• 09 OCT 16

    Nerve Disrupting Frequencies Radiating from “Smart” Meters

    NOTE: In my previous papers and submissions on the negative health impacts of smart meters I took the position that the worst case is when a smart meter is on the external wall next to a bedhead. See a sample of case histories here. One of my recommendations was, if all else fails in avoiding the installation of a smart meter – insure, at least, that it is placed well away from sleeping areas to reduce exposure. In one of the homes I have surveyed they took that advice and had the house wiring altered to have the smart meter placed on the garage wall which was separate from the house.

    The following Youtube presentation backs all this up….SNIP

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    • 03 OCT 16

    Health Risks Associated with Smart Meter Wireless Emissions

    Posted on October 2, 2016b by K.T. Weaver, SkyVision Solutions


    Article Key Points

    There is a “reasonable basis” for concern regarding health risks associated with smart meter wireless emissions.
    It is “unreasonable” to involuntarily and chronically expose consumers to the electromagnetic energy emitted by smart meters.

    Over the past three years at this website I have detailed a number of concerns related to utility smart meters including financial costs, privacy invasions, cyber threats, and the increased risk of fires as compared with analog meters. Another concern relates to health risks associated with wireless emissions.

    Based upon my technical review conducted over two years ago, I created a web page that documented support for the assertion that adverse health impacts could be expected due to exposure to wireless emissions from utility smart meters….. SNIP

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    • 26 SEP 16

    When even your socks are connected to everything else

    The Hype Surrounding 5G and Connecting “Everything” Wirelessly
    Posted on September 24, 2016 by SkyVision Solutions
    by K.T. Weaver, SkyVision Solutions


    There has recently been a lot of hype surrounding the planned deployment of 5G wireless technologies in the United States and elsewhere. 5G is considered the next major phase of mobile telecommunications and is expected to be much faster than the currently deployed 3G and 4G communications networks [1]. More importantly, however, 5G is expected to extend far beyond people just communicating on their smartphones; it is planned to connect literally “everything” as part of the Internet of Things (IoT).


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    • 08 SEP 16

    Australia one step closer to smart city standard

    Back in July 18 I posted “Standards Australia/ENA plan to mandate smart meters nationally

    Now, as a directly related development, Australia is in line for an “interoperability standard” for the Internet of Things (Iot) in the so-called “smart city” by creating “a platform to facilitate cutting edge technology solutions to be applied to urban problems”.

    Although not mentioned in the article below, a ubiquitous smart meter mandating-by-stealth is a necessary feature of the smart city concept……SNIP

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    • 28 AUG 16

    Lo And Behold: Reveries of the Connected World

    Lo and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World is a 2016 documentary directed by Werner Herzog. In it, Herzog ponders the existential impact of the Internet, robotics, AI, the Internet of Things, and more on human life.The film premiered at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival,and was sponsored by the company NetScout. The film contains interviews with Bob Kahn, Elon Musk, Sebastian Thrun, and other leaders of the technology world. SNIP

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    • 19 AUG 16

    Canadian Safety Code 6 inadequacies highlighted in new report


    Report of the Standing Committee on Health

    HESA 2015 Recommendations on Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation and the Health of Canadians
    On Tuesday June 9th, 2015 the Standing Committee on Health, whose mandate is to study and report on all matters relating to the mandate, management, and operation of Health Canada, unanimously adopted the final report into their study of Health Canada’s Safety Code 6. During three full days of hearings spread over two months, the ten MP member panel heard from both sides of the issue including leading scientists and doctors from around the world, Health Canada and the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association. (Full testimony and recaps can be found further down on this page)

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    • 27 JUL 16

    FCC + 5G: New “Take Back Your Power” video

    From Josh del Sol, producer of “Take Back Your Power”:

    As promised, today we’re delivering a new YouTube video, “Gestapo In The USA,” which blows the doors off the FCC and 5G story. Here’s the link: …..This is the most important piece I’ve released since Take Back Your Power. Five absolutely remarkable events unfolded at FCC’s July 14 public meeting in DC, where 5G was rubber-stamped. There was shocking intimidation of press and suppression of truth. SNIP

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    • 18 JUL 16

    Standards Australia/ENA plan to mandate smart meters nationally


    Following is an email distributed by Standards Australia today (18 July 2016). Note that the deadline for submissions is 7 August 2016. In my opinion this is an underhanded move to essentially mandate the introduction of smart meters through the Standards Australia process. Will the public interest in regards to potential adverse health issues be included in the discussions? Obviously not. For this reason it is vital for concerned groups and individuals in Australia get on to this issue immediately and lobby for a voice in the Standards Australia process. SNIP

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    • 29 MAR 16

    Smart Meter Fires: Burning meters, burning questions, shocking answers (video)

    This new video from Brian Thiesen is quite literally explosive information which every homeowner needs to know.

    So-called “smart” meters have caused thousands of fires and explosions – such as this fire on Wednesday in Ontario. But corrupt politics and money have swept the whole thing under the rug.

    Brian explains how and why this is all occurring, including reams of evidence and court documents. This is exactly what your utility does not want you to see. Watch now:
    Video topics include:
    Court documents,
    Whistleblower evidence,
    High voltage surges (the removal of the surge arrestors designed to protect your home),
    Lower voltage surges,
    Thinner blades on “smart” meters,
    Remote disconnect issues,
    Bad installations, and
    Installing under load

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    • 19 MAR 16

    A Brave New World Part III: Google’s Surveillance Capitalism

    The Secrets of Surveillance Capitalism

    Governmental control is nothing compared to what Google is up to. The company is creating a wholly new genus of capitalism, a systemic coherent new logic of accumulation we should call surveillance capitalism. Is there nothing we can do?
    Google surpassed Apple as the world’s most highly valued company in January for the first time since 2010. (Back then each company was worth less than 200 billion. Now each is valued at well over 500 billion.) WhileGoogle’s new lead lasted only a few days, the company’s success has implications for everyone who lives within the reach of the Internet. Why? Because Google is ground zero for a wholly new subspecies of capitalism in which profits derive from the unilateral surveillance and modification of human behavior. This is a new surveillance capitalism that is unimaginable outside the inscrutable high velocity circuits of Google’s digital universe, whose signature feature is the Internet and its successors. While the world is riveted by the showdown between Apple and the FBI, the real truth is that the surveillance capabilities being developed by surveillance capitalists are the envy of every state security agency. What are the secrets of this new capitalism, how do they produce such staggering wealth, and how can we protect ourselves from its invasive power?

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    • 18 MAR 16

    A Brave New World Part II: Wi-Fi Aware


    WI-Fi Aware, sounds like an activist group but far from it. It is essentially a concept of social engineering where the corporations designing and building the Internet of Things (IoT) are creating a social order where humans will be totally immersed in a microwave saturated virtual IoT matrix, unable to function outside of it and perhaps with everyone implanted with a RFID chip to always stay connected, even without a smart phone. As Google has said, people who attempt to opt-out will be viewed with suspicion and will need “special attention”.

    But at least we will have all these wonderful toys to play with, at least to the IoT becomes self aware…. Interesting reading here is from the IT tech online magazine: Information Age: Insight and analysis for IT leaders The autonomous Internet of Things: how the IoT will become context-aware and self-sufficient….. Wi-Fi Aware, sometimes shortened to just Aware, is the culmination of a lot of research and development by some of the biggest companies around the world. We’re talking Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, Cisco, and all the other participating members of the Wi-Fi Alliance….. It’s a refined example of the Internet of Things, an idea that describes a network of interconnected devices where all the devices are constantly sending information back and forth without any human involvement.

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    • 15 MAR 16

    A rapid smart meter rollout in NSW and the Greens support it!

    I was forwarded a letter today from New South Wales energy provider AGL announcing a digital meter (smart) roll-out to all its customers. AGL has given less than two weeks notice for people to respond if they do not want a smart meter upgrade.
    Quoting from the AGL brochure:

    “The technology in your electricity meter is over 100 years old. So it’s time for an upgrade. That’s why we’re replacing your old meter with a new digital electricity meter.”

    “AGL is upgrading your electricity meter free of charge. Then, you will no longer need to worry about manual meter reads or estimated bills.”

    “If you would prefer not to be upgraded, simply call us on 1300 669 245 any time before 21 March or visit agl.com.au/upgrade”

    Interestingly the website mentioned on the brochure is incorrect. SNIP

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    • 14 MAR 16

    A Brave New World: The Internet of Things (IoT)

    In Aldous Huxley’s classic 1931 SciFi novel Brave New World he envisions a dystopian society where human life has been almost entirely industrialized – controlled by a few people at the top of a World State. A future where human beings are socially conditioned (or programmed) according to the society’s strict caste system, an antiseptic and dehumanized society.

    And now consider another brave new world as envisioned by Google’s Eric Schmidt(1) and Jared Cohen (2) in The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business

    (1) executive chairman of Google
    (2) director of Google Ideas

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    • 20 FEB 16

    IMPORTANT: #TEDxBerkeley

    Published on Feb 18, 2016

    A Silicon-valley engineer turned technology health advocate, Jeromy Johnson discusses our attachment to technology and the health hazards such an addiction may hold.

    Jeromy Johnson is an expert in mitigating the negative impacts of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) exposure. He has a leading website on the topic and consults with individuals, families and organizations around the world to implement solutions that reduce and eliminate EMF pollution. Jeromy has an advanced degree in Civil Engineering and has worked in Silicon Valley for 15 years. After becoming what medical doctors call “Electro-hypersensitive” (EHS) in 2011 after extensive exposure to EMF radiation, he embarked on a journey of regaining his own health and educating others to critically evaluate theirs.

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    • 11 FEB 16

    Insurance Underwriting Offices across the US are contemplating new rules that will specifically deny coverage for fires and damage caused by ‘smart’ meters.

    Due to the accumulation of fire related damage to homes and businesses from Smart Meter related malfunctions, Insurance Underwriting Offices across the country are contemplating new rules that will reduce the coverage available to you due to fire damage from a Smart Meter failure.

    In the past, only two reasons existed for an insurance company to consider not paying for fire damage to your home or business, they were arson, and the fact the home or business sat vacant for at least 60 days or more before the fire.

    Now a possible third reason can be added to that list, is the malfunction of a Smart Meter. What will most likely take place is that you will receive a notification from your Insurance Company telling you that a new limitation of coverage is now in force on your policy. When fire damage occurs to your home or business and the cause of the fire can be traced to a malfunction of your Smart Meter, then your company would not be held responsible for the financial loss.

    The reason for this type of Draconian action on the part of the Insurance industry is simple, to save money. It appears that as the Smart Meters age, more problems are developing with them. When you couple this with the continued lack of co-operation from the Utility Companies, a reduction in the amount of coverage for an insurance policy is the only remaining answer.

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    • 11 FEB 16

    AGL releases plans for smart meter installation in NSW and South Australia

    From Stop Smart Meters Australia:

    Victoria was the trial state [in Australia], Tasmania made it optional but didn’t confirm health was at risk with a smart meter installation. Now South Australia and New South Wales seem to be the next states to push smart meters.

    Despite the fact that AGL decided to hide the term ‘smart meters’ in their FAQ page, it is clearly spelled out on their website: Smart meters are coming to SA and NSW! Billing accuracy and monitoring are being sold to their customers as benefits. There have been many stories about raised bills with smart meters and very few of them actually lowering bills, so be careful there.

    It seems the term ‘Smart Meter’, which now has much negativity associated with it, is being avoided as much as possible to not alarm customers. The term ‘Digital Meter’ is used instead.

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    • 13 JAN 16

    ‘Smart’ Meters Represent Industrial Profiteering and Government Sanctioned Surveillance, New Study Says

    From a new post on Smart Grid Awareness


    Posted on January 11, 2016 by SkyVision Solutions
    by K.T. Weaver, SkyVision Solutions

    Consumer Dataveillance by Smart MetersIn an article from December 31st, I wrote that ‘Smart’ Meters Generate a ‘Gold Mine of Data’ for Utilities and that they provide a ‘gateway’ to the home.

    To better understand the full nature of this “data gold mining” and the motives behind it, I will highlight portions of a newly published paper, “The Neoliberal Politics of ‘Smart’: Electricity Consumption, Household Monitoring, and the Enterprise Form.” The authors are from Portland State University.

    As we have previously observed, utility smart meters expose the consumer and society to tremendous threats and risks. To those who objectively study the issues, it is almost incomprehensible at to why our government officials continue to allow utility smart meter deployments. The latest paper, published this past November, offers additional insight for the underlying reasons of why smart meter deployments persist in spite of the dangers.

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    • 04 NOV 15

    Goodbye to the “Smart Grid” and hello to the “Hello Grid”

    It had to come: The smart grid industry’s slick public relations campaign to make the smart grid (read: smart meters) more palatable to the uninformed public. To this end, their public relations spin merchants have come up with a brilliant new term for the smart grid. Now its called the “Hello Grid”. Perhaps we can even now call the troublesome smart meter the ‘hello meter’.

    My suggestion is to simply drop the “o”….. Read on.

    NOTE: If the link to this posting does not work please just go to my website www.emfacts.com to access the post.


    Hello Grid is an initiative to share with the community more about the way energy networks across Australia work, and of the exciting changes that are taking place in the system. This intricate system of transmission towers, substations, transformers, poles, wires and smart technology, along with all the people who maintain and manage the infrastructure provides an important service to the community – and is likely to be the vital gateway to a smart and clean energy future.


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    • 03 NOV 15

    Triggering Agents of Electromagnetic Sensitivity

    From Patricia Burke:

    Published on Mar 5, 2015
    Triggering Agents of Electromagnetic Sensitivity, a presentation and Q&A by Dr. William Rea, M.D.. Dr. Rea presented his compelling evidence and recommendations for a healthier world at Creating Safe Havens in a Toxic, Electromagnetic World, a conference hosted by the International Institute for Building-Biology & Ecology. http://building-biology.org
    46 minutes video

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    • 01 NOV 15

    California’s Public Utilities Commission knew radio frequencies from smart meters affected people’s health

    From André Fauteux and Stop Smart Meters Australia


    California’s Public Utilities Commission knew radio frequencies from smart meters affected people’s health
    Posted on November 1, 2015 by Stop Smart Meters Australia

    People who have become intolerant to electromagnetic fields (EMF) should be allowed to keep their electromechanical (analog) meter rather than be imposed a “smart” electronic (digital) meter emitting radiofrequencies (RFs), the former President of the the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) admitted in a 2010 email recently seized by authorities thanks to a search warrant. Michael Peevey’s email was sent to none other than Brian Cherry, Vice President of the big energy supplier Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), based in San Francisco. In January 2015, investigators from the Office of the California Attorney General seized their computers as part of a criminal investigation on possible collusion and corruption in the appointment of a judge favorable to a rate increase request generating PG&E $1.3 billion in extra revenues.

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