• 18 SEP 05

    Air Force Cadets See Religious Harassment

    Air Force Cadets See Religious Harassment http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2005/04/19/national/w111447D80.DTL By ROBERT WELLER, Associated Press Writer Tuesday, April 19, 2005 Less than two years after it was plunged into a rape scandal, the Air Force Academy is scrambling to address complaints that evangelical Christians wield so much influence at the school that anti-Semitism and other forms of religious

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Air Force to Probe Religious Climate at Colorado Academy

    Air Force to Probe Religious Climate at Colorado Academy http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/05/03/AR2005050301499.html By Alan Cooperman Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, May 4, 2005; Page A03 The Air Force said yesterday it is creating a task force to address the religious climate at the U.S. Air Force Academy, following allegations that its faculty and staff have pressured cadets

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Inside America’s Most Powerful Megachurch

    Soldiers of Christ: Inside America’s Most Powerful Megachurch By Jeff Sharlet Harper’s Magazine http://www.harpers.org/SoldiersOfChrist.html Thursday 26 May 2005 They are drawn as if by magnetic forces; they speak of Colorado Springs, home to the greatest concentration of fundamentalist Christian activist groups in American history, both as a last stand and as a kind of utopia

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Part V: America’s Religious Right – Saints or Subversives?

    This is part 5 of a 5-part series. Part I: The Lure of Christian Nationalism Part II: Hang Ten and Fight! Part III: A Deadly Culture of Life Part IV: Pie in the Sky Part V: “The Ayatollah of Holy Rollers” America’s Religious Right – Saints or Subversives? By Steve Weissman t r u t

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Part IV: America’s Religious Right – Saints or Subversives?

    This is part 4 of a 5-part series. Part I: The Lure of Christian Nationalism Part II: Hang Ten and Fight! Part III: A Deadly Culture of Life Part IV: Pie in the Sky Part V: “The Ayatollah of Holy Rollers” America’s Religious Right – Saints or Subversives? By Steve Weissman t r u t

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Part III: America’s Religious Right – Saints or Subversives?

    This is part 3 of a 5-part series. Part I: The Lure of Christian Nationalism Part II: Hang Ten and Fight! Part III: A Deadly Culture of Life Part IV: Pie in the Sky Part V: “The Ayatollah of Holy Rollers” America’s Religious Right – Saints or Subversives? By Steve Weissman t r u t

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Part II: America’s Religious Right – Saints or Subversives?

    This is part 2 of a 5-part series. Part I: The Lure of Christian Nationalism Part II: Hang Ten and Fight! Part III: A Deadly Culture of Life Part IV: Pie in the Sky Part V: “The Ayatollah of Holy Rollers” America’s Religious Right – Saints or Subversives? Part II By Steve Weissman t r

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Part 1: America’s Religious Right – Saints or Subversives?

    This is part 1 of a 5-part series. Part I: The Lure of Christian Nationalism Part II: Hang Ten and Fight! Part III: A Deadly Culture of Life Part IV: Pie in the Sky Part V: “The Ayatollah of Holy Rollers” America’s Religious Right – Saints or Subversives? By Steve Weissman t r u t

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    • 18 SEP 05

    “Off topic” category added to this list

    NOTICE: I have created a new category for my blog that has nothing to do with the EMF issue but is very much a political issue of vital importance to Australia for the next federal elections and as such, the new category is meant to be a file for future reference. Listings to this category

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    • 20 AUG 05

    Olle Johansson et al references now available

    A complete listing of Olle Johansson et al papers has been added to this site. The url is: References for Olle Johansson et al papers Don

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    • 20 AUG 05

    References for Olle Johansson et al papers

    Wang L, Hilliges M, Jernberg T, Wiegleb-Edstrom D, Johansson O, “Protein gene product 9.5-immunoreactive nerve fibres and cells in human skin”, Cell Tissue Res 1990; 261: 25-33 Johansson O, Hilliges M, Bjornhagen V, Hall K, “Skin changes in patients claiming to suffer from “screen dermatitis”: a two-case open-field provocation study”, Exp Dermatol 1994; 3: 234-238

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    • 22 JUL 05

    French Telco sues activist for slander

    The following message from France illustrates just how the French Telcoms have to learn about the art of “community consultation” and trying to maintain a good corporate image with the public. If, in the UK or Australia, a telco went ahead and sued a community activist group spokesperson for supposedly slandering the company, that would

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    • 10 JUL 05

    References for previous message from Frans

    Please note in reference to message “Frans van Velden comments on Michael Repacholi’s statement”, Frans adds the following: From my open letter to the WHO these sources have been lost: http://www.who.int/about/en/ click WHO Constitution http://www.mngm.nl Monitoring Network Health and Environment (click internationaal, who are we?) http://www.stopumts.nl Experiences are to be found under ‘verhalen’ and in

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    • 10 JUL 05

    Canadian government report acknowledges electrosensitivity

    Message from David Fancy: 9 July 2005 Hello Don, I’m not sure of this is useful for our readership or not, I will leave that to you discretion. It is a statement included in an Ontario Ministry of Labour Report written by Peter Fuhry, a radiologist with the Ministry’s Occupational Health and Safety operations divison,

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    • 10 JUL 05

    Frans van Velden comments on Michael Repacholi’s statement

    From Frans van Velden MSc, The Hague, The Netherlands July 9, 2005 Open letter to the World Health Organization. WHO should recognize and investigate the reported cases of microwave sickness and electrohypersensitivity (EHS), should advise governments to take care of victims and to take precautionary environmental measurements to prevent the increase of these conditions. Re:

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    • 09 JUL 05

    Comments from Michael Repacholi to Hans Karow (FYI)

    From Hans Karow: Correspondence from Michael Repacholi to Hans Karow FYI, I suggest your readers first read MicroWaveNews Dr. Louis Slesin’s July 5, 2005 Commentary in http://www.microwavenews.com/fromthefield.html#whoottawa Following is a response from the World Health Organisation’s Dr. Michael Repacholi commenting on Dr. Slesin’s Commentary. Dr. Repacholi is head/coordinator, Radiation & Environmental Health Protection of the

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    • 09 JUL 05

    Now a cellphone for the foetus!

    A research student, Hyoung Won at the Umea Institute of design, University of Umeå, has proven that it is always possible to come up with still more totally useless wireless gadgetry to sell to the natives. Now a cell phone for the unborn child! With concepts like this Hyoung is sure to be offered a

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    • 07 JUL 05

    Disney targets kids for mobile phone service

    Whatever happened to all those expert warnings over children and mobile phone use? Who does the industry and Disney listen too? None other than Motorola and their spin doctors Swicord, Elder and Joyner who all have had a go at twisting science to the tune of their corporate masters. Recommended reading: “A Corporate Risk Assessment

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    • 06 JUL 05

    Power line health concerns in New Zealand widens

    The issue of siting transmission lines and outmoded standards is continuing to widen in New Zealand as the following two articles indicate. I’m expecting a similar response in Australia when the Aust. Radiation Protection & Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) soon issues a draft proposal that maintains the existing paradigm of 1000 mG/5000 mG as per

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    • 05 JUL 05

    NOTICE! Interference with this list

    Over the last week there have been apparent list members un-subscribing from this list. In two cases that I have inquired about, the “un-subscribed” people had received a message that gave the impression that I have removed them from the list, which was not the case. The message I got, in turn, was that they

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