• 23 DEC 08

    #1007:Conflict of Interest and the Nobel Prize

    From Mast Sanity: Nobel Prize Bought By Pharma Kick Backs Newsmax.com December 12, 2008 Swedish Officials Investigating Nobel Prize Board Celia Farber The Nobel Prize Committee is facing investigation of bribery and corruption after allegedly taking huge payments from a pharmaceutical company that directly benefits from the work of this year’s Nobel Prize winner in

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    • 18 DEC 08

    #1006: EU Workshop on EMF and Health

    From Eileen O”™Connor Trustee “” EM Radiation Research Trust Please see details. People can request registration but confirmation will be provided in January. 11-12 February 2009, Brussels: Workshop on EMF and Health: Science and Policy to address public concerns Kalina Lewanska European Commission Health and Consumers Directorate-General Unit C7 Risk Assessment B232 02/015 B-1049 Brussels

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    • 27 NOV 08

    #994: Scientific Harlots…

    Following on from the disgusting antics of the Weinberg Group here’s an excerpt from a humorous but all to true view on the world of scientific spin. This was published in the British Medical Journal, Vol. 327, 20-27 December 2003. Full article at: http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/327/7429/1442 Snakes, ladders, and spin HARLOT plc: an amalgamation of the world’s

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    • 26 NOV 08

    #993: Manufacturing science and the Weinberg group

    The following has been taken from a section on conflict of Interest in the bisphenol-A controversy that I had intended to use as a case study in my thesis but later decided not to use. This exerpt looks at the Weinburg group and manufacturing science to order. It has far wider implications…. Don The U.S.

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    • 21 NOV 08

    #989: Recommended on-line publication: Risk & Regulation

    For those with an interest in risk assessment as it applies to regulatory decision making I highly recommend “Risk & Regulation”, the magazine of the ESRC Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation. Check out their latest issue. An especially relevant article is “Ignorance and regulation: the strategic avoidance of risky knowledge” by Linsey McGoey.

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    • 18 NOV 08

    #986: Notice for a forthcoming book about the wireless society

    From Bente-Ingrid Bruun: The Danish book about the wireless society will soon be published, and therefore I send you an abstract in advance, but the book doesn’t have an ISBN number yet. Bente-Ingrid Abstract The EU Commission has given high priority to the development and expansion of the Wireless Marketplace and the Wireless Society. First

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    • 15 NOV 08

    #984: When Alzheimer’s Hits at 40

    I wonder if anyone suggested to Brian Kammerer to give up using his cellphone as a precaution? From Sylvie The Wall Street Journal 2008 Nov 14 When Alzheimer’s Hits at 40 — Early-Onset Sufferers Juggle Children, Job and Dementia By Shirley S. Wang Brian Kammerer, the 45-year-old chief financial officer of a small hedge fund,

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    • 11 NOV 08

    #980: On institutional conflicts of interests

    Most institutional conflict of interest policies deal with individual trust and responsibility to the organization but ignore possible problems that may arise in organizational partnerships, which Krimsky termed the “inevitable tide of corporate and academic partnerships and the commercialism of knowledge”ť (Message #978). Safeguards to address this problem are needed in order to prevent academic/corporate

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    • 26 OCT 08

    #973: EU Press release on airport body scanner concerns

    Here is the latest EU press release, from the EC website, on airport body scanners, October 23, 2008: Note where they call for a scientific and medical assessment of the possible health impact of such technologies. Lets hope they don’t get Michael Repacholi or the Health Council of the Netherlands to to the assessment! Fertile

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    • 26 OCT 08

    #972: NEWS FLASH: European Parliament rejects airport X-ray body scanners

    From Stelios A Zinelis MD: The European Parliament has voted, rejecting the application of airport scanners by 361 votes(16 voted to apply the technology and 181 abstinences) based on human rights( privacy, integrity, personal data) and the potential health risks. I terms of the ionizing radiation, in the past the diagnostic low dose X-Rays were

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    • 25 OCT 08

    #971: Health fears over new airport millimetre wave full-body scanners

    Here is a technology soon to impact on all of us who fly, especially those of you who like to collect “frequent” flyer points – you will now be accumulating more than you thought! Unlike the continuing health controversy over non-ionizing radiation, my understanding of ionizing radiation is that there is no such thing as

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    • 25 OCT 08

    #970: Sense about Science – Misleading on Radiation, EMFs, Health

    From Powerwatch: http://www.naturalmatters.net/article.asp?article=3828&cat=247 Sense about Science – Misleading on Radiation, EMFs, Health 24/10/2008 Article from http://www.powerwatch.org.uk Sense about science have recently published a very one-sided report entitled “Making Sense of Radiation” on the associations between EMFs and health. Not only did this report only present one side of an argument that has multiple conflicting opinions

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    • 20 OCT 08

    #968: Possible EMR hazard from electronic theodolites

    To All I received the following message and have spoken to the person who sent it. He wishes to remain anonymous because of his employment. An electronic theodolite sends out a laser beam (seen as a red beam at night) and the surveyors who use them can spend quite a bit of time with their

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    • 11 OCT 08

    #967: Senseless about Science

    http://www.anhcampaign.org/news/electro-spin Electro-Spin Dr Damien Downing, ANH Medical Director 8th October 2008 This Monday, 6th October, the Today programme on Radio 4 aired a 4-minute debate on whether wi-fi, mobile phone masts and other sources of radio waves were harmful to health [1]. The idea was rejected by Elaine Fox, a psychologist who helped to write

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    • 15 SEP 08

    #944:Wi-Fi electromagnetic fields pose health risk, some residents fear

    Wi-Fi electromagnetic fields pose health risk, some residents fear Studies disagree on potential long-term effects a city-wide wireless network would have on people http://www.canada.com/montrealgazette/news/story.html?id=2e090761-519c -4de6-9ace-4153d6dc71d2 MICHELLE LALONDE The Gazette Sunday, September 14, 2008 Not all Montreal island residents are keen on the idea of island-wide wireless Internet access. Megan Durnford, a Westmount writer and filmmaker,

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    • 10 SEP 08

    #943: September issue of “EMR and Health” now available

    From EMR Australia: Dear All EMR may be contributing to serious health problems, including cancer and diabetes, by impacting on the body’s energy metabolising processes. In the September issue of “EMR and Health” we look at new evidence for the link between EMR and diabetes and how EMR may be contributing to a global increase

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    • 18 AUG 08

    #933: Recent papers from the Indian Journal of Experimental Biology

    From Beperk De Straling : The Indian Journal of Experimental Biology published some articles on electromagnetic radiation and the electromagnetic functioning of the human body: Indian J Exp Biol. 2008 May;46(5):403-19. Physical basis of adverse and therapeutic effects of low intensity microwave radiation. Hyland GJ. International Institute of Biophysics, Landesstiftung Hombroich, Raketenstation, D-41472 Neuss, Germany.

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    • 12 AUG 08

    #926: Cellphone [industry]Games

    Excellent article by Melinda Wenner, frequent contributor to Scientific American on cell phones and brain tumors. Posted by Cindy Sage to cheemf@lists.healthandenvironment.org Cellphone Games http://walrusmagazine.com/articles/2008.09-health-cellphone-brain-tumour-melinda-wenner/1/ Does radio frequency radiation pose a cancer risk? Researchers in the largest study to date won”™t say by Melinda Wenner illustration by Errol F. Richardson Published in the September 2008

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    • 08 JUL 08

    #907: Ambient magnetic fields may affect the quality of human sperm

    From Microwave News: Exposures to ambient magnetic fields may affect the quality of human sperm and may well explain its well-documented decline over the last few decades, according to a new study by De-Kun Li, an epidemiologist at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, CA. Li has also shown that how the dose of a magnetic field

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    • 07 JUL 08

    #904: New ABC Site found to be too radioactive

    New ABC site too radioactive By Darren Cartwright http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,23981701-1248,00.html July 07, 2008 03:20pm Article from: The Courier-Mail THE ABC has abandoned a new site for its Brisbane headquarters after discovering it was too radioactive. The national broadcaster was intending to build new headquarters on a site in Newstead after it had to abandon its Toowong

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