• 16 NOV 12

    GLEN Eira Council will petition the State Government not to make Smart Meters compulsory.

    From Stop Smart Meters Australia:

    GLEN Eira Council will petition the State Government not to make Smart Meters compulsory.

    Councillors have voted unanimously to follow officers’ advice and relay residents’ concerns to the State Government. They further decided to call on the State Government to allow residents to “opt out” of the Smart Meter roll out and to allow people who already have Smart Meters to “have the right to have the meter removed and replaced with an analogue or non-wireless meter at no cost to them ….Councillors said residents complained of headaches, fatigues, disrupted sleep, aches and pains and more since having Smart Meters installed…..

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    • 15 NOV 12

    Tasmanian Greens push for smart meters in Tasmania

    So the Tasmanian Greens, totally ignorant of the smart meter health controversy, have pushed the state government into spending $200,000 to investigate the use of “smart grid” technology in Tasmania, and if independent consultants recommend the introduction of a smart grid for Tasmania, the Government will commit $10 million towards the project.

    Well, I wonder how they will address the health effects issue for I sure a shell will be making them aware of it. Perhaps the government should allocate some of the $200,000 to investigate the health issue?

    And I wonder just whom the so called independent consultants will be?

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    • 12 NOV 12

    Two New Zealand smart meter sites of interest

    1) New Zealand smart meters – the issues, concerns, implications and
    what you can do

    Smart Meters are being installed in homes around the world as part of a global roll-out of smart power grids. We don’t believe in coincidences. We have a number of concerns with regard smart meters, which can be used to measure electricity, gas and water consumption – although this site is focused on electricity meters. Our concerns fall into these categories:
    2) Stop Smart Meters NZ

    How To Avoid Getting A “Smart Meter”. “Smart” or “advanced” meters are not compulsory, even though some representatives of and/or contractors to electricity companies have been apparently telling customers that it is compulsory to have a “smart meter”. (Personal communication.)


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    • 11 NOV 12

    News Flash: Former Motorola Strategic Director directing the Victorian Government’s response to smart meter health complaints

    In a recent letter to a concerned Victorian citizen from the Office of the Minister for Energy and Resources, the Minister discounted the potential for any health impacts of smart meters partially based on the expert advice of the Victorian Radiation Advisory Committee. To Quote:

    Victoria’s Chief Health Officer has endorsed the advice of the Victorian Ministerial radiation Advisory Committee, consisting of doctors and experts in the field of radiation, which found “that there is no substantive evidence to suggest that exposure to radiofrequency radiation such as from Smart Meters can increase the risk of chronic health effects, such as cancer”. Further information is available on the Chief Health Officer’s website at http://www.health.vic.gov.au/chiefhealthofficer/smart-meters”>www.health.vic.gov.au/chiefhealthofficer/smart-meters.

    So, I wondered just who were the non-ionizing radiation experts on the Radiation Advisory Committee?

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    • 10 NOV 12

    EHS: Itʼs all in your head but we wonʼt hold it against you

    From John Weigel

    I would like to draw you attention to a new technique being used in Ireland to foster the idea that electromagnetic sensitivity is a psychological disorder. Unlike Sweden which has declared EHS a disability, Ireland has chosen to deny the condition exists. At present there is a concerted effort to remove the stigma attached to mental illness. What is curious is the individuals and companies that are seeking to address the issue. In this instance they are drawn from the business community – and nearly all of the members of the board of the Network for Responsible Business are currently or past employees of the microwave industry.

    It is also important to note that Ireland plans to be an incubation centre for technologies using the Smart Grid which is currently under construction across North America and elsewhere through partnership between government and business.

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    • 31 OCT 12

    Australian government to launch a smart meter “intensive public education” spin

    Moving bravely ahead with a national roll-out of smart meters, despite the mounting evidence that there is a significant health issue that urgently needs to be investigated, the Australian federal government will now be spending $$$ millions on a nation-wide smart meter “intensive public education” campaign. Why not spend some of that money to investigate the health issue? Of course not. God forbid! They may even find that the current crop of smart meters that they have committed themselves to are a health hazard – and then what for their big investment?

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    • 19 OCT 12

    Productivity Commission critizes the Victorian smart meter rollout

    In today’s Herald Sun newspaper on page 19 it is reported under the headline Power to plummet by Matt Johnston, that the Productivity Commission has criticized the roll out of smart meters in Victoria. in its 772 page report on Australia’s electricity network. According to the Herald Sun, the report states:

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    • 15 OCT 12

    End the not-so-smart spin with real smart meter research

    To give an idea of what kind of research those promoting smart grid/meter technology spend their money on see the latest spin put out by the British Department of Energy and Climate Change. Titled, Quantitative Research into Public Awareness, Attitudes and Experience of Smart Meters, the report assessed consumer awareness of, attitude to, and understanding/experience of smart meters and in-home displays (IHDs). In answer to the widespread reports of adverse health effects in countries after the introduction of smart meters, the researchers simply claim that that the negative issues identified could probably be resolved by reassurance, and that consumers would still be willing to accept the technology. This conclusion suggests that concerns over possible health hazards from smart meters are probably a result of public misunderstandings and unfounded fears – in other words, ignorance.

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    • 13 OCT 12

    Dr Klinghardt on Smart Meters

    From Andrew Goldsworthy:

    This is an excellent and informative video on the dangers of electromagnetic fields, including microwaves and especially Smart Meters. Dr Klinghardt is an internationally famous expert on this topic and is one of the men that the powers that be want to shut up. If you watch it (it’s about three quarters of an hour long) you will see why. Already, microwave radiation is doing untold harm to us all on a massive scale. A few percent of the population can “feel” the radiation but laboratory tests show that many more are affected although they may not know it.

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    • 07 OCT 12

    Consumers can opt-out of Hydro-Québec’s smart-meter program – at a price

    SO, Hydro-Quebec is to go ahead with its controversial smart meter roll-out and simply dismiss the health effects issue even though their pseodo-science can easily be shown to be false. See the previous message on this list

    The only good news here is that at least Hydro-Quebec has provided an opt-out option. Smart move on the part of Hydro-Quebec. They hope that by providing an opt-out, the opposition will vanish as these concerned people cough up the extra money in order to avoid a smart meter on their homes – and then shut up.

    However, at the very least, how will Hydro-Quebec handle the very real possibility of illness from thousands of consumers who will have a smart meter mounted close to their bedheads? (See slide 22 of Tom Wilson’s powerpoint in last message). In Victoria, Australia, this situation is now becoming a reality for many Victorians with a new shiny smart meter mounted externally on a bedroom wall.

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