• 26 MAR 06

    Question for this list- 3G antenna’s effect on property values

    Hi All I have been contacted by a property developer in Melbourne concerned that his superannuation investment, a building housing a child’s Day Care Centre will be adversely effected by a neighbouring property owner being offered a cash incentive to allow Telstra to erect a 3G facility on the roof of the building in front

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    • 23 MAR 06

    Did Chernobyl kill 1,000 British babies?

    From Iris Atzmon: Chernobyl killed 1,000 British babies Thursday, 23rd March 2006, 08:59 Category: Healthy Living http://www.lse.co.uk/ShowStory.asp?story=YW2323740Q&news_headline=chernobyl_killed_1000_british_babies ———————————————————————— LIFE STYLE EXTRA (UK) – More than 1,000 British babies may have died as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster 20 years ago, an expert claims today (thur). On the eve of the 20th anniversary of

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    • 22 MAR 06

    NOTE: Reading messages on this list

    Notice: For the easiest reading of messages on this list it is best to click on the weblog/index url link at the end of the message instead of reading the email. Besides being easier on the eye and more printable, any later changes (such as correcting my spelling errors!) are done on the weblog. Don

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    • 19 MAR 06

    From X-rays to Cordless Phones

    Message from Lloyd Morgan: Dear All The other day I gave a presentation, “From X-rays to Cordless Phones, Radiation Causes Brain Tumors,” on a conference system being evaluated by The Brain Trust (www.braintrust.org). If you would like to hear this presentation go to < http ://breeze14246184.breezecentral.com/p26758736/ > The recording will be taken off sometime on

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    • 05 MAR 06

    Protecting Workers from the Known and Emerging Health Risks of Non-ionizing Radiation

    Following is a presentation from Dr. Joseph Bowman given on Feb 23, 2006 to NIOSH’s Cincinnati employees, where Dr. Bowman lays out what NIOSH wants to do to keep RF education and research alive in the US. Not an easy task in the current neo-conservative environment where anti-regulation forces abound. Coming from Dr. Bowman this

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    • 03 MAR 06

    Headaches, nosebleeds from TETRA

    Sent by Iris Atzmon: For some it is more than a minor irritant. When a TETRA mast went live just a few hundred yards from Littlehamptom Primary School in Sussex in 2004, 11 children were sent home with headaches and nosebleeds. According to Mr Morrison, all the Thornwood sufferers began reporting microwave symptoms at the

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    • 03 MAR 06

    New Swedish political party formed

    From Olle Johansson: Dear All, Please, note that a new Swedish political party has been registered for the next election to Parliament. The name is “Folkets Vilja” (http://www.folketsvilja.se), and it shall act for freedom of speech for those that are concerned about health risks with 3G, TETRA, etc., and who does not want to allow

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    • 26 FEB 06

    Notice of new papers from Örjan Hallberg:

    Hi Don, There are a few new papers recently published (or in press) that might be of interest to you. My personal favorite is no 15, a theory and model for melanoma. I just received the galley proof of that (appearing in Melanoma Research soon). See: http://hir.nu/Publications.htm Best regards, Örjan Hallberg

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    • 23 FEB 06

    Why States Believe Foolish Ideas

    Why searching out some information for my thesis I happened to come across an interesting paper titled: “Why States Believe Foolish Ideas: Non-Self-Evaluation By States And Societies” by Stephen Van Evera, January 10, 2002 For the topic of this list, those readers interested in why the Myth of ICNIRP and why Repacholian pseudo-science continues to

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    • 23 FEB 06

    Comments on the Goldberg / Olin books

    From Andy Davidson: Don Just read your stuff on Goldberg and particularly Olin (shame it’s not in English): “The hypothesis relates to and enlarges the theory/hypothesis that the Swedish research group Rönnbäck-Hansson formulated regarding defects/damage in the astrogliacell membrane caused by disturbances in the transport through the membrane of e.g. the important energy- and signal

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    • 22 FEB 06

    New book on microwave radiation & health

    I have not yet read the new book by Gerald Goldberg but what he says about his findings reminds me of the Swedish book “New Diagnosis” (1999) by Professor Robert Olin which unfortunately for most of us, was never published in English. After Gerald’s notice (below) I have copied and pasted some brief exerpts from

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    • 12 FEB 06

    Peer Review gone rotten: AGNIR’s review of breast cancer and EMFs

    Peer Review gone rotten: AGNIR’s review of breast cancer and EMFs On Feb 9, 2006 The independent Advisory Group on Non-Ionising Radiation (AGNIR), under the leadership of Professor Anthony Swerdlow (a senior member of ICNIRP and who enjoys a commanding role in influencing the British cancer charities research into cancer) released its latest viewpoint on

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    • 29 JAN 06

    Important updates to www.emfacts.com

    NOTICE Please note that I have added two new sections to the EMFacts web site, both of which are mirrored from Stewart Fist’s site and have been done so with Stewart’s suggestion and assistance. 1) Electricwords: This consists of abstracts of recent scientific research into the biological safety of cellular mobile phones, radio signals in

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    • 28 JAN 06

    Norwegian torpedo boat service associated with increased risk of birth defects

    From Sianette Kwee: Public release date: 16-Jan-2006 http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2006-01/bsj-ntb011606.php Norwegian torpedo boat service associated with increased risk of birth defects A higher risk of congenital anomalies in the offspring of personnel who served aboard a Norwegian missile torpedo boat; Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2006, 63: 92-97 Military service aboard a Norwegian missile torpedo boat was associated

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    • 16 JAN 06

    Comments on Shivani Arjuna’s last message

    From Frans van Velden: I agree. Verschaeve and (Annemie, not Wolfgang) Maes of VITO have experimented with regard to ‘lipoatrophia’, the relocating of fat (also known from people who use insulin or anti-HIV medication). In an office in Belgium several workers had lipoatrophia semicircularis, combined with burning skin and fatigue (this information often is left

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    • 16 JAN 06

    Question from Shivani Arjuna

    From Shivani Arjuna: Don’s NOTE: I will be away for about two weeks so any replies should be sent directly to Shivani Arjuna at: SArjuna@aol.com Don Dear friends, I am particularly interested in the following three paragraphs from Katharina Gustasv’s posting of January 15th. “Compared to magnetic field research, there have been rather few studies

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    • 15 JAN 06

    New EMF web site notice

    Notice from Shivani Arjuna: Dear Friends, I invite you to check out the new EMR/EMF info. piece I have just posted today at www.LifeEnergies.com/. As there has not been a source on the Web where one could get information about the various sub-issues of the EMR.EMF problem, I thought this would be useful. A reader

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    • 15 JAN 06

    Katharina Gustavs’ reply to Message# 359

    To all I received the following message fromKatharina Gustavs with the request to post on my list as a “right-of-reply” to certain comments made by Magda Havas in message # 359. ( http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/?p=359 ) I have the greatest of respect for both parties but request that any further correspondence should be done directly with each

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    • 11 JAN 06

    New papers from Olle Johansson et al

    From Olle Johansson: Dear All, Two new papers have been published: 1) Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, “Alzheimer mortality – why does it increase so fast in sparsely populated areas?“, Europ Biol Bioelectromag 2005; 1: 225-246 2) Guan X, Johansson O, “The sun-shined health”, Europ Biol Bioelectromag 2005; 1: 420-423 The web site for the journal

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    • 20 DEC 05

    Environmental concerns in Israel

    http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news.php3?id=95010 Annual Report Documents Increased Environmental Concerns 13:52 Dec 18, ’05 / 17 Kislev 5766 (IsraelNN.com) An annual environmental study presented to President Moshe Katsav paints a discouraging picture regarding environmental realities. The report states that a growing number of Israelis no longer trust the integrity of tap water and 72% of the population drinks

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