense” by artificially creating a scientific doubt about the harmful effects of electromagnetic waves. In addition to revealing collusion among various organizations including the World Health Organization (WHO), the film documents the actions of specific individuals like Emilie van Deventer of the WHO and Peter Valberg who works for the product defense firm Gradient.

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