• 07 MAR 10

    #1230: U.S. Green groups: selling our future for corporate $$$

    The Wrong Kind of Green By Johann Hari This article appeared in the March 22, 2010 edition of The Nation. March 4, 2010 Exerpt: Why did America’s leading environmental groups jet to Copenhagen and lobby for policies that will lead to the faster death of the rainforests–and runaway global warming? Why are their lobbyists on

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    • 05 MAR 10

    #1226: So little has changed…..

    From Louis Slesin, Microwave News: Check out the latest pieces in Time and Popular Science magazines –and two old ones in Fortune. See, once again, how so little has changed. Go to: http://www.microwavenews.com Best, Louis Slesin __________________________________________________________ Louis Slesin, PhD Editor, Microwave News A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation Phone: +1 (212) 517-2800; Fax: +1 (212)

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    • 19 FEB 10

    #1220:Extensive report on Toyota vehicle recall

    Sent in by Alasdair Philips, Powerwatch: First page from the 9 page report: Link: http://www.nutwooduk.co.uk/downloads/Toyota.doc Toyota “sticking pedals” recall is a smokescreen Their sudden unintended acceleration problem is caused by electronics either due to EMI, lead-free soldering or software “bugs” By EurIng Keith Armstrong FIET, C.Eng, ACGI, www.cherryclough.com, phone/fax: +44 (0)1785 660 247, 13th February

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    • 19 FEB 10

    #1219: Toyota calls in Exponent Inc. as hired gun

    This story was sent in by Cindy Sage: ——————– Toyota calls in Exponent Inc. as hired gun ——————– The California engineering firm is known for helping big corporations weather messy disputes. It denies accusations that it skews results to benefit its clients. By Ken Bensinger and Ralph Vartabedian February 18 2010 When some of the

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    • 09 FEB 10

    #1212: Risk Is a Four-Letter Word

    From Louis Slesin, Microwave News: Why don’t the rules governing conflicts of interest ever apply to EMFs? See the latest example from a new report issued by the International Risk Governance Council. Read all about it at: http://www.microwavenews.com Best, Louis Slesin __________________________________________________________ Louis Slesin, PhD Editor, Microwave News A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation Phone: +1

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    • 05 FEB 10

    #1209: New papers from the Dutch National Platform on Radiation Risks (NPS)

    From Alex Swinkels, the National Platform on Radiation Risks: 1) Progressive stages in world-wide knowledge development regarding Electromagnetic Fields & Health With this paper the Dutch National Platform on Radiation Risks aims to improve public awareness of the successive stages of development of knowledge about the domain of EMF&H which have occurred in recent decades.

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    • 03 FEB 10

    #1208: Who’s in the Middle?

    From Louis Slesin, Microwave News: On one side there’s the establishment scientists at ICNIRP and the lobbyists in industry and, on the other, the activists at organizations like NEXT-UP. But there’s very little in between. And, in case you missed it, check out Christopher Ketcham’s article, “Warning: Your Cell Phone May Be Hazardous to Your

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    • 23 JAN 10

    #1202: “Spellcasters”: The Hunt for the “Buy Button” in your Brain

    From the World Business Academy and Truthout:. Friday 22 January 2010 Link: http://www.truthout.org/spellcasters-the-hunt-buy-button-your-brain56278 by: World Business Academy, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed Editor’s Note: Truthout is joining with the World Business Academy in an effort to demonstrate popular opposition to the unethical practice of neuromarketing manipulation. Please visit the Stop

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    • 21 JAN 10

    #1200: YouTube video on RF workplace hazards

    From the EMR Policy Institute: Please distribute this YouTube link as widely as possible. YouTube video exposes the workplace hazard to thousands of unsuspecting workers from radiofrequency (RF) radiation exposure at “stealth” antenna sites. This is a seldom -discussed public health issue with implications for workers and their families, employers, building owners, and all FCC

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    • 17 JAN 10

    #1197: Counterintuitive research findings and screwing up

    Further exploring the problem of so-called counterintuitive research findings (Message #1189) an excellent article by John Lehrer in Wired magazine (Dec 21, 09) titled, Accept Defeat: The Neuroscience of Screwing Up, is essential reading. The link is: http://www.wired.com/magazine/2009/12/fail_accept_defeat/ Exerpt The reason we”™re so resistant to anomalous information “” the real reason researchers automatically assume that

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