• 19 SEP 14

    U.S. sailors’ new smart uniforms wirelessly track them all over the hip


    The problem with current naval uniforms is that they aren’t designed for the highly automated vessels that are all the rage. The Littoral Combat Ship, for example, has video game-like controls so that 75 or so sailors can do the work of 250. So the Navy is looking for uniforms that will continuously link sailors to their ships. These uniforms should “wirelessly communicate the sailor’s position and track movement, as well as to monitor and relay the human state of health important for situations such as damage control events,” according to the sailing branch….SNIP…. On the other hand, life on a ship where the computers–and your skipper–know your every move might be a bit oppressive. Pity the poor sailor sneaking off for a smoke.

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    • 19 SEP 14

    Myelin & Electrohypersensitivty Press Release


    From David Ironside

    A review of the evidence between Myelin, the insulation around nerves and neural connections,
    and electrohypersensitivity.

    PRESS RELEASE David Ironside 18/9/14 COULD MYELIN DAMAGE FROM RADIOFREQUENCY ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD EXPOSURE HELP EXPLAIN THE FUNCTIONAL IMPAIRMENT ELECTROHYPERSENSITIVITY? A REVIEW OF THE EVIDENCE . One of the most compelling modern scientific debates concerns the potential health risks from our ever increasing exposure to the pulsed radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) from cell phones, cordless phones, Wifi, cell towers etc. This invisible technology has been classified a Class 2B Carcinogen by the WHO’s International Agency for Research in Cancer (IARC) in 2011. The non-thermal radiation used by modern devices was found to be biologically active and a possible cancer-causing agent. There remain many questions such as the mechanism for how this radiation interacts with biological processes and what exposure level constitutes a health risk. For many people around the world who suffer from electrohypersensitivity, exposure levels and duration of exposure can be very limited before a variety of symptoms manifest. These include headaches, lethargy, dizziness, lack of concentration, pain, insomnia, depression and more.

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    • 17 SEP 14

    Dariusz Leszczynski’s talks in India (and see article at end)


    Dariusz Leszczynski visiting India – days 1 & 2

    Posted on September 16, 2014

    The first three days of visit to India, New Delhi are over.

    On the first day, arrival day on Sunday, September 14th, 2014, walk through the Old Delhi reminded me how serious is the India’s problem of sitting of the cell towers and the cell antennas. It looks very haphazard and often the close proximity of antennas to apartments and balconies causes risky exposure situations….The general impression from these meetings is that officials are concerned with the health risks associated with exposures to cell phone, cell tower and wi-fi networks radiation and are receptive for suggestions how to resolve health concern issues to the satisfaction of both, users and providers.

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    • 13 SEP 14

    Legal and Public Health Problems of the Wireless Age

    Consumer Law & Policy Blog
    Monday, September 08, 2014
    Legal and Public Health Problems of the Wireless Age

    Guest post by Deborah Kopald

    [Deborah Kopald (BA, Harvard; MBA, MIT Sloan School of Management) is an environmental health and public policy consultant and author who has developed and overseen the passage of legislative initiatives and has served as a guest expert at various media outlets. In 2013, she organized and moderated The Conference on Corporate Interference with Science and Health in New York City. The conference proceedings were published in Reviews on Environmental Health.]


    The use of Wi-Fi and other wireless technologies has created problems. “An Open Letter to Phillips Exeter Academy about Wi-Fi”, which I wrote to my alma mater, details the public health problem Wi-Fi has created and some legal ramifications of its use.
    The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) in conjunction with the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (the United States Access Board) put out a report in 2005 that stated that for a building to be accessible, Wi-Fi should be avoided in favor of fiber optic connectivity; if used, Wi-Fi was to be confined by foil-backed drywall or equivalent barrier.

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    • 12 SEP 14

    Critique of National Association for Independent Schools Statement re. Safety of WiFi in Schools

    From Camilla Rees

    Critique of National Association for Independent Schools Statement

    08.09.2014 by emily Category Electromagnetic Health Blog

    A Critique of the National Association of Independent School’s One Page Statement, “Non-Ionizing Radiation: Literature Review” (June 2014) Regarding the Potential for Biological and Health Effects to Children from Wireless Radiation Transmitters (WiFi) in Schools

    In June 2014, a statement was issued by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) in Washington, D.C. which was clearly intended to reassure schools about the safety of WiFi. However, NAIS did not mention that several governments around the world are recommending limiting wireless radiation exposure to children, and banning WiFi in schools, or that teachers unions representing hundreds of thousands of teachers are questioning the safety of WiFi, and recommending schools be hard-wired.


    A professional comprehensive review of the peer-reviewed literature would paint an entirely different picture of the risks to children from wireless technologies than this 1-page NAIS statement conveys, and importantly, would illuminate Radio-Frequency Radiation’s effects on critical physiological functioning necessary for children’s successful performance in school.


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    • 10 SEP 14

    The SCENIHR Report 2014 and The Suppression of Dr. Lennart Hardell’s Science

    From Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D. Director, Center for Family and Community Health School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley
    Center: http://cfch.berkeley.edu

    Based upon a conversation I’ve had with a scientist who spent a year at IARC, there seems to be a cabal of influential scientists who patently dismiss the epidemiologic research on wireless phone use and brain tumor risk conducted by Dr. Hardell and his colleagues. To ignore this path-breaking research is akin to burying one’s head in the sand. Moreover, such anti-scientific behavior is an impediment to the advancement of knowledge and the protection of public health. I suspect that many of these individuals, despite their protestations to the contrary, have serious conflicts of interest due to dependence on the wireless industry for much of their research funding.

    EM Radiation Research Trust recently sent the following letter to the EU Ombudsman regarding SCENIHR Suppression of Science and Dr. Hardell’s Research.


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    • 09 SEP 14

    US Air Force RF review in 1988 acknowledges non-thermal biological effects

    From Joel Moskowitz

    Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation Biological Effects and Safety Standards: A Review

    Scott M. Bolen. Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation Biological Effects and Safety Standards: A Review. Rome Laboratory. Air Force Material Command. Griffiss Air Force Base, NY. June, 1988.


    The study of human exposure to radiofrequency/microwave radiation has been the subject of widespread investigation and analysis. It is known that electromagnetic radiation has a biological effect on human tissue. An attempt has been made by researchers to quantify the effects of radiation on the human body and to set guidelines for safe exposure levels. A review of the pertinent findings is presented along with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) recommended safety standard (C95.1-1982) and the United States Air Force permissible exposure limit for RF/MW radiation (AFOSH Standard 161-9, 12 February 1987). An overview of research that was conducted in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe is also included in this report.
    In selecting a measure for the dose of RF/MW radiation, it was recognized that the SAR does not encompass all of the important factors necessary to determine safe exposure levels. The modulation frequency and peak power of the incident EM field should also be considered. Some of the investigators warned that extra care should be taken by persons that are subjected to pulsed EM fields or by fields that are modulated near the whole-body resonance frequency

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    • 08 SEP 14

    Australia’s toxic nuclear past: Maralinga By Frank Walker (and the untold tragedy of Brian Dunlop)

    Investigative journalist Frank Walker’s Maralinga is a must-read true story of the abuse of our servicemen, scientists treating the Australian population as lab rats and politicians sacrificing their own people in the pursuit of power. During the Menzies era, with the blessing of the Prime Minister, the British government exploded twelve atomic bombs on Australian soil. RAAF pilots were ordered to fly into nuclear mushroom clouds, soldiers told to walk into radioactive ground zero, sailors retrieved highly contaminated debris – none of them aware of the dangers they faced. But the betrayal didn’t end with these servicemen. Secret monitoring stations were set up around the country to measure radiation levels and a clandestine decades-long project stole bones from dead babies to see how much fallout had contaminated their bodies – their grieving parents were never told. This chilling expose’ drawn from extensive research and interviews with surviving veterans reveals the betrayal of our troops and our country.

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    • 03 SEP 14

    Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we’re nearing collapse

    Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we’re nearing collapse

    Four decades after the book was published, Limit to Growth’s forecasts have been vindicated by new Australian research. Expect the early stages of global collapse to start appearing soon. The 1972 book Limits to Growth, which predicted our civilisation would probably collapse some time this century, has been criticised as doomsday fantasy since it was published. Back in 2002, self-styled environmental expert Bjorn Lomborg consigned it to the “dustbin of history”. It doesn’t belong there. Research from the University of Melbourne has found the book’s forecasts are accurate, 40 years on. If we continue to track in line with the book’s scenario, expect the early stages of global collapse to start appearing soon.

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    • 02 SEP 14

    Hypothesis on mechanism for the ELF-EMF-induced biological effects

    From the blog of Dariusz Leszczynski, Betwqeen a Rock and A Hard Place


    As the Chief Editor of the Frontiers in Radiation and Health (a specialty of the Frontiers in Public Health) it is my pleasure to announce that the FiR&H journal has just published its second article. The final version of the hypothesis article by Mats-Olof Mattsson and Myrtil Simko: “Grouping of experimental conditions as an approach to evaluate effects of extremely low-frequency magnetic fields on oxidative response in in vitro studies” is now freely available in open access system to all readers.

    In the abstract of the article, the authors state (in part):

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    • 02 SEP 14

    Spoof sites are fun but please don’t quote…

    Recently doing the rounds on the internet is an article about research testing radiation from electric and hybrid cars which found the levels could pose a cancer risk to drivers and passengers. This supposed testing was done by the Wyoming Institute of Technology (WIT). To quote in brief:

    ‘Hybrid and fully-electric automobiles pose very serious health risks to consumers, with SAR+ ratings several times more than recommended, regulated safety levels,’ said Dr Matt Stone, Chief of Staff at the Institute.

    When I checked out the website for the Wyoming Institute of Technology (WIT) I found other interesting research, such as research linking Jesus to cannibalism and a really neat WIT invention that can make nuclear coolant water safe for human consumption- sure to be a popular item around Fukushima I suppose…..

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    • 01 SEP 14

    EMR Australia’s latest newsletteer EMR and Health – is now available free online.

    I wonder if you’d mind letting your readers know that our latest news and science report – EMR and Health – is now available free online.

    The June issue contains the important news and science about electromagnetic radiation, including:

    • updates on three Australian standards
    • evidence linking mobile phones with brain tumours and fertility problems
    • precautions being applied in Europe and Israel
    • stories, news and studies about electromagnetic hypersensitivity
    • and much more.

    Your readers can access it at: http://emraustralia.com.au/EMR_and_health.html

    Many thanks and warm regards
    Lyn McLean, Editor
    EMR Australia PL
    02 9576 1772

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    • 29 AUG 14

    Professor Annie Sasco on causes and incidence of childhood cancer

    Following on from the last message, see an excellent presentation on causes and incidence of childhood cancer by Professor Annie Sasco from the Alliance of prevention and precaution for childhood cancer control. Presentation given at the international conference Childhood Cancer 2012. http://www.childhoodcancer2012.org.uk/programme.asp#

    SESSION 12 – What positive steps can be taken to reduce the risk of childhood cancer?
    Chair: Professor Richard Stevens

    See Prof.Sasco’s presentation by scrollong down to SESSION 12. “What positive steps can be taken to reduce the risk of childhood cancer?”. Her presentation is the first one for the session. http://www.childhoodcancer2012.org.uk/programme.asp#

    Presentation slides: http://www.childhoodcancer2012.org.uk/slides/session12.1-sasco.pdf

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    • 28 AUG 14

    Most Australians don’t know that brain cancer kills more children than any other disease

    From Daily Mail Australia, August 29m 2014


    Two brave little girls – and their battle with Australia’s deadliest childhood disease: Eloise died at ten. Hana has endured invasive surgery. So why is just 3% of research cash spent on helping the children struck down by brain cancer?

    * Most Australians don’t know that brain cancer kills more children than any other disease
    * Only three per cent of National Health and Medical Research Council funding has gone towards brain cancer
    * More high profile cancers like breast cancers and Leukemia received 11 per cent of all research funding
    * Barrie Littlefield, who lost his 10-year-old daughter Eloise to brain cancer, urges the community to donate to help find a cure

    There was nothing more precious in the world for Barrie Littlefield when his daughter was born. Eloise Littlefield was daddy’s little girl. The pair were inseparable up until the moment the 10-year-old was tragically taken away by what’s been described as the number one killer among Australian children – brain cancer. Eloise lost her battle to brain cancer in 2011. But her story isn’t one that’s unique. Australian neurosurgeon Charlie Teo says the disease kills more children than any other, yet nine out of 10 Australians are completely unaware of this statistic.

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    • 25 AUG 14

    Boil the Frog Slowly with guest Cindy Sage – The BioInitiative Report


    (The FCC approves a $2 Billion program to place WiFi is U.S. schools)

    SpeakUpandStayAlive’s channel
    Published on Jul 24, 2014
    Cindy Sage, co-editor of the BioInitiative Report joins Sebastian and Pat to discuss the negative health effects of wireless technology. A no-nonsense discussion about a serious risk to your health.

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    • 23 AUG 14

    CBC: Smart meter overbilling complaints investigated by Hydro-Québec

    From Take Back Your Power


    Hydro-Québec is looking into complaints that its new smart meters are overbilling homeowners, following a CBC investigation.

    The provincially owned power utility is in the process of installing close to 4 million next-generation meters across Quebec – a switch the utility had claimed would save it, and by proxy its customers, millions of dollars.

    Marc Magendie lives in a two-storey home in Laval. He says he’s extremely careful with his electricity consumption, so he was shocked when his hydro bills doubled after a new smart meter was installed. Magendie got his first surprise in January – when he received a bill for more than $1,000. He normally pays between $450 and $500 for that same time period.
    smart-meter-customer-overbilling-hydro-quebec Marc Magendie says he doesn’t know how he’ll afford his increasing hydro bills. “I’m running a very tight budget and that increase is breaking me.” (CBC) Marc Magendie says he doesn’t know how he’ll afford his increasing hydro bills. “I’m running a very tight budget and that increase is breaking me.” (CBC) Magendie responded by reducing his electricity consumption even further. “I’ve got a programmable thermostat … I don’t use my dishwasher, I only do laundry once a week when they’re full, I use a drying line.” But he says it hasn’t made a difference. Magendie’s bills have already cost him nearly $3,000 for this year. Normally, he says he pays an average of about $2,000 per year for electricity.

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    • 22 AUG 14

    Dariusz Leszczynski on CDC backdown

    From Dariusz Leszczynski:


    The Anti-Precautionary Principle Lobby at Work… Again…
    Posted on August 21, 2014

    Year 2003

    Louis Slesin, editor of the Microwave News, reported that in the spring of 2003, then the WHO’s EMF Project leaders, Mike Repacholi and Leeka Kheifets announced “that “there is “sufficient evidence” to apply the precautionary principle to both power-frequency and high-frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs)” (See link to MWN). Soon after, the announcement concerning precautionary approach was removed from the WHO EMF Project’s site. Someone was afraid of the Precautionary Principle and the precautionary approach.

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    • 22 AUG 14

    Microwave News update: CDC Calls for Caution on Cell Phones, Then Gets Cold Feet

    From Louis Slesin, Microwave News:


    August 16, 2014
    Last updated
    August 20, 2014

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention –CDC– is the first U.S. health agency to call for precaution in the use of cell phones. (But not for long. As soon as word of the CDC’s new outlook spread, the precautionary advice was withdrawn. Our original story is below, followed by an August 20 addendum.) “Along with many organizations worldwide, we recommend caution in cell phone use,” the CDC stated on its Web site’s FAQ About Cell Phones and Your Health and followed up with a call for more research to answer the unresolved cancer question. The recommendation was posted on the CDC’s Web site on or before June 9. It passed mostly unnoticed until a few days ago when Joel Moskowitz, who writes a blog on Electromagnetic Radiation Safety, sent out a press release announcing the news.

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    • 19 AUG 14

    Leszczynski interview for DNA INDIA

    Recently I gave an interview for the Mumbai newspaper DNA INDIA (Daily News & Analysis INDIA). It was published today under the headline ‘Use of cell phones increases cancer risk’.

    My concluding comment of the interview is:

    “…The industry likes to call on scientists who will endorse their product and say that it is safe. Hence, Dr Repacholi visited India and spoke publicly about the safety of cell phones as well as cell towers. I disagree with Dr Repacholi. He says that we don’t have and we will not have in the future health problems due to cell phone and cell tower radiation. In my opinion the scientific evidence is still insufficient to say that cell phone radiation is harmless. We need both better research and, for the time being, implementation of the European Union’s Precautionary Principle until there is further clarity…”

    The full interview is available on-line Leszczynski in DNA INDIA

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    • 18 AUG 14

    Update to last posting: UK mobile phone company banned from erecting a mast because of health fears.

    NOTE: The last posting of a Daily Mail article is in fact very old news but the date was left off the Daily Mail site – giving the impression it was a current news item which it is not. So, it is of historical interest only.


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