• 30 MAY 05

    A message from Electrosensitivity UK

    http://www.electrosensitivity.org.uk/ 29/05/05 The new(ish) Health Protection Agency,HPA, which we understand is subsuming the old National Radiological Protection Board, NRPB, under its grander umbrella as the Radiological Protection Division, RPD, is soon releasing, wait for it, as the HPA/RPD, a report. This is definitely one to watch, of considerable importance to us and anyone who doubts

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    • 30 MAY 05

    WTO Talks a Threat to Environment – NGOs

    WTO Talks a Threat to Environment – NGOs Stefania Bianchi BRUSSELS, May 25 (IPS) – Laws protecting the environment, social well-being and health are increasingly coming under attack at international trade discussions, according to new analysis from a leading environmental group. Friends of the Earth International says a growing number of countries are using negotiations

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    • 28 MAY 05

    A Systemic Approach to Occupational and Environmental Health

    Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 RACHEL’S ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH NEWS #817 http://www.rachel.org May 12, 2005 Part 1 of 2: A Systemic Approach to Occupational and Environmental Health By Skip Spitzer* There are signs that public awareness about corporate impacts on society is rising.[1] A 1999 industry-sponsored global survey warned that citizens in general feel that

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    • 27 MAY 05

    A very Finnish sense of humour

    As for the that Finnish paper on 3G (last message) it turns out to be a Uni prank. The person who earlier sent it to me has since spoken with Topi Mäenpää the “author” (alias Dr. Tech) at Oulu University. Dr. Tech has left his photo at < http://www.ee.oulu.fi/~topiolli/images/virne.jpg > which illustrates who has the

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    • 27 MAY 05

    WARNING on supposed Finland 3G study

    To All The below message, and link, came in this morning and will probably be doing the rounds on Internet as further evidence that cell phones and 3G in particular, are a health hazard. However the whole paper, supposedly “published” in Nov. of 2002, looks +VERY+ suspect to me for quite a few reasons. Note

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    • 25 MAY 05

    Council rejects Telstra phone tower plan

    Council rejects Telstra phone tower plan 11:49 AM May 24 A proposal by Telstra to build a mobile phone tower on the western side of Lake Macquarie has been rejected by council, after residents revealed its visual impact had been significantly under-estimated. Councillors last night rejected the 30 metre high tower at Teralba after a

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    • 25 MAY 05

    More mobile phone towers planned for Sydney

    The Sydney Daily Telegraph More mobile phone towers planned May 25, 2005 NEW mobile phone base stations to be built across Sydney will be targeted by a growing number of community protest groups. An investigation by The Daily Telegraph has uncovered dozens of proposed new mobile base stations to be built across Sydney. It follows

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    • 24 MAY 05

    Residents Claim Neighbors Bombarding Them With Radiation

    South Natomas Home Covered With Sheet Metal Residents Claim Neighbors Bombarding Them With Radiation POSTED: 8:42 am PDT May 20, 2005 UPDATED: 2:00 pm PDT May 20, 2005 SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A home in Sacramento’s south Natomas neighborhood is surrounded by sheet metal, and neighbors are calling it an eyesore. The D’Souza family lives in

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    • 21 MAY 05

    Symposium on Man and His Environment

    23rd Annual International Symposium on Man and His Environment in Health and Disease Special Focus ————- The Autonomic Nervous System and Its Relationship to Environmental Pollutants Including the Cardiovascular System and Electromagnetic Sensitivity, June 9-12 2005 This event is sponsored by the American Environmental Health Foundation and the University of North Texas Health Science Center

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    • 20 MAY 05

    Big Pharma attack on Aust./ New Zealand supplements

    URGENT NOTICE – Secret Australian Supplement Ban Legislation Imminent- CODEX Looming – It concerns ALL of us!!! Please act in your and your freedom’s interest! From Eve Hillary at Health Freedom CODEX Campaign URGENT NOTICE PLEASE HELP STOP: Secret anti Health Supplement Legislation Being Passed in Aussie Parliament Natural Health Supplements ARE in the Firing

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