There are 12 files, weighing 3.1 MiB with 52,033 hits in Older papers (pre 2002).

Displaying 1 to 12 of 12 files.

Older papers (pre 2002)

  Mobile Phone Use: it’s time to take precautions
» 134.7 KiB - 5,391 hits - April 26, 2001
Reasons why mobile phone users need to precautions with their mobile phone usage. JACNEM, Vol. 20, No. 1.

  Pseudo-iron deficiency and EMF exposure
» 732.2 KiB - 3,644 hits - March 15, 2001
Report on: Pseudo-iron deficiency in a French population living near high-voltage transmission lines: A dilemma for clinicians, Maisch D (edited).

  The Ross House substation case
» 194.9 KiB - 4,404 hits - February 18, 1999
Workcare compensation case, Melbourne Victoria, 1991-1992. Workplace Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) symptoms attributed to exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) due to close proximity to an electrical substation

  CFS and EMF exposure (A hypothesis)
» 37.7 KiB - 5,910 hits - December 28, 1998
CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME - Is prolonged exposure to environmental level powerline frequency electromagnetic fields a co-factor to consider in treatment? JACNEM, Vol. 17, No. 2; Dec. 1998. Co-authors: B. Rapley, R.E. Rowland, J. Podd.

  Submissions to Standards Australia on adopting the ICNIRP radio frequency exposure limits for Australia and New Zealand
» 274.3 KiB - 2,488 hits - July 24, 1998
Submissions to Standards Australia on adopting the ICNIRP radio frequency exposure limits for Australia and New Zealand. ICNIRP RF/MW Guidelines for Australia / New Zealand July 24, 1998

  An overview of three powerfrequency studies
» 54.4 KiB - 6,752 hits - June 8, 1998
Powerline Frequency Electromagnetic Fields and Human Health - Is it the time to end further research? JACNEM, Vol. 17, No. 1 (co-author B. Rapley)

  Case histories
» 213.4 KiB - 2,479 hits - January 16, 1998
A number of case histories that indicate prolonged exposure to environmental level powerline frequency electromagnetic fields can impair immune system function.

  The Breast Cancer/EMF connection
» 268.5 KiB - 4,174 hits - October 27, 1997
Melatonin, Tamoxifen, 50-60 Hertz Electromagnetic Fields and Breast Cancer, an Australian Senate discussion Paper, 27 October 1997 (published in Hansard)

  Electromagnetics Forum, Vol.1, No. 4.
» 317.0 KiB - 3,705 hits - October 12, 1997
A News Report on the Health Effects of Electromagnetic Energy.Volume 1, No. 4. Nov. 1997

  Electromagnetics Forum, Vol.1, No. 3.
» 416.1 KiB - 4,139 hits - September 15, 1997
A News Report on the Health Effects of Electromagnetic Energy.Volume 1, No. 3. Sept. 1997

  Electromagnetics Forum, Vol.1, No. 2.
» 250.4 KiB - 5,432 hits - July 9, 1997
An EMFacts News Report on the Health Effects of Electromagnetic Energy. May 1997.

  Electromagnetics Forum, Vol.1, No.1
» 262.0 KiB - 3,515 hits - December 15, 1996
An EMFacts News Report on the Health Effects of Electromagnetic Energy. Dec. 1996.