• 27 MAR 13

    LA Teacher’s Union Passes Resolution to Ensure Safety from Wireless Technology

    LA Teacher’s Union Passes Resolution to Ensure Safety from Hazardous Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) in Schools including EMF Emissions from Wireless Technology

    United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA), representing over 40,000 teachers and other workers in LAUSD, passed the following motion by a sweeping majority last night at 9 PM (Motion for the new UTLA Resolution transcribed from attendee, Shane Gregory’s transcripts):

    Health and Human Services Committee 3-6-13 #1: Moved by Kevin Mottus, seconded by John Cabrera.

    “I move that UTLA will abide by current National NEA Policy for Environmentally Safe Schools which states that all employees and stakeholders should be informed when there are changes in their exposure to environmental hazards including electromagnetic radiation and that all stakeholders and the public should be notified of any actual and potential hazards. UTLA will advocate for technological solutions that maintain technology upgrades while not increasing employees exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

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    • 26 MAR 13

    AAEM on WiFi in schools

    Letter from the American Academy of Environmental Medicine to the Los Angeles Unified School District re. the proposal to install Wi-FI in Los Angeles schools


    The WiFi systems in schools are typically hundreds of times more powerful than the home consumer systems you may be familiar with. They are also dozens of times more powerful than the cafe and restaurant systems you may have been
    exposed to. The WiFi systems in schools are necessarily more powerful than any microwave communication systems in any other setting because they are required to run hundreds of computers simultaneously. They are also exposing children ‐ the most vulnerable to microwave radiation ‐ to extended periods all day, for their entire childhood. This is an unprecedented exposure with unknown outcome on the health and reproductive potential of a generation.

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    • 22 MAR 13

    Smart meters, depleted uranium, and bad advice from the Health Council of the Netherlands

    Lately the expert advice of the Health Council of the Netherlands has been relied upon by those promoting smart meter radiofrequency emissions as being perfectly safe. Often quoted is the HCN’s report: “Health Council of the Netherlands Electromagnetic Fields Annual Update 2008”

    The Health Council of the Netherlands has also earlier given its expert advice on the dangers of depleted uranium as widely used in Iraq. Often quoted was their 2002 report: “Depleted Uranium Report from the Health Council of the Netherlands”.

    This advice has turned out to be very bad………….

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    • 21 MAR 13

    The precautionary principle applied to Wi Fi in French schools enshrined in law

    It is interesting that while the Greens Parties in Australia and New Zealand are very much WiFi friendly, in some cases providing funding to install WiFI in public buses, a more enlightened understanding is being undertaken by the Greens in France by enacting the precautionary policy for WiFi in schools.

    From the office of Isabelle Attard, Member of Calvados, the French National Assembly

    The precautionary principle applied to electromagnetic waves finally enshrined in law

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    • 17 MAR 13

    Michael Repacholi on EMF health risk assessment

    From the blog. Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Dariusz Lesczcynski

    Guest Blog from Mike Repacholi

    Posted on March 16, 2013


    This is the first guest blog on BRHP. The opinions expressed in it are of Mike Repacholi himself. Publication of these opinions in BRHP does not mean that BRHP agrees or endorses these opinions. However, publication of this, and subsequent guest blogs, is an attempt to start an open debate and free exchange of opinions on RF and health.

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    • 15 MAR 13

    Israeli cell phone company to compensate customer who contracted cancer

    Partner Communications, which operates in Israel under the name Orange, will pay NIS 400,000 to a customer who contracted cancer in his ear.
    The customer, who is in his 50s, sued Partner in May, claiming that intensive use of the device resulted in an aggressive lymphoma near his left ear. Partner agreed to pay NIS 400,000 in an out-of-court compromise settlement.

    The customer is an attorney who had converted the secure room – a reinforced room that doubles as a bomb shelter and is common in most new Israeli homes – into an office. He claimed that he conducted a great deal of phone calls and business from the room, where cellular reception was low. In places without good phone reception, such as elevators and secure rooms, the electromagnetic radiation from cellular phones is higher than usual.

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    • 15 MAR 13

    How Reliable Are EMF Cell Culture Studies?

    From Microwave News:

    Maybe not reliable at all.

    In the first systematic measurement survey of its kind, Lucas Portelli has
    shown that the ambient static and time-varying magnetic fields in laboratory
    incubators are large and variable: He found that they can differ by a factor
    of a hundred or even a thousand within and between incubators.

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    • 12 MAR 13

    Wireless Industry’s Patented System to Reduce Cancer Risk from Wireless Local Networks Never Adopted

    PRLog (Press Release) – Mar. 11, 2013 – Swisscom AG, a major telecommunications provider in Switzerland, filed U.S. and international patent applications for an innovative system to reduce “electrosmog” from wireless local networks (i.e., Wi-Fi) in 2003.

    This patent application acknowledged the cancer risk from exposure to wireless radiation eight years before the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer declared that radiofrequency energy, including cell phone and Wi-Fi radiation, is a “possible carcinogen” to humans, like DDT and lead.

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    • 06 MAR 13

    Israeli scientists find possible link between cellphone use, thyroid cancer

    Israeli scientists have reported preliminary findings of a possible link between the radiation from cellphones and thyroid cancer. There has been a steep rise in rates of thyroid cancer in recent years in Western countries. The Israeli research, conducted at Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva and at Tel Aviv University, identified evidence for the first time of the possible connection between the rise in thyroid cancer cases to the increased exposure to radiation emitted by cellphones.

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    • 01 MAR 13

    March issue of ‘EMR and Health’ has just been published

    From Lyn McLean, EMR Australia.

    Dear Friends

    The March issue of ‘EMR and Health’ has just been published. It contains our exclusive summary of the findings of the 2012 BioInitiative Report by a team of 29 independent experts, as well as the latest news, summaries of the latest research and articles of interest.

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    • 27 FEB 13

    Exposure to Electricity May Increase Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease and ALS

    PRLog (Press Release) – Feb. 25, 2013 – A review of 42 studies of occupational exposure to electric and magnetic fields (MF) and neurodegenerative diseases found “moderately increased risk” for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

    Although little evidence was found for other neurodegenerative diseases including dementia and multiple sclerosis, few studies had been conducted on these diseases.

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    • 26 FEB 13

    Scientific Peer Review in Crisis: The case of the Danish Cohort

    From Dariusz Lesczynski’s blog Between a Rock and a Hard Place

    Today The Scientist Magazine published my opinion-piece: OPINION: Scientific Peer Review in Crisis Case of the Danish Cohort Full article available here I am hoping that the editors of the British Medical Journal will finally take action.

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    • 21 FEB 13

    Powerwatch Comments on the very flawed Rubin study

    Powerwatch Comments on Rubin et al study

    Excerpt from Electrical Hypersensitivity 8 © Alasdair and Jean Philips

    There are a number of problems with this study that will contribute to the “no evidence”


    Thirdly, and probably the most important problem was due to the design of the MTHR (UK Govt
    Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research) handset that was used in the tests.


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    • 21 FEB 13

    James Rubin’s very dubious provocation studies

    From Amirb at the “No Radiation for You” blog

    Why Dr. James Rubin EHS study is problematic?

    Dr. James Rubin is a psychologist who had done a series of studies on Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity (EHS). In his studies he concludes that EHS is a psychological condition. These studies were published as a proof that EHS is not real. Dr. James Rubin was promoted and continues to study EHS. A few days ago I stumbled upon something that might prove his methods completely wrong.

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    • 21 FEB 13

    James Rubin’s scientific Ponzi scheme – and more!

    From Andre Fauteux, Editor
    La Maison du 21e siècle magazine

    For those who missed this great article by Andrew Marino


    James Rubin, King’s College London published a blindingly biased paper in which he argued that there was no such thing as electromagnetic hypersensitivity (no robust evidence). His numerous studies on electromagnetic hypersensitivity are all negative, but that negativity was manufactured by employing experimental designs and statistical analysis that were virtually guaranteed to produce negative results. By means of jaundiced analyses he comes to the conclusion that EHS sufferers have a purely psychosomatic disease, a viewpoint that has untold benefits for his clients and funders, particularly the cell-phone companies.

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    • 18 FEB 13

    CELLPHONE research points to increased brain tumour risk: Some NZ teens in high-risk category

    18 February 2013, Wellington, New Zealand.

    6% of New Zealand mid-teens at increased risk of brain tumour from cellphone/cordless phone use.
    Cordless phones are a type of cellphone with the base- transmitter in the home.
    Nearly ¼ of 10-13 year olds spend 30 minutes or more on wireless phones daily.
    NZ lags behind in cautioning the young about cellphone use
    Study highlights the need to caution heavy cell/cordless phone users.

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    • 17 FEB 13

    Genetic Roulette: An important documentary on genetic modified foods

    Narrated by Lisa Oz
    A production of the Institute for Responsible Technology

    Are you and your family on the wrong side of a bet?

    When the US government ignored repeated warnings by its own scientists and allowed untested genetically modified (GM) crops into our environment and food supply, it was a gamble of unprecedented proportions. The health of all living things and all future generations were put at risk by an infant technology.

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    • 15 FEB 13

    Extensive report by Powerwatch UK on Wi-Fi and schools

    From Alasdair Philips, Powerwatch UK:


    Cringleford Primary School in Norwich is due to move into brand new buildings over the summer of 2013. Like many other councils and schools, Norfolk County Council are continuing to spend public money to irradiate the children in their care with WiFi all day every day. It is not that they are installing WiFi badly – it is that they are installing it at all, especially in primary schools. The new primary school will be irradiated by up to 19 wireless Access Points.

    We believe that this is a misguided choice that is damaging the health and well-being of at least some of the children. There is no way parents can choose to opt out.
    Parents can, and should in our opinion, opt out of exposing their children to WiFi, DECT cordless phones which transmit 24-7, Xboxes, PlayStations, Wii, etc, when they are at home.

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    • 07 FEB 13

    The Round Table Initiative to Classify Cell Phone Radiation

    I have taken the liberty of copying some of Dariusz Leszczynski’s latest blog below because I think his proposal deserves wide consideration. However, I have serious doubts that such a round table discussion of the science between ICNIRP and the Bioinitiative authors would reach a consensus on anything other than venue. The fundamental issue is thermal and non thermal bio-effects. The fact is that ICNIRP membership is made up of so-called experts who have firmly staked their scientific (and in some cases financial) credibility on claiming that RF standards can only be based on thermal considerations. I see no way in hell they will change this view.

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    • 06 FEB 13

    FCC super WiFi proposal prompts fierce lobbying from tech, telecom firms

    From Blake Levitt:

    What the FCC proposes is another spectacularly bad idea. (Click at the end once the story comes up to read the entire article.) This is what happens when a regulatory agency becomes an intoxicated advocate for the industries they are supposed to regulate. And it is riding an egalitarian horse again. Juxtapose this against the FCC “reviewing” its current RF standards and the picture is not good for making the regs more stringent or biologically based. Schemes like this shift liability onto insurance companies, citizens and the medical sector to pay the tab.

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