• 29 JUN 06

    #504 0r 506? : NOTICE about numbering

    There are unresolved technical problems with this web log in relation to numbering messages. For some reason some message numbers skip-thus putting the Message # number and url link at the top out of sinc with the url at the bottom of the message. It seems that everytime someone subscribes it gets recorded as a

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    • 20 JUN 06

    Levitt / Loranger interview available

    The weblog version of theis message is at: http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/index.php?p=496 Notice from Shivani Arjuna: Independent documentary film maker, Doug Loranger producer and director of “Bad Reception, The Wireless Revolution in San Francisco”) and medical/science journalist, B. Blake Levitt (author of “Electromagnetic Fields, A Consumer’s Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves” and editor of

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    • 14 JUN 06

    #489: Recommended new book from Powerwatch (UK)

    A highly recommended New Book is now available from Powerwatch UK titled “The Powerwatch Handbook, simple ways to make you and your family safer”. Powerwatch is donating all royalties from the book to the UK charity Children withLeukaemia. Please support it and order a copy, essential reading. See article in major UK news paper The

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    • 10 JUN 06

    #486: N0tice from Mast-Victims.org

    Notice from Mast-Victims.org: To All We have been working hard at getting the following interviews downloaded and converted to a form where they could be heard for as long as anyone wants (in other words for eternity) This has now resulted in a new chapter on Mast-victims, http://www.mast-victims.org/index.php?content=resources&collection Where we have stashed: http://www.mast-victims.org/index.php?content=resources&#audio>Audio: interviews http://www.mast-victims.org/index.php?content=resources&#video>Video:

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    • 26 MAY 06

    Retraction of last message

    While re-reading the EMC Radiofrequency Field Survey of the RMIT building this morning I saw in horror that the last two pages did not print on my printer last night. These pages do in fact mention that ELF measurements were taken so I have deleted the previous message with apologies to all concerned. Not a

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    • 25 MAY 06

    “EMR and Health” Newsletter now available

    Notice from Lyn McLean The June issue of the email newsletter “EMR and Health” is now available. This issue contains the information about the latest scientific research on the EMR/health connection, including powerful new studies on childhood leukemia and mobile phones and brain tumours. There’s new information about the effects of mobile phone antennas on

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    • 18 MAY 06

    # 468: The Scariest Predators in the Corporate Jungle (Part I)

    The following may seem at first glance a bit “off-topic” for this list but it is noteworthy that the United Nations is at last taking note of the nefarious activities of the corporate world. Perhaps its time they widen the scope of their investigations to include corporate corruption of the activities of the WHO…. Part

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    • 17 MAY 06

    Stewart Fist’s “Electric words” web site

    I have received recently several inquiries about where Stewart Fist’s “Electric words” web site is. Stewart is now re-establishing his previous site at: http://electricwords.emfacts.com/ He has also posted the 1994 CSIRO report at: http://electricwords.emfacts.com/csiro/ Don

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    • 14 MAY 06

    Still more comments on RMIT

    Last night several more relevant comments about the RMIT brain tumour / cell tower controversy came in and have been included on message # 460. Go to: http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/?p=460 Don

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    • 07 MAY 06

    EMFacts Domain name expired!

    Just to let everyone know for the two last days my Domain name had expired (Oops, thats what happened to Stewart Fist!) so any messages to me would have bounced back. All is well now as I have just renewed it to 2008. Good thing Motorola was napping! Any messages sent to me since last

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    • 04 MAY 06

    Important message from Microwave News

    Dear Colleagues: Microwave News has launched a new Web site. Same address, http://www.microwavenews.com , but a whole new look. Redesigning these pages took much longer than expected –that’s why you haven’t heard from us in a long time. The new site will make it easier for us to post spot news, as well as to

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    • 03 MAY 06

    Keeping a Democratic Web

    Keeping a Democratic Web The New York Times | Editorial http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/050206E.shtml Tuesday 02 May 2006 “Net neutrality” is a concept that is still unfamiliar to most Americans, but it keeps the Internet democratic. Cable and telephone companies that provide Internet service are talking about creating a two-tiered Internet, in which Web sites that pay them

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    • 01 MAY 06

    Mystery as car alarms go haywire

    From Robert Reidlinger: They will investigate complaints of malfunctioning car alarms but ignore human health complaints such as headaches , sleep disturbance,ringing and buzzing in the ears and head,fatigue,blurry vision and even cancers??? Robert ************************************************************************** “Communications regulator Ofcom has said the problem also affects other areas and says it will investigate following complaints.” Mystery as

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    • 28 APR 06

    Health Protection Agency – EMF Discussion Group (EMFDG)

    Powerwatch News: 27/04/2006 http://www.powerwatch.org.uk/news/20060427_hpa_emfdg.asp Summary: At the personal request of Sir William Stewart, Chairman of the UK Health Protection Agency (HPA), a new discussion group has been set up to help develop suitable precautionary advice for the general public regarding exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). The people invited to participate in this group have considerable

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    • 27 APR 06

    The Science of RFR Health Risks

    From Olle Johansson FYI: Yet another splendid interview by Layna Berman at “Your Own Health and Fitness”, KPFA FM, San Francisco Bay Area, is now on-line for one week: Tuesday, April 25th “The Science of RFR Health Risks — Olle Johansson, PhD, associate professor at the Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm,

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    • 24 APR 06

    A free and open Internet is under seige

    Please distribute widely Some time ago the global telecommunications industry set up an organisation, abbreviated “WIN” specifically to counter activist’s Internet web sites. Now it looks like they are very close to a win by gaining control over the Internet. If the following comes to pass, kiss goodbye to all those independent EMF sites –

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    • 22 APR 06

    Notice from Olle Johansson re: articles

    Dear All, For those of you that can read and understand Norwegian and Swedish, or get automatic translations, please note the following two articles: 1) Läs gärna – i dagens (21/4 2006) nummer av den norska avisen Aftenposten – denna intervju “Plagsom el-hverdag” av Lars-Ludvig Røed: http://www.aftenposten.no/helse/article1286798.ece 2) Även undertecknad har en insändare införd idag

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    • 21 APR 06

    New “peer reviewed” paper exonerates EMF/EMR

    The ongoing controversy over mobile phones and their base stations, power frequency transmission lines, powerlines and the human health implications of EMF exposure generally, has finally been answered in a ground breaking paper just published in Archives of Diseases in Childhood – the Journal of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH). Apparently

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    • 14 APR 06

    DECT / Wi-Fi info leaflet now available

    From Goldsworth Residents Against the Masts http://www.nomasts.org.uk Dear All, When I asked a few weeks ago the only leaflet that was available to warn people about mobile devices was that American one “Your mobile phone is making me sick” which raved on a bit, and listed about 3 US books from Amazon.com (in the US)

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    • 27 MAR 06

    UK Navy adapts sonar to protect whales

    From Katharina Gustavs: The Sunday Times March 26, 2006 Navy adapts sonar to protect whales Steven Swinford NAVY warships are to be equipped with a £2.5m scanning system to spot marine mammals after post-mortem tests linked the death of beached whales to military sonar. Advanced software will be used to adapt the ships”™ sensors to

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