• 05 DEC 13

    Boosting sleep ‘may slow memory rot’: Think of the implications for nightime smart meter RF exposure

    Boosting sleep ‘may slow memory rot’
    By James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News

    It may be possible to slow the decline in memory and learning as we age by tackling poor sleep, researchers hope. Their study, in the journal Nature Neuroscience, has revealed an intimate relationship between an ageing brain, sleep and memory. Experiments showed that changes in the ageing brain damaged the quality of deep sleep, this in turn hampered the ability to store memories. Scientists want to test ways of boosting sleep to halt memory decline. Wisdom may come with age, but both the brain and the body take the strain of time. Many people will be aware that both their memory and sleep are not as good as in their earlier years. Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, said it was unknown whether changes in the brain, sleep and memory were all separate signs of ageing or deeply connected. They performed a series of experiments on 36 people – an even split of those in their twenties and their seventies.

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    • 02 DEC 13

    The Energy Networks Association to publish a web-based brochure on the smart meter health controversy

    On November 12th just before my trip to New Zealand I send out a post saying that I would be unable to attend the ACEBR Science & Wireless 2013 seminar in Melbourne on November 27
    I noted the smart meter presentation to be given at the ACEBR event by Richard Hoy, representing the Energy Networks Association (ENA) and wondered if the ENA presentation would address the smart meter health effects issue.

    According to several people who attended the event, Mr. Hoy mentioned a number of places that now have smart meter opt outs “with hindsight” and that sometimes consumers had to pay extra for this. As for health effects a variety of statements were made such as “basically everybody is pretty much in agreement” that there are no effects, and that there is “no scientific basis” for electrosensitivity (EHS), whilst mentioning provocation studies. Mr. Hoy did mention at the end of his presentation however, that “some research could be worthwhile”.

    Apparently Hoy’s big announcement was that ENA is formalizing a web-based brochure on smart meters and their possible health effects.

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    • 01 DEC 13

    New Zealand smart electricity grid presentation now available on-line

    The pdf of my recent Powerpoint presentation examining problems with the smart grid is now available at http://www.emfacts.com/download/New_Zealand_pres.pdf

    Titled “The Smart Electricity Grid, Claims, Pitfalls, and Unintended
    the 90 minute presentation (including question time) was given at public meetings in Christchurch NZ on November 26th and Auckland on 28 Nov.


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    • 11 NOV 13

    Radio interview: How to deal with Smart Meter authorities legally in Victoria.

    Australian Radio Interview 3mdr 97.1fm – Thurs. 14 November 9.30 a.m.

    Independent Media Broadcast Journalist Judy-Ann Steed Interviews Darryl O’Brien from the Law Resources Group On her current affair program,
    Judy-Ann & Company on 3mdr 97.1fm,

    This Thursday14 November 9.30 a.m.
    live to air & streaming Thursdays 9 till 11 a.m.

    Darryl will discuss how to deal with Smart Meter authorities legally.

    Some contractors and Electricity companies are using bullying tactics, coercing and generally putting fear into people who don’t want smart meters by threatening to have their power cut disconnected if they refuse to have the meter installed. So far those submitting medical evidence about their health concerns or refusal have been met with a resounding rebuff from authorities, responsible for implementing smart meter roll out.

    Judy-Ann has also been told she ‘must’ have a smart meter and is one of the estimated more than 44,000 households who have voiced their opposition to having a smart meter installed, whether invasion of privacy, hacking, health and/ or Electromagnetic Frequency concerns.

    If you miss the interview, log on to 3mdr.com to programs, then to Judy-Ann & Company Thursday, where
    you can listen to get some legal pointers.

    Judy-Ann Steed
    3mdr 97.1fm
    Broadcast Journalist & Advocate
    Live & Streaming online
    Thursdays 9 till 11 a.m.

    Ph: 03 5968 1139
    Mobile: 0418 37 4776
    Email: jas@judyanns.com
    Web: judyanns.com

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    • 09 NOV 13

    Wireless Smart Meter Case Studies in Victoria, Australia

    Founded in 1965 as a non-profit medical association, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) is an international organization of physician and scientists interested in the complex relationship between the environment and health.

    AAEM physicians and physicians world-wide are treating patients who report adverse, debilitating health effects following the installation of smart meters,which emit electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) and radiofrequencies (RF).

    The peer reviewed, scientific literature demonstrates the correlation between EMF/RF exposure and neurological, cardiac, and pulmonary disease as well as reproductive disorders, immune dysfunction, cancer and other health conditions. The evidence is irrefutable. Despite this research, claims have been made that studies correlating smart meter emissions with adverse health effects do not exist.

    The AAEM has received a case series submitted by Dr. Federica Lamech, MBBS, Self-Reporting of Symptom Development from Exposure to Wireless Smart Meters’ Radiofrequency Fields in Victoria. AAEM supports this research. It is a well documented 92 case series that is scientifically valid. It clearly demonstrates adverse health effects in the human population from smart meter emissions.


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    • 05 NOV 13

    Doctor Reports That Wireless Smart Meters Cause Illness

    From TheTruthAboutSmartGrids.org

    According to Dr. Amy Dean, “The claim has been made that smart meters are safe and that no health risks exist. However, [the] industry has not conducted independent studies or investigations to verify that claim.”

    Dr. Dean is an Ann Arbor, Michigan, physician and the most recent past president for the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM).

    “Recently, the AAEM received a 92-case series from outside the United States for review regarding smart meter health effects,” Dean said. “Based on this research, it appears that there is a direct correlation between smart meter installation and the development of health conditions such as insomnia, fatigue, headaches, cognitive disturbance and other symptoms. Many of these are the same symptoms correlated with EMF and RF exposure found in the scientific literature.”

    “It was clear to me when reviewing the scientific literature that these fields have a definite impact on the human body and can cause disease,” Dean said.


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    • 31 OCT 13

    UN Ruling on public participation on environmental issues has implications for the smart meter rollout in Europe

    Article 7 of the UN Aarhus Convention requires full and effective public participation on all environmental issues and demands that citizens are given the right to participate in the process and achieve justice on environmental matters. As of 2 April 2013, there were 46 Parties to the Convention. This takes in most of Western Europe and many of the former Eastern European former Soviet bloc nations.

    Considering that the UK and Ireland are two of the signatories to this convention, while smart meters are being rolled out in these countries with no consultation or input from the public, perhaps this could also be considered a violation of Article 7? Australia is not a signatory to the convention but at least it can be said that the current Victorian forced smart meter rollout is in contravention with a UN Convention on human rights.

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    • 30 OCT 13

    Does Swinburne University have a conflict of interest in smart meter sleep reserarch?

    It is perhaps inevitable that sooner or later some of that $5 million set aside for RF research in Australia will be used to investigate the alleged health problems now being widely reported by people after a smart meter was installed on their homes, especially when it is near a bedroom.

    I have previously questioned on this list the suitability of ACRBR to do this research. But what about the Bioelectromagnetics Research Group, part of Swinbourne University’s Brain and Psychological Sciences Research Centre? They certainly have the expertise and facilities to do such research.

    If such research was undertaken and an adverse effect on sleep quality is found and replicated, the implications would be profound and the very possibility of such findings would be seen as a definite threat to the multi-$$$ billion global development of the smart grid and all that it entails. Perhaps this is the real reason why this research has not yet been done.

    It states on the Brain and Psychological Sciences Research Centre: “Our research staff are actively involved in teaching and engaged with industry and the community”. Therefore, what would happen if the interests of the community and industry collide, which may be the case with smart meter sleep research?

    Does Swinbourne University have a vested interest in smart energy technology that could bias its research outcomes?

    Read on……..

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    • 29 OCT 13

    Sleep ‘cleans’ the brain of toxins: Implications for smart meter exposures

    The brain uses sleep to wash away the waste toxins built up during a hard day’s thinking, researchers have shown.

    The US team believe the “waste removal system” is one of the fundamental reasons for sleep.

    Their study, in the journal Science, showed brain cells shrink during sleep to open up the gaps between neurons and allow fluid to wash the brain clean.

    They also suggest that failing to clear away some toxic proteins may play a role in brain disorders.

    One big question for sleep researchers is why do animals sleep at all when it leaves them vulnerable to predators?

    It has been shown to have a big role in the fixing of memories in the brain and learning, but a team at the University of Rochester Medical Centre believe that “housework” may be one of the primary reasons for sleep.

    “The brain only has limited energy at its disposal and it appears that it must choose between two different functional states – awake and aware or asleep and cleaning up,” said researcher Dr Maiken Nedergaard.

    “You can think of it like having a house party. You can either entertain the guests or clean up the house, but you can’t really do both at the same time.”


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    • 28 OCT 13

    Ulster County legislature hearings in smart meters

    Of the many Youtube videos circulating on smart meter problems this one struck a cord with me as it is in the county in New York state where i lived until the early 1970s. The same situation as what is now taking place in Victoria, Australia and with the same symptoms being reported. When are we going to see independent sleep research being conducted on what is looking like an emerging global public health nightmare?


    As reported in Burgerwelle News

    From the video:

    Ulster County N.Y. Legislature asked to hold hearings on smart meters

    More than a dozen people speak in opposition to the new smart meters being installed by Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. and implore ULster County law makers to investigate rthis horrendous technology, which they say is making them and many other county residents ill.

    Symptoms include:

    Insomnia, spiking headaches, vertigo, muscle spasm, chest pain, asthma, anxiety, depression, neck pain, dizziness, irregular heartbeat.

    This video was recorded at the Ulster County Legislature monthly meeting in Kingston, New York on October 22 at the Ulster County office building in Kingston.

    See the video here

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    • 22 OCT 13

    Victoria’s smart meter risk/benefit decision

    For the past few weeks I have been in communication with a Melbourne resident who is having severe health impacts ever since a smart meter was installed next to her bedroom. Her case is mentioned in the blog message: http://www.emfacts.com/2013/10/smart-meter-denials-and-the-good-german-syndrome-2/

    She recently wrote to Nicholas Kotsiras, the Victorian Minister for Energy and Resources, explaining her unfortunate experience with the smart meter.She received a reply from Tim Rose, the Energy and Resources Advisor for the Minister.

    In that letter, Mr Rose states that the current Victorian Coalition Government has based its decision to continue the rollout of smart meters (started by the previous government) on advice from the Auditor-General, who stated in his report on smart meters that” “If the project’s emerging risks delay the installation of smart meters, it is likely that consumers will face further cost increases and gain fewer benefits.”

    Thank God I do not live in Victoria……


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    • 19 OCT 13

    Asian ‘smart meter’ corporations charged with tax evasion

    From The Australian, October 3, 2013

    Note in the following article that The Hong Kong–based Cheung Kong group owns 51% of Citipower and Powercor in Victoria, corporations aggressively rolling out smart meters in the state. If billionaire owner LI Ka-shing and his group of companies go to the extent of actively evading their tax liabilities to Australia can they be trusted to be in control of Australia’s energy assets and do they really give a damn about their smart meter rollout harming the health of Victorians. Of course not, its all about maximizing foreign control over Australia’s energy assets and sucking as much profits out of our country as they can. So much for the claim that privatization promotes competition and lower prices.


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    • 17 OCT 13

    Update on the Victorian smart meter removal controversy

    Following is an update to my previous posting, “Direct Action in Victoria: Smart meter removed by homeowner and returned to Powercor”. It was sent in by subscriber Alan Manson to post here.

    Some of you may not be aware of this news, but a young father named Jason removed his Smart Meter and replaced it with an Analogue Meter and then returned his Smart Meter to Powercor last Monday. He did this because the Smart Meter’s radiation was affecting the health of his young daughter. You can view the three videos of Jason’s Smart Meter removal and of its replacement here…..I am simply offering this information to inform those of you who have expressed a desire to know the legal position of anyone who removes their Smart Meter and replaces it with an Analogue Meter.

    Alan Manson


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    • 14 OCT 13

    Direct Action in Victoria: Smart meter removed by homeowner and returned to Powercor.

    This is the second case that I know of where a smart meter was removed by a home owner in Victoria. Is this the start of a direct action trend by frustrated Victorians? And how will Powercor respond?

    Email forwarded on by Richard L.:

    Some of you may or may not be aware that a young father was becoming very concerned about the way his daughter’s health was being affected by the Smart Meter fitted to her bedroom wall. He requested that Powercor remove the meter; however his pleas brought no satisfaction, so he warned them that if they did not come and remove the meter, he would remove it himself.

    Jason removed the meter and he replaced it with an analogue meter. Today, Jason took the Smart Meter back to Powercor with 15 others (including me) supporting him.


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    • 14 OCT 13

    Smart Meter and Personal Wireless Services Facilities Notice of Liability and Inaction

    From Karen Nold, Means For Change

    Hello EMF Awareness Groups,

    The below link will lead you to the Smart Meter and Personal Wireless Services Facilities Notice of Liability and Inaction recently delivered to 378 Washington State Government Officials and Professional Leaders regarding the need for public health agencies in Washington State to recognize the harmful effects of non-ionizing radiation; and for legislators to initiate an immediate safety review of RFR and a moratorium on installations of smart meters and Personal Wireless Services Facilities, until determined safe.

    This is being sent to you in case it helps to further any efforts you are currently working on and or it brings to your attention an area of great concern which needs immediate action. Please forward this to all groups, family and friends in Washington State so they can complete and mail the Notice of Support for Legislative Action to their District Legislator.


    In Health, Karen Nold, Means For Change

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    • 08 OCT 13

    Power Takeover: Are smart meters part of the largest corporate scam in history?

    From Josh del Sol, Director & Producer, Take Back Your Power


    Barack Obama: “Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.” (scene from Take Back Your Power)On January 17, 2008, President Barack Obama famously said, “Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”[1] It’s now clear that the so-called “smart” utility meter is the core culprit technology in the scheme to which Obama was referring. But this is just the tip of the rather alarming iceberg unveiled in our new feature film Take Back Your Power (www.takebackyourpower.net).

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    • 23 SEP 13

    A must see smart meter Youtube video

    Don’s note: I personally have problems with some of these US style Youtube clips that mix in other conspiracy theories with the main topic. I do not endorse some of the right-wing statements made in this video. Just focus on the smart meter info. as I do! Don **************************************************************************************** From Edward Parker: SmartMeters A-Z …

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    • 21 SEP 13

    Would You Want to Live in this Smart Meter Home?

    There is a saying that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Utilities sometimes like to downplay concerns about wireless smart meters by explaining that the meters are normally mounted to the outside of the home and that most of the RF radiation emitted from the meter should be directed away from the home. Without taking the time to dispute the relevance of that possible assertion at this juncture, what about the “real life” situation pictured below where the smart meter is not directed “away” from the home? Should a smart meter be mandated for this home? Would you want to sleep in the bedroom pictured below? Would you want your young children to sleep in the room labeled as the Main Bedroom?

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    • 19 SEP 13

    Grid electrical pollution (dirty power) and smart meters

    From Sam Milham

    Dear Don,

    In the last couple of winters, I have made dozens of measurements of electrical pollution in the grid, building wiring, the earth and in the air with a 2 channel Fluke 199 B oscilloscope in southern California where over 2 million smart meters have been deployed. The ground measurement uses 40 feet of wire between two ground probes (screw drivers). The building wiring measurements look at the 60 Hz wave form and the electrical pollution (dirty electricity) riding on it after passing it through a high pass filter. The primary neutral to earth voltage (PNEV) is measured between the utility transformer ground wire at the base of a power pole and a ground probe connected to it by 40 feet of wire. The air measurements use a collapsible 23 inch antenna attached to an oscilloscope BNC terminal.

    The bad news is that a 50 KHz signal is present everywhere in urban and very rural areas, in the grid, in the earth, in building and house wiring, in the PNEV, and in the air. It originates in the switching power supplies of smart meters. The type of smart meter doesn’t seem to matter. The oscilloscope peaks match exactly, for the two meters being studied simultaneously. The ground voltage is higher in areas where smart meters have been deployed.

    Best, sam

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    • 18 SEP 13

    Is the Tasmanian Government telling us the real facts about a Tasmanian smart meter rollout?

    Published in the Tasmanian Times,
    By Don Maisch PhD. First published September 16

    On 26 May 2013, an inaugural public information meeting was held in Hobart about the proposed Tasmanian Government’s introduction of a smart electricity grid throughout the state.

    Ref: http://tasmaniantimes.com/index.php?/pr-article/public-meeting-on-smart-meters/

    Central to the government’s proposal is the replacement of the existing analogue power meters with so called “smart meters” that wirelessly transmit energy usage back to the utility and give the consumer ‘real-time’ data on their energy usage. No longer will the energy provider need to employ meter readers to physically go from house to house to record electricity use – it will all be done wirelessly.

    The organizers of the May 26 public meeting were concerned that the people of Tasmania were not receiving balanced information on the extent of claimed benefits and the pitfalls of introducing a smart grid in the state. This imbalance is illustrated in the Tasmanian government’s November 2012 information paper, Electricity Smart Networks which paints a glowing future for a rollout of an integrated smart grid throughout Tasmania.


    Read the full article here

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